List of colleges and universities in South Korea

List of colleges and universities in South Korea

A list of institutions of higher education in South Korea.

Quick Index



* Agricultural Cooperative College -- Goyang, Gyeonggi
*Ajou Motor College -- Boryeong, South Chungcheong
*Ajou University -- Suwon, Gyeonggi
*Andong Institute of Information Technology -- Andong, North Gyeongsang
*Andong National University -- Andong, North Gyeongsang
*Andong Science College -- Andong, North Gyeongsang
* Ansan College -- Ansan, Gyeonggi
*Ansan College of Technology --Ansan, Gyeonggi
*Ansung Women's Polytechnic College -- Anseong, Gyeonggi
*Anyang Technical College -- Anyang, Gyeonggi
*Anyang University -- Anyang, Gyeonggi
*Asan Information and Technology Polytechnic College -- Asan, South Chungcheong
*Asia United Theological University -- Seoul and Yangpyeong County


"See also under P"

*Baejae University -- "see" Pai Chai University
* Baekseok College -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong
* Baewha Women's College -- Seoul
* Berea University of Graduate Studies -- Seoul
* Bucheon College -- Bucheon, Gyeonggi
* Busan Arts College -- Busan
* Busan College of Information Technology -- Busan
* Busan Jangsin University -- "see" Busan Presbyterian University
* Busan Kyungsang College -- Busan
* Busan National University of Education -- Busan
* Busan Polytechnic College -- Busan
* Busan Presbyterian University -- Gimhae, South Gyeongsang
* Byuksung College -- Gimje, North Jeolla


"See also under J"

*Calvin University -- Yongin, Gyeonggi
*Capital Baptist Theological Seminary -- Anseong, Gyeonggi
*Catholic Sangji College -- Andong, North Gyeongsang
*Catholic University of Daegu -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Catholic University of Korea -- Seoul and Bucheon City, Gyeonggi
*Catholic University of Pusan -- Busan
*Chang Shin College -- Masan, South Gyeongsang
*Changwon Polytechnic College -- Changwon, South Gyeongsang
*Changwon National University -- Changwon, South Gyeongsang
*Cheju Halla College -- Jeju City, Jeju
*Cheju National University -- Jeju City, Jeju
*Cheju National University of Education -- "see" Jeju National University of Education
*Cheju Tourism College -- Bukjeju County, Jeju
*Cheonan College of Foreign Studies -- "see" Baekseok College
*Cheonan National Technical College -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong
*Cheonan University -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong
*Cheonan Yonam College -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong
*Cheongju National University of Education -- Cheongju, North Chungcheong
*Cheongju Polytechnic College -- Cheongju, North Chungcheong
*Cheongju University -- Cheongju, North Chungcheong
* Cheongyang Provincial College -- Cheongyang County, South Chungcheong
* Chinju National University of Education -- Jinju, South Gyeongsang
*Chodang University -- Muan County, South Jeolla
*Chonbuk National University -- "see" Jeonbuk National University
*Chongin College -- "see" Jeonbuk Science College
*Chongju National College of Science and Technology -- Cheongju and Jeungpyeong County, North Chungcheong
*Chongju University -- "see" Cheongju University
*Chongshin University -- Seoul
*Chonnam National University -- Gwangju
*Choonhae College -- Ulsan
*Chosun University -- Gwangju
*Christian College of Nursing -- Gwangju
*Chugye University for the Arts -- Seoul
*Chuncheon Polytechnic College -- Chuncheon, Gangwon
*Chuncheon National University of Education -- Chuncheon, Gangwon
*Chung Cheong College -- Cheongju, North Chungcheong
*Chung-Ang University -- Seoul and Anseong City, Gyeonggi
*Chungbuk National University -- Cheongju, North Chungcheong
*Chungbuk Provincial University of Science and Technology -- Okcheon County, North Chungcheong
*Chungju National University -- Chungju, North Chungcheong
*Chungkang College of Cultural Industries -- Icheon, Gyeonggi
*Chungnam National University -- Daejeon
*Chungwoon University -- Hongseong County, South Chungcheong
*Chunnam Techno College -- Gokseong County, South Jeolla


"See also under T"

*Daebul University -- Yeongam County, South Jeolla
*Daecheon College -- "see" Ajou Motor College
*Daedong College -- Busan
*Daeduk College -- Daejeon
*Daegu Arts University -- Chilgok County, North Gyeongsang
*Daegu Cyber University -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Daegu Haany University -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Daegu Health College -- Daegu
*Daegu Mirae College -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Daegu National University of Education -- Daegu
*Daegu Polytechnic College -- Daegu
*Daegu Technical College -- Daegu
*Daegu University -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Daegu University of Foreign Studies -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Daehan Graduate School of Theology -- Anyang, Gyeonggi
*Daejin University -- Pocheon, Gyeonggi
*Daejeon Health Sciences College -- Daejeon
*Daejeon Polytechnic College -- Daejeon
*Daejeon University -- Daejeon
*Daelim College -- Anyang, Gyeonggi
*Daewon Science College -- Jecheon, North Chungcheong
*Dankook University -- Seoul and Cheonan City, South Chungcheong
*Dong-A College -- Yeongam County, South Jeolla
*Dong-A University -- Busan
*Dong-Ah Broadcasting College -- Anseong, Gyeonggi
*Dongduk Women's University -- Seoul
*Dong-eui University -- Busan
*Dongguk University -- Seoul and Gyeongju City, North Gyeongsang
*Donghae University -- Donghae, Ganwon
*Dongju College -- Busan
*Dongkang College -- Gwangju
*Dongnam Health College -- Suwon, Gyeonggi
*Dong-Pusan College -- Busan
*Dongseo University -- Busan
*Dong Seoul College -- Seongnam, Gyeonggi
*Dongshin University -- Naju, South Jeolla
*Dong-U College -- Sokcho, Gangwon
*Dongyang Technical College -- Seoul
*Dongyang University -- Yeongju, North Gyeongsang
*Doowon Technical College -- Anseong, Gyeonggi
*Duksung Women's University -- Seoul


*Eulji University -- Daejeon
*Ewha Women's University -- Seoul


*Far East University -- Eumseong County, North Chungcheong


"See also under K"

*Gachon Medical School -- Incheon
*Gachongil College -- Incheon
*Gangneung Yeongdong College -- Gangneung, Gangwon
*Gangwon Provincial University -- Gangneung, Gangwon
*Geochang Polytechnic College -- Geochang, South Gyeongsang
*Geochang Provincial College -- Geochang, South Gyeongsang
*Geumgang University --Nonsan
*Gimcheon College -- Gimcheon, North Gyeongsang
*Gimcheon Science College -- "see" Kimcheon Science College
*Gochang Polytechnic College -- Gochang County, North Jeolla
*Gongju National University of Education -- Gongju, South Chungcheong
*Gospel Theological Seminary -- Daejeon
*Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation (GSIT) -- "see" Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
*Graduate School of Korean Studies -- Seongnam, Gyeonggi
* Gukje Digital University -- Suwon, Gyeonggi
* Gumi College -- Gumi, North Gyeongsang
*Gumi Polytechnic College -- Gumi, North Gyeongsang
*Gwangju Catholic University -- Gwangju
*Gwangju National University of Education -- Gwangju
*Gwangju Polytechnic College -- Gwangju
*Gwangju University -- Gwangju
*Gyeongin National University of Education -- Incheon
*Gyeongju University -- Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang
*Gyeongsang National University -- Jinju, South Gyeongsang
*Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology GIST -- Gwangju


*Halla University -- Wonju, Gangwon
*Hallym College of Information and Industry -- Chuncheon, Gangwon
*Hallym University -- Chuncheon, Gangwon
*Hanbat National University -- Daejeon
*Handong Global University -- Pohang, North Gyeongsang
*Hanil University -- Wanju County, North Jeolla and Jeonju, North Jeolla
*Hankuk Aviation University -- Goyang, Gyeonggi
*Hankuk University of Foreign Studies -- Seoul & Gyeonggi
*Hankyong National University -- Anseong, Gyeonggi
*Hanlyo University -- Gwangyang, South Jeolla
*Hanmin University -- Yeonsan
*Hannam University -- Daejon
*Hansei University -- Gunpo, Gyeonggi
*Hanseo University -- Seosan, South Chungcheong
*Hanshin University -- Osan, Gyeonggi
*Hansung Technical College -- Seoul
*Hansung University -- Seoul
*Hansung University Design campus -- Seoul
*Hanyang University -- Seoul
*Hanyang Women's College -- Seoul
*Hanyeong College -- Yeosu, South Jeolla
*Hanyoung Theological University -- Seoul
*Hapdong Theological Seminary -- Suwon, Gyeonggi
*Honam Theological University and Seminary -- Gwangju
*Honam University -- Gwangju
*Hongik University -- Seoul
*Hongseong Polytechnic College -- Hongseong County, South Chungcheong
*Hoseo University -- Asan, South Chungcheong
*Howon University -- Gunsan, North Jeolla
*Hyechon College -- Daejeon
*Hyejeon College -- Hongseong County, South Chungcheong
*Hyupsung University -- Hwaseong, Gyeonggi


*Information and Communications University -- Daejeon
*Iksan National College -- Iksan, North Jeolla
*Incheon Catholic University -- Incheon
*Incheon City College -- Incheon
*Incheon Polytechnic College -- Incheon
*Incheon National University of Education -- "see" Gyeongin National University of Education
*Induk Institute of Technology -- Seoul
*Inha Technical College -- Incheon
*Inha University -- Incheon
*Inje University -- Gimhae, South Gyeongsang
*International Design School for Advanced Studies -- Seoul
*International Graduate School of English -- Seoul
*International Graduate University for Peace -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong


"See also under C"

*JaiNeung College -- Incheon
*Jangan College -- Hwaseong, Gyeonggi
*Jecheon Polytechnic College -- Jecheon, North Chungcheong
*Jeju College of Technology -- Jeju City, Jeju
*Jeju National University of Education -- Jeju City, Jeju
*Jeonbuk Polytechnic College -- Gimje, North Jeolla
*Jeonbuk National University -- Jeonju, North Jeolla
*Jeonju Kijeon Women's College -- Jeonju, North Jeolla
*Jeonju National University of Education -- Jeonju, North Jeolla
*Jeonju Technical College -- Jeonju, North Jeolla
*Jeonju University -- Jeonju, North Jeolla
*Jinju College -- Jinju, South Gyeongsang
*Jinju Health College -- Jinju, South Gyeongsang
*Jinju National University -- Jinju, South Gyeongsang
*Jisan College -- "see" Catholic University of Pusan
*Joong-ang Sangha University -- Gimpo, Gyeonggi
*Joongbu University -- Geumsan County, South Chungcheong
*Jungseok Institute of Technology -- Seoul
*Juseong College -- Cheongwon County, North Chungcheong


"See also under G"
*KAIST-- Daejeon, abbreviated term of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
*Kangnam University -- Yongin, Gyeonggi
*Kangnung National University -- Gangneung, Gangwon
*Kangwon National University -- Chuncheon, Gangwon
*Kangwon Tourism College -- Taebaek, Gangwon
*Kaya University -- Goryeong County, North Gyeongsang
*Kaywon School of Art and Design -- Uiwang, Gyeonggi
*KDI School of Public Policy and Management -- Seoul
*Keimyung College -- Daegu
*Keimyung University -- Daegu
*Keukdong College -- Eumseong County, North Chungcheong
*Kimcheon Science College -- Gimcheon, North Gyeongsang
*Kimpo College -- Gimpo, Gyeonggi
*Kkottongnae Hyundo University of Social Welfare -- Cheongwon County, North Chungcheong
*Koje College -- Geoje, South Gyeonsang
*Kongju Communication Arts College -- Gongju, South Chungcheong
*Kongju National University -- Gongju, South Chungcheong
*Konkuk University -- Seoul and Chungju City, North Chungcheong
*Konyang University -- Nonsan, South Chungcheong
*Kookmin University -- Seoul
*Korea Aerospace University -- Goyang, Gyeonggi
*Korea Air Force Academy -- Cheongwon County, North Chungcheong
*Korea Aviation Polytechnic College -- Sacheon, South Gyeongsang
*Korea Baptist Theological University -- Daejeon
*Korea Christian University -- Seoul
*Korea Cyber University -- Seoul
*Korea Digital University -- Seoul
*Korea Maritime University -- Busan
*Korea Military Academy -- Seoul
*Korea National College of Rehabilitation and Welfare -- Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi
*Korea National Defense University -- Seoul
*Korea National Open University -- Seoul
*Korea National Police University -- Yongin, Gyeonggi
*Korea National University of Arts -- Seoul
*Korea National University of Education -- Cheongwon County, North Chungcheong
*Korea National Railroad College -- Uiwang, Gyeonggi
*Korea National Sport University -- Seoul
*Korea Nazarene University -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong
*Korea Polytechnic University -- Siheung, Gyeonggi
*Korea Textile and Fashion Institute -- Daegu
*Korea Tourism College -- Icheon, Gyeonggi
*Korea University -- Seoul
*Korea University of Science and Technology -- Daejeon and Seoul
*Korea University of Technology and Education -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong
*Korean National University of Cultural Heritage -- Buyeo County, South Chungcheong
*Korean Bible Universtiy -- Seoul
*Kosin University -- Busan
*Kukje Theological Seminary -- Seoul
*Kumoh National Institute of Technology -- Gumi, North Gyeongsang
*Kunjang College -- Gunsan, North Jeolla
*Kunsan College of Nursing -- Gunsan, North Jeolla
*Kunsan National University -- Gunsan, North Jeolla
*Kwandong University -- Gangneung, Gangwon
*Kwangju Health College -- Gwangju
*Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology -- Gwangju
*Kwangju Polytechnic College -- Gwangju
*Kwangju Women's University -- Gwangju
*Kwangshin University -- Gwangju
*Kwangwoon University -- Seoul
*Kwangyang Health College -- Gwangyang, South Jeolla
*Kyeyak Graduate School of Theology -- Gwangju, Gyeonggi
*Kyongbuk College of Science -- Chilgok County, North Gyeongsang
*Kyonggi Institute of Technology -- Siheung, Gyeonggi
*Kyonggi University -- Seoul and Suwon City, Gyeonggi
*Kyongju University -- "see" Gyeongju University
*Kyungbok College -- Pocheon, Gyeonggi
*Kyungbuk College -- Yeongju, North Gyeongsang
*Kyungbuk Foreign Language Techno College -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Kyungdong College of Techno-Information -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Kyungdong University -- Goseong County, Gangwon
*Kyunghee University -- Seoul
*Kyungil University -- Gyeongsan City, North Gyeongsang
*Kyungin Women's College -- Incheon
*Kyungmin College -- Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi
*Kyungmoon College -- Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi
*Kyungnam College of Information and Technology -- Busan
*Kyungnam University -- Masan, South Gyeongsang
*Kyungpook National University -- Daegu
*Kyungsung University -- Busan
*Kyungwon College -- Seongnam, Gyeonggi
*Kyungwon University -- Seongnam, Gyeonggi
*Kyungwoon University -- Gumi, North Gyeongsang


*Luther University -- Yongin, Gyeonggi


*Margaret Pritchard College of Nursing -- Jeonju, North Jeolla
*Masan College -- Masan, South Gyeongsang
*Methodist Theological Seminary -- Seoul
*Miryang National University -- Miryang, South Gyeongsang
*Mokpo Catholic University -- Mokpo, South Jeolla
*Mokpo National Maritime University -- Mokpo, South Jeolla
*Mokpo National University -- Mokpo, South Jeolla
*Mokpo Polytechnic College -- Mokpo, South Jeolla
*Mokpo Science College -- Mokpo, South Jeolla
*Mokwon University -- Daejeon
*Mun Kyung College -- Mungyeong, North Gyeongsang
*Myongji College -- Seoul
*Myongji University -- Seoul
*Myungshin University -- Suncheon, South Jeolla


*Naju College -- Naju, South Jeolla
*Nambu University -- Gwangju
*Namdo Provincial College -- Damyang County and Jangheung County, South Jeolla
*Namhae College, Namhae County, South Gyeongsang
*Namseoul University -- Cheonan, South Chungcheong
*National Medical Center College of Nursing -- Seoul


*Open Cyber University -- Seoul
*Osan College -- Osan, Gyeonggi


"See also under B"

*Paekche Institute of the Arts -- Wanju County, North Jeolla
*Pai Chai University -- Daejeon
*Pohang College -- Pohang, North Gyeongsang
*Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)-- Pohang, North Gyeongsang
*Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary -- Seoul
*Pukyong National University -- Busan
*Pusan Arts College
*Pusan National University -- Busan
*Pusan University of Foreign Studies -- Busan
*Pusan Women's College -- Busan
*Pyongtaek University -- Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi


*Red Cross College of Nursing -- Seoul

*Saekyung College -- Yeongwol County, Gangwon
*Sahmyook College -- Namyangju, Gyeonggi
*Sahmyook Nursing and Health College -- Seoul
*Sahmyook University -- Seoul
*Samcheok National University -- Samcheok, Gangwon
*Sangji University -- Wonju, Gangwon
*Sangju National University -- Sangju, North Gyeongsang
*Sangmyung University -- Seoul and Cheonan City, South Chungcheong
*Sejong University -- Seoul
*Semin Digital University -- Daegu
*Semyung University -- Jecheon, North Chungcheong
*Seoil College -- Seoul
*Seokang College -- Gwangju
*Seokyeong University -- Seoul
*Seonam University -- Namwon, North Jeolla and Asan, South Chungcheong
*Seongnam Polytechnic College -- Seongnam, Gyeonggi
*Seoul Bible Graduate School of Theology -- Seoul
*Seoul Christian University -- Seoul
*Seoul Cyber University -- Seoul
*Seoul Digital University -- Seoul
*Seoul Health College -- Seongnam, Gyeonggi
*Seoul Institute of the Arts -- Ansan, Gyeonggi
*Seoul IT Polytechnic College -- Seoul
*Seoul Jangsin University -- Seoul and Gwangju City, Gyeonggi
*Seoul-Jeongsu Polytechnic College -- Seoul
*Seoul National University -- Seoul
*Seoul National University of Education -- Seoul
*Seoul National University of Technology -- Nowon-gu, Seoul
*Seoul Sports Graduate University -- Seoul
*Seoul Theological University -- Bucheon, Gyeonggi
*Seoul Women's College of Nursing -- Seoul
*Seoul Women's University -- Seoul
*Seowon University -- Cheongju, North Chungcheong
*Shingu College -- Seongnam, Gyeonggi
*Shinheung College -- Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi
*Shinkyeong University -- Hwaseong, Gyeonggi
*Shinsung College -- Dangjin County, South Chungcheong
*Silla University -- Busan
*Sogang University -- Seoul
*Sohae College -- Gunsan, North Jeolla
*Songho College -- Hoengseong County, Gangwon
*Songwon College -- Gwangju
*Sookmyung Women's University -- Seoul
*Soonchunhyang University -- Asan, South Chungcheong
*Soong Eui Women's College -- Seoul
*Soongsil University -- Seoul
*Sorabol College -- Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang
*Suncheon Cheongam College -- Suncheon, South Jeolla
*Suncheon First College -- Suncheon, South Jeolla
*Sunchon National University -- Suncheon, South Jeolla
*Sung-duk College -- Yeongcheon, North Gyeongsang
*Sungsan Hyodo Graduate School -- Incheon
*Sunghwa College -- Gangjin County, South Jeolla
*SungKongHoe University -- Seoul
*Sungkyul University -- Anyang, Gyeonggi
*Sungkyunkwan University -- Seoul and Suwon City, Gyeonggi
*Sungshin Women's University -- Seoul
*Sunlin College -- Pohang, North Gyeongsang
*Sunmoon University -- Asan, South Chungcheong
*Suwon Catholic University -- Hwaseong, Gyeonggi
*Suwon Science College -- Hwaseong, Gyeonggi
*Suwon Women's College -- Suwon


"See also under D"

*Taegu Science College -- Daegu
*Taekyeung College -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Taeshin Christian University -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Tamna University -- Seogwipo, Jeju
*Tongmyong College -- Busan
*Tongmyong University of Information Technology -- Busan
*Tongwon College -- Gwangju, Gyeonggi
*Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology -- Seoul
*Transnational Law and Business University -- Goyang, Gyeonggi


*Uiduk University -- Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang
*Ulsan College -- Ulsan
*University of Incheon -- Incheon
*University of Seoul -- Seoul
*University of King Kamata Omaga -- Suwon
*University of Suwon -- Suwon
*University of Ulsan -- Ulsan


*Westminster Graduate School of Theology -- Seoul
*Won Buddhism Graduate School -- Iksan, North Jeolla
*Wonju National College -- Wonju, Gangwon
*Wonkwang Health Science College -- Iksan, North Jeolla
*Wonkwang University -- Iksan, North Jeolla
*Woongji Accounting & Tax College -- Paju, Gyeonggi
*Woosong Information College -- Daejeon
*Woosong Technical College -- Daejeon
*Woosong University -- Daejeon
*Woosuk University -- Wanju County, North Jeolla


*Yaeil Seminary -- Hwaseong, Gyeonggi
*Yangsan College -- Yangsan, South Gyeongsang
*Yeojoo Institute of Technology -- Yeoju County, Gyeonggi
*Yeungjin College -- Daegu
*Yeungnam College of Science and Technology -- Daegu
*Yeungnam University -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Yewon Arts University -- Imsil County, North Jeolla
*Yonam Institute of Digital Technology -- Jinju, South Gyeongsang
*Yong-in Songdam College -- Yongin, Gyeonggi
*Yong-In University -- Yongin, Gyeonggi
*Yonsei University -- Seoul and Wonju City, Gangwon
*Yosu National University -- Yeosu, South Jeolla
*Youngdong University -- Yeongdong County, North Chungcheong
*Youngnam Theological College and Seminary -- Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang
*Youngsan University -- Yangsan, South Gyeongsang
*Youngsan Won Buddhist University -- Yeonggwang County, South Jeolla
*Yuhan College -- Bucheon, Gyeonggi

ee also

*List of universities in Seoul
*List of colleges and universities
*List of Korea-related topics
*Education in South Korea

External links

* [ List of institutions from the South Korean Ministry of Education]

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