Đurađ I

Đurađ I

Infobox Person
name = Đurađ I

image_size =
caption =
birth_name =
birth_date =
birth_place =
death_date = 13 January 1378
death_place = Shkodër, Zeta
death_cause = Natural causes
resting_place =
resting_place_coordinates =
residence =
nationality = Serbian
other_names =
known_for =
title = Lord
term = 1372 - 1378
predecessor = Balša I
successor = Balša II
religion = Roman Catholic [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA533&lpg=PA533&dq=svetomiholjska+metohija&source=web&ots=8AnkP01Yen&sig=iXrTNsrJ-ZiCTf3aGwSrGlzGl2Q#PPA388,M1 The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest, page 388] ]
spouse = Olivera Mrnjavčević
Teodora Dejanović/Dragaš
children = Jelisaveta
Jevdokija (Eudokia)
Konstantin (Košta)
Đurađ (illegitimate)
parents = Balša I
"Unknown wife"

Đurađ I (Serbian Cyrillic: Ђурађ I) was the second ruler of Zeta from 1362 - 13 January 1378 under the House of Balšić. He was the eldest of the three sons of Balša I.


In 1362, he came to power in Zeta after his father, Balša I, passed down the rule of Zeta to him. During his rule, Zeta's economy became better.

Campaign against Karlo Thopia

In 1363, Đurađ declared war against the Thopias, an Albanian noble family which controlled northern Albania. The Matarangos, an Albanian noble family which controlled southern Albania, were allied with the Balšići as a result of a quarrel with the Thopias in the south. In the spring of 1364, Karlo Thopia took Đurađ captive due to a skermish, ending Zetan involvement in the war. Đurađ was held captive until 1366 when Ragusa mediated peace and procured his release.

In January of 1368, a Ragusan document reported that the three Balšić brothers: Stracimir, Đurađ and Balša II, were preparing for a campaign against Karlo Thopia. They were camped on the Mati River, of which Karlo's lands lay south of. The fighting was apparently small-scale as two months later, Karlo had no difficulty capturing Dyrrhachium from the Angevins. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA533&lpg=PA533&dq=svetomiholjska+metohija&source=web&ots=8AnkP01Yen&sig=iXrTNsrJ-ZiCTf3aGwSrGlzGl2Q#PPA372,M1 The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest, page 372] ]

Siege of Kotor

Hoping to acquire suzerainty over the town, Đurađ had waged war against Kotor in 1368. Kotor, as a result of warfare, was suffering economic decline. Accepting Zetan rule wasn't going to aid Kotor economically either. Kotor resisted Đurađ's assault after seeing the town of Bar paying an annual tribute of 2,000 ducats to Đurađ, previously paying 100 perpers to Serbia, expecting the same fate for Kotor. Kotor sought aid from Nikola Altomanović, but after his major defeat in Kosovo, he could provide little assistance. Kotor sought aid from the weak Tsar Uroš V and Venice. Neither provided much help as Venice was concerned that only their warships were on the Adriatic. In fact, Venice wrote to Tsar Uroš V in 1368, complaining that Serbia's armed ships were on the Adriatic, citing Bar, Budva and Ulcinj to have them. They had also stated that this was also a violation of the Veneto-Serbian treaty and threatened to treat this ships as "pirate vessels". However, Uroš replied to that letter, stating that these ships that Venice were complaining about belonged to Đurađ I Balšić, lord of Zeta.

Uroš was unhappy with Đurađ's actions as they were directed against Kotor, which was under Uroš' suzerainty. Concluding that Đurađ was a rebel, the Serbian court claimed no responsibility for Đurađ's actions that might violate the Veneto-Serbian treaty.

In 1369, Đurađ laid siege to Kotor. Kotor, having no choice, turned to Hungary for support and sought for Hungarian suzerainty. Hungary sent a nobleman from Zadar to be the Prince of Kotor. This action only increased Kotor's troubles, as it lost its trade privileges with Serbia for a time, causing a larger economic turmoil for Kotor. By spring 1370, probably through Venetian mediation, Đurađ had made peace with Kotor. However, in the same year, Nikola Altomanović attacked Kotor. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA533&lpg=PA533&dq=svetomiholjska+metohija&source=web&ots=8AnkP01Yen&sig=iXrTNsrJ-ZiCTf3aGwSrGlzGl2Q#PPA377,M1 The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest, pages 376-377] ]

Campaign against Nikola Altomanović

In 1371, Đurađ announced to Dubrovnik that Vukašin Mrnjavčević and his son, Marko, along with their armies, were in Scutari with Đurađ, preparing an attack on Altomanović. Dubrovnik assisted their campaign by providing ships to transport men and supplies, since their campaign was in Dubrovnik's interests. However, the campaign never took place as Vukašin and Marko went to aid Vukašin's brother, Ivan Uglješa, in a campaign against the Turks, which ended up in total disaster, Uglješa being killed in the Battle of Maritsa.

Altomanović thought was now in even more trouble. Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović of Serbia and Ban Tvrtko I of Bosnia allied themselves to defeat Nikola Altomanović. Desperate for a strong ally, Altomanović began negotiations with Đurađ. Most historians agree that in concluding negotiations, Đurađ gained the towns of Trebinje, Konavle and Dračevica from Altomanović, possibly a bribe to remain neutral within the war. Other historians, however, follow Mauro Orbini's account and argue that Đurađ never concluded such an agreement, rather conquered the towns he gained from the agreement himself after Altomanović was defeated in 1373. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA533&lpg=PA533&dq=svetomiholjska+metohija&source=web&ots=8AnkP01Yen&sig=iXrTNsrJ-ZiCTf3aGwSrGlzGl2Q#PPA377,M1 The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest, page 377] ]

Rivalry with Marko Kraljević

After the Battle of Maritsa, Marko, the son of Vukašin Mrnjavčević, was crowned king and gained his father's lands. However, his friendship with the Balšićs soon crumbled. This was a result of Đurađ, in 1371, expelling his first wife Olivera, Marko's sister, and took Prizren from Marko. Lazar Hrebeljanović, prince of Moravian Serbia, conquered Priština in the same year. Đurađ took Peć a year later, stripping most of Marko's lands north of Sar-planina. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA533&lpg=PA533&dq=svetomiholjska+metohija&source=web&ots=8AnkP01Yen&sig=iXrTNsrJ-ZiCTf3aGwSrGlzGl2Q#PPA380,M1 The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest, page 380] ]


Đurađ I died on 13 January 1378 in Scutari. However, recent studies now conclude that Đurađ died in 1379 rather than in 1378. The rule of Zeta was passed down to his younger brother, Balša II. Đurađ's death caused quite a stir between Zeta's neighbours. Bosnian Ban Tvrtko I Kotromanić annexed Đurađ's territories bordering Dubrovnik in 1377, along with the remainder of Đurađ's coastal lands between the Bay of Kotor and the land previously annexed in 1377 at the time of his death. Tvrtko secured these possessions through Đurađ's death, free of worry of any counter-attack.

Vuk Branković also took this opportunity to gain Đurađ's land. Branković sent his forces into Metohia and seized Prizren, along with the rest of Đurađ's holdings in the region. [ [http://books.google.com/books?id=QDFVUDmAIqIC&pg=PA533&lpg=PA533&dq=svetomiholjska+metohija&source=web&ots=8AnkP01Yen&sig=iXrTNsrJ-ZiCTf3aGwSrGlzGl2Q#PPA389,M1 The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest, page 389] ]

Family and Children

Đurađ I was married to two women: Olivera Mrnjavčević (daughter of Vukašin Mrnjavčević) before 1364 and Teodora Dejanović/Dragaš (daughter of despot Dejan) after 1371. He had the following issue:
*Jelisaveta (d. 1443)
*Goisava (d. 1398), married Radič Sanković, lord of Nevesinje, Popovo Polje and Konavli
*Jevdokija (Eudokia), married to Esau de' Buondelmonti, despot of Epirus
*Konstantin (Košta) (d. 1402), local Zetan lord
*Đurađ (Gjergj) (illegitimate)


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