House of Gundulić/Gondola

House of Gundulić/Gondola

The Gundulić or Gondola family ("Gundulić" is the Croatian rendition; "Gondola" is the Romance Dalmatian and Italian rendition) were an old noble family from Dubrovnik (Ragusa), with origins in southern Croatia and the Tyrol. They are considered as one of the most prestigious families of the Republic of Ragusa.


Originally from Lucca, the family arrived in Ragusa around 930, with the king Pavlimir.

In the 13th century, three generations of this family took leading roles in the public life in Dubrovnik.

Three hundred years later, the poet Ivan Gundulić 1589-1638 (Giovanni Gondola, son of Francesco di Francesco Gondola (+1624) and Dziva Gradi, who died in 1624, had been "knez" five times) became the most significant person in the Gundulic family, being named the Count in Konavle in 1615 and 1619. In 1634 he became a senator. At the end of 1638 he was elected to the Small Parliament but died before he was able to take office. Ivan married with Nicoletta de Sorgo +1644, daughter of Sigismondo de Sorgo.

Giovannis son, Francesco, served the Austrian Empire and Polish King Jan III Sobieski in 1683, defeating the Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Vienna. The family then obtained fiefdoms from Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor. The others sons Sigismondo (Sisko, *1632, + 1 January 1682) and Matteo, spent several years in the military service of the Spanish Habsburg, after his return to Ragusa (ambasciatore di Ragusa alla Porta ottomana 1672-1674(fol. 8088)(Relazione dello stato della religione nelle parti della europa sotoposte al dominio turco), Matteo was in Turkey for 28 months until 1674, written in Rome in 1675, later Matteo married a nonnoble, but had no children, he was many times elected Rector/knez of Ragusa.

The members of these lines follow.

The Giovanni Gondola/Ivan Gundulić lineage

This line begins with the sons of Giovanni Francesco Gondola /Ivan Gundulic) and Nicoletta de Sorgo (+1644), with the two of the three brothers:Francesco Gondola, (c.1630-1700) Generalfeldwachtmeister, July 271682 and Feldmarschall-Leutnant in September 41685 who married first with Maria de Bobali (daughter of Marino de Bobali), who died soon with the first child, later he married with Maria Victoria (Octavia) Condezza di Strozzi ("granddaughter of General Strozzi and honorary dame of Empress") 22 April 1674 ("d.d. 257, 80, folio 282 Neues Jahrbuch"), have two children, Francesco Antonio Gondola, (without descendants of male), who die in 1717, in the familiar palace of the city of ViennaRenngasse”, and Segismondo Gondole. The another branch, the brother of Francesco Gondola,Segismondo Gondola(1632-1684), in 1668 married with "Catterina De Nale" (Kate Nalješković), have four children and one daughter. Francesco GondolaII k.k General der Cav., Giovanni di Sigismondo Gondola c.1678 +1721, married with Lucrecia de Bona, Hieronymus Gondola married with María Francizca Countess von Khuen, Segismondo Gondola II (c.1682 +1758) married with Ursula Ghetaldi, had 4 sons: the oldest Sisko Domenico (mentioned above), Fran, Fran Incacije and Dzivo Fran, and 2 daughters: Catterina,who was married with Frano Ghetaldi, and Ursula,who was unmarried, and Nicoletta de Gondola, she married in 1697 with Pietro de Sorgo ( her grandson by the name Pietro de Sorgo-Cerva, credited for having Gundulic`Osman). Francesco Gondola married with Maria Ana [u] Kisserrnyi * Serenyi, 3 February 1684 and die 25 December 1711 in Viena, married in 24 April 1710, few days after born your son, obtains the fiefdoms in June 21 1719, (with the lands of Trpanj or Trappano) after his death his son, don't could inherits, by his condition Francesco Giuseppe Gondola, who was born in Vienna 16 December 1711 and dies 5 March 1774 archbishop of Paderborner Dom (1752 - 1764), and Franz Anton von Gondola (+1764) married in Graz 25 July 1760 with Josefa Countess von Rindsmaul(*28 June 1740 + 14 July 1802 Graz) inherits the fiefdoms, they had only a daughter Maria Anna Gondola, she married with Count Veit Dominik v.Wolkenstein, as well holds the fiefdoms until his death in 1764, his cousin, son of Segismondo (II),*1684 + 1758, *Segismondo Domenico de Gondola February 6 1712 died in Ragusa January 15 1800holds the fiefdoms (married with Francesca di Bona died in Ragusa February 22 1785, not have any children.

In 1787, Segismondo adopted Francesco Ghetaldi-Gondola, the son of his sister Catterina Gondola October 12 1709 and died December 26 1787. Catterina married Matheo Ghetaldi (son of Matheo Ghetaldi *1682 + 1754; and Countess María Pozza di Zagorien) (December 30, 1705–March 13, 1776). The testamentary condition took place in 1799, adopting the surname Gondola. Other dispositions of Sigismondo Domenico was protect to the daughters of Matheo de Ghetaldi and Catterina de Gondola, Ursola de Ghetaldi (*January 7 1748) (married with Natale de Saracca *29 September 1727) and Maria de Ghetaldi (married with Michele de Zamagna * 1741) with let they lived in your respective house.* []

Ghetaldi-Gondola (Getaldić-Gundulić) family

*Francesco Ghetaldi-Gondola was born in Ragusa October 20, 1743 and died December 17, 1798. Francesco married in 1794 with Maria de Natali("sestra Dziva Natali") (*1774 - +1861). The sons of Francesco were Matheo and Segismondo.

:* Matheo Ghetaldi-Gondola (August 23, 1797, date of death unknown] ).

:* Segismondo Ghetaldi-Gondola (September 4, 1795–May 5, 1860) married Malvina Orsole Bosdari(*1811 - + April 17, 1844;("per le nozze delle sorelle Bosdari coi signori Ghetaldi (Biagio) e Gondola (Sigismondo), Capitolo di Nicolo Lovellio. 1828" "umrla je 17. travnja 1844. a kao uzrok smrti navodi se u knjizi"). In 1845, the Austrian government granted the title of baron ("Freiherr") to Segismondo (Podestà of Ragusa). His sons were Francesco, Maria, and Giovanni.

::* Francesco Ghetaldi-Gondola (II)August 8, 1833, was the knight of the Maltegian line (Knights Hospitaller) from 1889 until the death of the minister of Dubrovnik. Unmarried, Francesco died in Dubrovnik on July 3, 1899. He was distiguide with the Devotion's cross (S.M.O) in June 15 1857. He fought in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). In 1893, he opened the monument for Ivan Gundulic in Piazza Gundulic (Gondola) ("Bürgermeister von Ragusa" after "Präsident des Landwirthshafts-Vereines zu Ragusa"). Francesco was buried in the St. Mihailo cemetery (family cemetery) in Lapad (the Gruz district).

::*Maria Ghetaldi-Gondola (born July 10, 1837, "date of death unknown"), lived in Venice, Italy around 1906. Her first marriage (of two) was to Anton Lunda ("Anton Josef") (18 January 1830(Lemberg) (Galizien)+ 29 March 1894, Sofia, Bulgaria), it soon divorced of Anton Lunda . The next husband was ?. He was Oberstlieutenant des Genie-Stabes (rank since 20 Mai 1871) noted as "in techn. u. administrat. Militär-Comité". He had been awarded the Militär Verdienst Kreuz (MVK) and lived in Ofen (1854 Hauptmann Bocche di Cattaro, zu Castelnuovo, 1856 Hauptmann first class, 1 February 1867 major to Befestigungs-Bau Director of Jaraslau (Poland). Anton Lunda left the military service on 21 November 1875 (to be exact, he was fired because he got financial problems and maybe he also was in a personal crisis). Since then he worked as a civil engineer, the last 3 years of his life he was in Sofia, where he died unexpectedly. "Am 5. Jänner 1874 wird Anton Lunda dem technischen und administrativen Militär-Comité mit der Bestimmung für besondere Verwendung zugeteilt. Aus diesem Jahr gibt es im Kriegsarchiv auch einige Dokumente zur Schuldensituation. Maria Lunda suchte an, aus ihrer Heiratskaution alle möglichen Zahlungen zu tätigen (z.B. Leibrentenvertrag mit den Nachkommen des verstorbenen k.k. Majors Josef Salmutter, einen Jakob Ruschieder, der die Heiratskaution exekutieren wollte) und wurde dabei von Dr. Franz Ritter von Haberler, Hof- und Gerichtsadvokat in Wien 1, Hoher Marckt 1, vertreten. Die langatmigen Schriftwechsel und Gerichtsakte sind beeindruckend,"The first son:

::: *Vittorio Lunda (born December 18, 1856, date of death unknown), was born in Ragusa (Dubrovnik), in 1872 Vittorio was badly injured (he got into the engine of a steam ship and lost one leg). After that, Vittorio attended the Handelsakademie in Vienna. He was lived in Palermo Italy (1906).She married in second time with ?:The second son:::: *Giovanni Ferry de Gondola, landowner, he born in Trieste, c. 1871, he died April 281933, South America, Chile. -, he move to U.S.A, New York in the year 1893 for political problems, after his uncle opened the monument for Ivan Gundulic, departure from the Hamburg port 26 October 1893, in the ship "Gothia", he travel to Southamerica, Argentina and Chile, he married first with Sofía Morel and they had one daugther; Merian Sofìa Ferry Morel, +1990, after the death of the first wife, Giovanni married with Luz Veloz Da Fonseca, +1966, they had 5 children: Juan Ferry Veloz, Fernando Ferry Veloz (+1975), Hernán Ferry Veloz (+2008), Irma Ferry Veloz (*1922), Elsa Ferry Veloz (*1924), she married with Umberto Matteucci Solimano (*1924 +1981) in 1945, they had 3 children.

:: *Giovanni Ghetaldi-Gondola (April 15, 1835–March 31, 1891 was Commandant and oberstlieutenant in MarineSpital in the city of Pola (Pula) and later, postcontroller of the Austrian Empire in Graz. He married Camilla Maria Dorninger von Dornstrauch (May 27, 1843–February 17, 1905), who was born in Salzburg and died in Graz, Austria. She was owner since 1890 of a Sanatorium called Gondola, in the adressed of Körblergasse 43, in Graz (now with the name Hansa Sanatorium), for a health childrens, until her death in 1905, she left the Sanatorium in her will to Dr.Fiedrich Hansa..* [] . Her father was General Major Johann Dorninger von Dornstrauch (August 17, 1808 in Bruck (Gutsbesitzer) + January 25, 1868) Oberstlieutenant (1856), Oberst and Commandant (1857) 17 k.k infanterie regiment, General Mayor February 1, 1868, "ad hon.u.pens"), he was granted with the predicate "von Dornstrauch" in 1857, Camilla had a brother, Robert Dorninger von Dornstrauch,*23 January 1847, Salzburg. Giovanni and Camilla had three children, Malvina, Segismondo, and Anna:

:::*Malvina María Ana Ghetaldi-Gondola (September 30, 1862– April 1903), was born in Cattaro and died in Graz (Unqualified).

:::*Segismondo Francesco Giuseppe Maria Ghetaldi-Gondola (November 22, 1863–May 30, c. 1886), was born in Merano Maia Bassa, k.k oberlietenant des Matrosen-Korps (i.r tenente del Corpo Marinai a Ragusa), between 1884-1885, the embarkment in the trip of instruction for naval officers in the corvetteAurora”, under command by captain Victor Bousquet, visiting South America, Brazil and Argentina (Die Reise S.M. Corvette 'Aurora' nach Brasilien und den La Plata-Staaten in den Jahren 1884-1885, Amt, Victor Bousquet. In 1886 when Sigmund had 24 years old, he died by brain tumor, in the Sanatorium of your mother in Graz.

:::*Anna Johanna Maria Ghetaldi-Gondola (March 6, 1865– date of death unknown), was born in Cattaro. She married in Graz November 27 1888 Francesco (Fery) Fedrigoni Edler v. Etschthal born June 27 1858 in Battonya in Hungary Heimatzuständigkeit Graz.;August 8, 1914). Commandant d. Inf. Reg. Erzherzog Joseph 37; k.k. Oberst. Who died in Savlaka, Servia in World War I, Wiener Society (Wiener Gesellschaft)1913, addrese V. "Margarethen Gürtel 4.". They had a son, Giulius, and a daughter, Adele.

::::*Julius Fedrigoni Edler von Etschthal, (May 5, 1893– date of death unknown, he went into Military schools: 1 year at Militäruntergymnasium in Sarajevo. 5 years in Marinakademie in Fiume, named Seekadett on 15 June 1912 with the vote of "gut". Promotions:
15 June 1912 Seekadett, 01.06.1914 Seefähnrich, 01 August 1914 Fregattenleutnant, 01 November 1918 Linienschiffsleutnant

In November 17, 1917, when his Austro-Hungarian seaplane K211 (Frglt Giulius Fedrigoni, Stb Masch Wart Egon Preiss) was shot down by a flight of three French fighters near Treporti (the French pilots were Corniglion, Lévy and Bignon) in cooperation with Italian seaplanes from 260a Squadriglia, He went in prisony.

In June 1929 Julius has the function of flight director of the airport of Klagenfurt-Annabichl in Carinthia.On 16 March 1936 the line-flight Vienna-Rome, on which was the airport director of Annabichl-Klagenfurt, had to make an emergency take down. Julius was lightly injured. The airplane went down on the Sau-Alpe in Austria.

Between 11.9.1942 and 1.3.1943, (Obstlt) he was commander of regiment in the French Seenotbereichskommando, the city of Cherbourg (Normandy) and the Seenotbereichskommando XIII at Berre/20 km NW of Marseille between (December 1942 - 19 August 1944?). After the end of the WWII, Julius was returned to Annabichl, he worked with low-budget flight operations. In 1 January 1952, Korv. Kpt. Julius Fedrigoni founded the Committee city of Klagenfurt and he was flight director until 1956.

::::*Adele Fedrigoni Edle von Etschthal was born in Steiermark, Bruck ad Mur August 1, 1891. Her date and place of death are unknown. Between the years 1910-11, she studie in the College/Gimnasium in the city of Ljubljana/Laibach.


See also

* Ivan Gundulić
* Trojan Gundulić
* House of Getaldić
* Fran Dživo Gundulić ("Francesco Gondola")

External links

* [ Ghetaldi-Gondola]
* [ Franz Joseph Graf von Gondola]
* [] "Storia famiglia Gundulig"
* [,M1] "Grafen Familie Gondola, p.596-7"


# "Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der freiherrlichen Haeuser auf das Jahr 1864, Seite 271-272";
# "detto, fuer das Jahr 1917, Seite 297-298;"
# detto, fuer das Jahr 1941, Seite 136-137 (Teil B);
# Adelslexikon, Band IV G-Har, Jg. 1978, Seite 109;
# Standeserhebungen und Gnadenakte fuer das Deutsche Reich und die Oesterreichischen Erblande bis 1806 sowie kaiserlich oesterreichische bis 1823, mit einigen Nachtraegen zum "Alt-Oesterreichischen Adels-Lexikon" 1923-1918, Seite 89;
# Constantin von Wurzbach: "Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich". Vienna 1856 - 1891. Page 170-171.
# Arhivski fondovi i zbirke u arhivima i arhivskim odeljenjima u SFRJ. p. 153 "Ghetaldi-Gondola- Dubrovnik; 1582-1923: knj.1 svez.36, kom.125; 0,5. AI." ; p.664 "Ghetaldi-Gondola" -Dubrovnik, 3.260".
#Neues allgemeines deutsches Adels-lexicon, Ernst Heinrich Kneschke,1863

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