- West Bottoms
The West Bottoms (official name Central Industrial District) is an industrial area immediately to the west of downtown
Kansas City, Missouri at the confluence of theMissouri River andKansas River . The area is one of the oldest areas of the city.The first
Union Station (Kansas City) was located here. It was home to theKansas City Live Stock Exchange andKansas City Stockyards (now defunct) prompting the huge annualAmerican Royal livestock show atKemper Arena , site of the1976 Republican National Convention .The low-lying area has been prone to floods including the
Great Flood of 1951 and theGreat Flood of 1993 .Jim Pendergast founded the political machine here that was furthered byTom Pendergast that ultimately resulted in the election ofHarry S. Truman as President. Jim started operations at the "Climax" Saloon on St. Louis Avenue named for a winningrace horse he had bet on.During
World War II Darby Steel Corporation built most of theLanding craft tank s (LCTs) that were used in various amphibious invasions. The plant built one craft a day and floated them more than 1,000 miles down the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers toNew Orleans, Louisiana prompting their "Prairie Ships" nickname. Darby's plant at the mouth ofKansas River could hold eight 135í LCTs and 16 LCMs in various stages of construction.Currently the West Bottoms is mostly unused with many of the warehouses and factories available for lease. However, there is a growing number of lofts that attract Kansas City artists. Several of these lofts function as venues for both art and music. Many former factories and other buildings have been converted to "haunted houses" during the autumn months.
The West Bottoms was also where many of the first Mexican immigrants to Kansas City lived.
External links
Map of Jim Pendergast Climax Saloon [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=39.103223,-94.598808+(Jim+Pendergast+%22Climax%22+Saloon)&ll=39.103223,-94.598808&spn=0.022413,0.052872]
* [http://www.livestockexchangebldg.com Livestock Exchange Building Commercial Website]
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