Polish mythology

Polish mythology

Polish mythology comprises certain beliefs and myths in Poland, including witchcraft and some paganistic elements.

The Polish pantheon

Major gods

* Piorun
*The Zorya
* Zaria

Other gods

*Baba Yaga
*Lada and Lado
*Matka Gabia
*Oynyena Maria
*Sorrowful God
*Złota Baba
*Zwezda Dnieca
*Zwezda Wieczoniaia
*Zwezda Polnoca

Polish supernatural spirits

*Smierna - the spirit of death

Polish folk magic

"Main article: Polish folk beliefs"

*Fire Flowers
*The Magic Belt of Poland
*Matka Ziemia

Book resources

*Chrypinski, Anna, editor. Polish Customs. Friends of Polish Art: Detroit, MI, 1977.
*Contoski, Josepha K., editor. Treasured Polish Songs with English Translations. Polanie Publishing Co.: Minneapolis, MN, 1953.
*Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, Ph.D. Women Who Run With the Wolves. Ballantine Books: New York, 1992.
*Gimbutas, Marijas. The Slavs. Preager Publishers: New York, 1971.
*Knab, Sophie Hodorowicz. Polish Customs, Traditions, & Folklore. Hippocrene Books: New York, 1993.
*Knab, Sophie Hodorowicz. Polish Herbs, Flowers, and Folk Medicine. Hippocrene Books: New York, 1995.
*Krasicki, Ignacy (tr by Gerard Kapolka) Polish Fables : Bilingual. 1997
*Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling. New York: University Books, 1962
*Zajdler, Zoe. Polish Fairy Tales. Chicago, Ill: Follett Publishing, 1959
*Sekalski, Anstruther J. Old Polish Legends. 1997
*Singing Back The Sun: A Dictionary of Old Polish Customs and Beliefs, Okana, 1999

ee also

*Slavic mythology
*Wendish mythology

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