- Pontryagin class
mathematics , the Pontryagin classes are certaincharacteristic class es. The Pontryagin class lies incohomology group s with index a multiple of four. It applies to realvector bundle s.Definition
Given a vector bundle "E" over "M", its "k"-th Pontryagin class is defined as : Here denotes the 2"k"-th
Chern class of thecomplexification of "E" and , the 4"k"-cohomology group of withinteger coefficients.The rational Pontryagin class is defined to be image of in , the 4"k"-
cohomology group of with rational coefficients.Pontryagin classes have a meaning in real
differential geometry — unlike theChern class , which assumes a complex vector bundle at the outset.Properties
If all Pontryagin classes and
Stiefel-Whitney class es of vanish then the bundle is stably trivial, i.e. its Whitney sum with a trivial bundle is trivial.The total Pontryagin class :is multiplicative with respect to Whitney sum of vector bundles, i.e., : for two vector bundles "E" and "F" over "M", i.e. ::and so on. Given a 2"k"-dimensional vector bundle "E" we have :where denotes theEuler class of "E", and denotes thecup product of cohomology classes.Pontryagin classes and curvature
As was shown by
Shiing-Shen Chern andAndré Weil around 1948, the rational Pontryagin classes : can be presented as differential forms which depend polynomially on thecurvature form of a vector bundle. ThisChern-Weil theory revealed a major connection between algebraic topology and global differential geometry.For a
vector bundle "E" over a "n"-dimensionaldifferentiable manifold "M" equipped with a connection, its "k"-th Pontryagin class can be realized by the 4"k"-form : constructed with 2"k" copies of thecurvature form . In particular the value : does not depend on the choice of connection. Here : denotes thede Rham cohomology groups.Pontryagin classes of a manifold
The Pontryagin classes of a smooth manifold are defined to be the Pontryagin classes of its
tangent bundle .Novikov's theorem states that if manifolds are homeomorphic then their rational Pontryagin classes : are the same.If the dimension is at least five, there at most finitely many different smooth manifolds with given homotopy type and Pontryagin classes.
Pontryagin numbers
Pontryagin numbers are certain
topological invariant s of a smoothmanifold . The Pontryagin number vanishes if the dimension of manifold is not divisible by 4. It is defined in terms of the Pontryagin classes of amanifold as follows:Given a smooth 4"n"-dimensional manifold "M" and a collection of natural numbers : such that the Pontryagin number is defined by:where denotes the "k"-th Pontryagin class and ["M"] the
fundamental class of "M".Properties
#Pontryagin numbers are oriented
cobordism invariant; and together withStiefel-Whitney number s they determine an oriented manifold's oriented cobordism class.
#Pontryagin numbers of closed Riemannian manifold (as well as Pontryagin classes) can be calculated as integrals of certain polynomial from curvature tensor of Riemannian manifold.
#Such invariants as signature and -genus can be expressed through Pontryagin numbers.Generalizations
There is also a "quaternionic" Pontryagin class, for vector bundles with
quaternion structure.See also
Chern-Simons form References
*cite book
author= Milnor John W.
coauthors= Stasheff, James D.
title= Characteristic classes
publisher= Annals of Mathematics Studies, No. 76. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo
year= 1974
id= ISBN 0-691-08122-0
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