

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Name = Vienenburg
Wappen = Wappen_Vienenburg.svg
lat_deg = 51 | lat_min = 57 | lat_sec = 11
lon_deg = 10 | lon_min = 33 | lon_sec = 40
Bundesland = Niedersachsen
Landkreis = Goslar
Höhe = 141
Fläche = 71.14
Einwohner = 11115
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 38690
PLZ-alt = 3387
Vorwahl = 05324
Kfz = GS
Gemeindeschlüssel = 03 1 53 013
NUTS = DE916
Gliederung = 6 districts
Straße = Goslarer Straße 9
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Astrid Eltner
Bürgermeistertitel = Bürgermeisterin
Partei = SPD

Vienenburg is a town in the district of Goslar, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated in the north of the Harz mountain range on the river Oker, approx. 10 km northeast of Goslar. Other neighbouring municipalities are Bad Harzburg and Schladen. Vienenburg was first mentioned in a 1306 deed as a founding by the Counts of Wernigerode, it received town privileges in 1935. Its train station, built in 1840, is the oldest preserved one in Germany. Situated in a mainly agricultural area, the town is known for the Harzer cheese, although the production was transferred to Saxony in 2004.

City districts

The town consists of "Vienenburg" and the surrounding villages "Immenrode", "Lengde", "Weddingen", "Lochtum" and "Wiedelah".


The "Harly" mountain (256m/840ft) north of the town was the site of a castle built in 1203 by Emperor Otto IV to threaten the trade route to Goslar, as the city supported his rival Philipp of Swabia. After Otto's death in 1218 the castle became a property of the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg while the garrisons of the castle were notorious for permanently robbing bypassing merchants. Therefore the Bishop of Hildesheim Siegfried II declared war against Duke Henry the Admirable and in 1291 took and slighted the castle. Some moats are still visible today. A modern observation tower stands nearby.


Vienenburg is connected to the Bundesautobahnen A 2, A 7 and A 14. It is also a junction of railways leading to Braunschweig in the north, to Halberstadt and Halle in the east as well as to Bad Harzburg and Goslar in the south. The lines are served by RegionalExpress and RegionalBahn trains of the Deutsche Bahn and trains of the Veolia Verkehr company.

Notable people

*Christoph Gudermann (March 25, 1798 - September 25, 1852), mathematician.

Town twinning

*flagicon|Scotland Forres, Scotland.

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