Wendish mythology

Wendish mythology

In 1824 the Danish poet Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789 - 1862) published his thesis on North-Slavic and Wendish mythology in which he established the following pantheon:

First line of gods (good):
Triglau (Bog), Swantewit, Radegast, Prove, Sieba, Siebog, Schwayxtix, Zislbog, Podaga, Rugiwit, Karewit, Juthrbog, Dziewonna, Woda (Odin), Balduri (Balder).

The second line of gods (evil):
Zernebog (Pya), Percunust, Flins, Zirnitra (Zir), Berstuk, Marowit (House God), Hela (Hel).

Living close to Scandinavia, the Wends adopted a few gods from Norse mythology but these Teutonic gods never played a central role in the Wendish mythology.

Mythical beings

*skrzak, skrzat


*Ingeman, B. S. Grundtræk til En Nord-Slavisk og Vendisk Gudelære. Copenhagen 1824.

ee also

*Polish mythology
*Slavic mythology

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