Features of the Marvel Universe

Features of the Marvel Universe

The comic book stories published by Marvel Comics since the 1940's have featured several noteworthy concepts besides its fictional characters, such as unique places and artifacts. The following lists detail many of them.


Certain places, some of which exist in real-life and some of which are fictional, figure prominently in the Marvel Universe.

New York City

Most of the action of Marvel Comics takes place in New York City.

New York City is the site of many places important to superheroes:
* Avengers Mansion - currently destroyed, but long the home of the Avengers
* Baxter Building and Four Freedoms Plaza - fictional buildings that have, at one time or another, been the home of the Fantastic Four
* Daily Bugle - fictional newspaper building where Peter Parker (Spider-Man) works as a photographer for J. Jonah Jameson
* Hell's Kitchen - Home and protectorate of Daredevil
* Marvel Comics - publishers of comic book adaptations of the exploits of the Fantastic Four (the team members had licensed their names and likenesses to the company). See here for more info.
* The Raft, a fictional prison for superpowered villains, located on Ryker's Island (modeled after the real-life Riker's Island; note the different spelling); the Raft is the successor to the earlier superhuman prison called the Vault, located in Colorado
* Sanctum Sanctorum - fictional abode of Doctor Strange located in Greenwich Village
* Stark Tower - fictional skyscraper of the Avengers
* Mutant Town - a ghetto-like neighbourhood of New York primarily populated by Mutants. Since the Decimation, its mutant population has largely disappeared.

New York City is a center of industry, serving as the headquarters of:
* OsCorp, formerly owned by Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin
* Stark Industries, owned by Tony Stark, Iron Man

Two universities are also especially prominent in the Marvel Universe:
* Columbia University - real university whose alumni include Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Elektra Natchios, and Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic)
* Empire State University - fictional university whose alumni include Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Emma Frost, and Johnny Storm (the Human Torch)cite book | last = Sanderson | first = Peter | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = The Marvel Comics Guide to New York City | publisher = Pocket Books | date = 2007 | location = New York City | pages = 30-33 | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 1-14653-141-6]

Other locations

* Avengers Compound
* Department H
* Avengers Hydro-Base
* Caldecott-Fictional western Mississippi county and town where the X-men's Rogue was born.
* Massachusetts Academy
* Ravencroft Institute
*Salem Center - a hamlet in the town of North Salem, Westchester County, New York
** Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters
*** X-Mansion - home of the X-Men, located in Salem Center
**** Danger Room - training center for the X-Men
* Vault – A prison for superhumans in Colorado.

Regions and Countries

* Atlantis - home of Namor the Sub-Mariner
* Attilan (also called The Hidden Land) - home of the Inhumans, in the North Atlantic ocean, it has moved to the Blue Area on the Moon.
* Deviant Lemuria - undersea home of the Deviants located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
* Dynamo City - an interstellar city and space port for dynamism controlled by a Municipal government.
* Genosha - island dwarf-nation off the coast of Africa, north of Madagascar; an apartheid-like state where mutants were once enslaved
* Imaya - Fictional country located in North Africa.
* Kamar-Taj – A small kingdom in the Himalayas
* Krakoa - Living island in Africa.
* K'un-L'un
* Latveria - fictional country ruled by Doctor Doom
* Lemuria - Undersea nation similar to Atlantis.
* Madripoor - fictional city, modeled after Singapore, to which Wolverine has connections
* Monster Island - a fictional island where Monsters rule
* Muir Island - fictional island off the north west coast of Scotland, containing Moira MacTaggert's mutant research lab
* Nova Roma - Home of Magma in Brazil. Ancient Rome-Like city.
* Olympia - mountain city of the Eternals, located on Mount Olympus in Greece.
* – A secret government-run energy research facility, specializing in superhuman studies.
* Providence – A highly technological floating Island owned by Cable.
* Savage Land - a fictional place with tropical climates and prehistoric animals located in the heart of Antarctica.
* Subterranea
* Symkaria – Country adjoining Latveria
* Transia - birthplace of Spider-Woman, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch, and where Mt. Wundagore (prison of Chthon) is located.
* Vorozheika - A country to the northeast of Chechnya, formerly part of the USSR and now ruled by the Eternal Druig.
* Wakanda - An African nation ruled by T'Challa, the Black Panther.


("List of Marvel Comics alien races")
*Andromeda galaxy
* Kree galaxy
*Milky Way Galaxy
*Shiar Galaxy


* Achernon
* Aerie - Alleged home world of the Shi'ar (unknown if this planet still exists)
* A-Chiltar III
* Ankara
* Arcturus IV - fourth planet orbiting the star Arcturus where Arcturans are from.
* Astra - planet in Mu Cephei.
* Arima - a humanoid race of Alpha Centaurians
* Asteroid M – secret base of Magneto
* Astra — A planet where humanoid aliens possess magnetic and molecule-controlling powers that enable them to have every power on metal.
* Asylum - prison planet run by the Couga
* Ba-Banis
* Battleworld — An artificial planet created by the Beyonder for the Secret Wars
* Beta - a world of Betans
* Blue Area – on the Moon, home of Uatu the Watcher and the Inhumans.
* Centauri IV - Fourth planet of Centaurians in Proxima Centauri.
* Centurri-Six - Sixth planet of Centauri.
* Chandilar - the "throneworld" of the Shi'ar Empire.
* Chize - a corporate race in Delee System.
* Ciegrim-7 - Ciegrimites, a snail-like race of beings.
* Clarius - in the Clyph star system of the Milky Way Galaxy
* Cuog - a humanoid-canine race of sentient beings.
* Counter-Earth - now occupied by the second duplicate of Earth. The first was built by the High Evolutionary, moved away from the solar system and destroyed by the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. The second and current was built by Franklin Richards in the transition from Onslaught to Heroes Reborn.
* Cron— homeworld of the Autocrons in the constellation Betelgeuse.
* Contraxia - in the Elidra star system in the Milky Way galaxy.
* Cybertron (Marvel Comics) ("Transformers Continuity")— The Marvel version of Cybertron
* Dakkam - humanoids in the Beta Rigel star system in the Milky Way galaxy
* Darbia - planet of beings which closely resemble humans.
* Deo - fifth planet orbiting Denebola
* Dyofor- in the Palyn star system.
* Galador - ROM and the space knights are from here.
* Glyx
* Gramos
* Grundar
* Gunava - advanced reptilian race capable of space travel.
* Ego the Living Planet— a sentient planet
* Elanis - planet orbit in Beta Scorpii
* Entem - planet of octopoids
* Ergonar
* Hala - home planet of the Cotati and Kree. After a near complete genocide committed by the Kree on the Cotati were smuggled off of Hala to new planets.
* Hiberlac - in the Huynoc star system in the Zuccone star system.
* Horus IV - humanoid planet with spy machines.
* Huj - seventeenth planet from their sun.
* Interdis - blue skinned aliens in the Tartaru star system are from here.
* Jhb'Btt - Arachnoids on the fourth planet from the sun, in the Beta Lyrae star system in the Milky Way galaxy
* Kallu - deep pinked skinned humanoid race.
* Kn'kn - planet of insectoids.
* Kodaba
* Kosmos — A planet from which a criminal sludge-like alien escapes to hide on Earth where he kills The Wasp's father and fights Ant-Man
* Krelar - The second homeworld of the blue-skinned Kree Race. Home world of Captain Mar-Vell, "Colonel Yonn-Rog," "Captain Atlas," and "Una."
* Kroke - Toadmen
* Krylor - Planet of advanced technically savy race of beings from Andromeda.
* Kymellia - home of horse-like creatures.
* La'kll
* Lar - home of the Pegasusians, giants able to move large objects into space with their mind.
* Laxidazia - planet of alcoholic trolls.
* Lemista - planet of Lem. Home to serpents.
* Lumin - part of the Charter confederation.
* Maarin - planet's inhabitants killed by a virus.
* Mand
* Marvan - peaceful telepathic race.
* Marman
**Birj - sixth Moon and where Terrax is from.
* Mobius - home to Xeron "the Star-Slayer"
* Mojo World – planet of spineless aliens
* Moran - bio electric race.
* O'erlanii - A'askvarii
* Oorga- planet of the Aakon beings.
* Pumor - blob planet.
* Queeg
* Quon - amphibious race.
* R'makl'z - race of plant creatures.
* Ria - Stonemen of Saturn
* Rys - fourth planet to orbit the star Psori
* Sirius III-IV - dictatorial government.
* Skrullos - Origin planet of the Skrulls. Throneworld later moved to Tarnax IV.
* Sszardil - reptoids
* Stent - yellow skinned race.
* Stonus I-V stonemen
* Strontia - homeworld of Gladiator.
* Tarnax IV - The throneworld of the Skrulls and eventually renamed Throneworld. Recently devoured by Galactus.
* Taur - Taurids destroyed by Galactus.
* Tayp - reptilian race from the Kormuk star system.
* Tekton - purple fur-like creatures.
* Throneworld - See Tarnax IV above.
* Thuvria
* Timor - home planet of Ch'od.
* Titan - main moon of Saturn and technologically advanced home to the Titan Eternals.
* Tsorcherhi - In the Ella star system of the Shiar.
* Tun - planet of the Axi-Tun in the S'vihn-Hoont star system orbiting the Ring Nebulae M-57 galaxy
* Ul'lula
* Uranus — Outpost of the Kree Empire.
* Vega Superior - home to agents of the Vegan Star system.
* Vormir - Red-scaled reptilian race.
* Vrelnex - insectoids.
* Wilamean - Earth-like humans.
* Wobb-Lar - super-psionic beings in Andromeda.
* Wundagore II – A planet circling Sirius; the original "Wundagore" was a mountain in Transia (Eastern Europe)
* Xandar — Home of the Nova Corps
* Xanth - also known as Planet X was destroyed to form a new planet called New Xanth.
* Zenn-La — Home of the Silver Surfer

Extradimensional places

* Asgard – home plane of superhuman beings analogous to the Norse gods
* Avalon - Also known as Otherworld. Home of Merlyn, Roma and the Captain Britain Corps. Based on the mythical "Avalon".
* Beyond-Realm
* Heliopolis – home plane of superhuman beings analogous to the gods of Egypt
* Limbo
* List of Marvel Comics dimensions
* Microverse
** Micronaut homeworld – a chain of connected worldlets, resembling a ball-and-stick molecular model.
** Subatomic universe
* Negative Zone
* Nexus of All Realities
* Olympus – home plane of superhuman beings analogous to the Greek gods


Some items have been created specifically for the Marvel Universe and carry immense powers:

*Adamantium - a virtually indestructible metal alloy which is best known for being integrated into the skeleton and claws of Wolverine and a version of Captain America's shield.
*The Book of the Vishanti
*The Casket of Ancient Winters
*Cloak of Levitation, worn by Doctor Strange.
*The Cosmic Cube
*The Cosmic Egg
*The Darkhold
*The Evil Eye of Avalon
*The Eye of Agamotto, worn by Doctor Strange.
*Infinity Gems/Infinity Gauntlet - Six gems that grant their owner supreme power over Mind, Power, Soul, Time, Space, and Reality. They can be combined in the Gauntlet.
*The Legacy Virus, a devastating plague that tore through the Mutant population.
*The Mandarin's Ten Rings
*Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor.
*M'Kraan Crystal - The "nexus of realities". By entering the crystal, the user can enter any universe they wish. The protector of the crystal is singular in all universes, with the same memories in each, which suggests that the reality immediately surrounding the crystal is anchored in place.
*The Orb of Agamotto
*Quantum Bands, used by Quaser and temporarily used by Silver Surfer to wield cosmic energy.
*The Serpent Crown
*The Siege Perilous
*The Silver Surfer's surfboard, his source of power which he is mentally linked to.
*The Tallus
*Terrigen Mist, a mutagen which can alter Inhuman physiology.
*The Ultimate Nullifier
*Unstable molecules
*Vibranium - a metal which comes in two forms; one variety (Wakandan) absorbs vibratory and kinetic energy, while the other (Antarctic) causes all nearby metals to melt.
*The Wand of Watoomb

Other objects

* Avengers Quinjet - Avengers jet
* Blackbird - X-men jet
* Captain America's shield
* Fantasti-Car - a floating car
* Gamma Bomb
* Helicarrier - Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. reside on a floating military base.
* Iron Man's armors
* Pogo Plane
* Quantum bands - Quasar's cuffs of Cosmic energy


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