SSCV Thialf

SSCV Thialf

The SSCV Thialf is a semi-submersible crane vessel. It was constructed in 1985 as DB-102 for McDermott by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.. In 1997 it was taken over by Heerema after discontinuation of their joint venture with McDermott, HeereMac.

The Thialf has two cranes with a maximum lifting capacity of 14,200 metric tons, making it the largest crane vessel in the world. [cite web | url = | title = American Bureau of Shipping Record, Thialf] It is equipped with a class III dynamic positioning system for position keeping in deep waters. For position keeping, the Thialf is fitted with six 5,500 kW retractable azimuthing thrusters. For shallow waters there are 12 Flipper Delta anchors, 22.5 t, with 2,500 meter, 80 mm mooring wire.

The hull consists of two floaters with four columns each. Transit draught is about 12 meters. For lifting operations it will normally be ballasted down to 26.6 meters. This way the floaters (with a draught of 13.6 meters) are well submerged to reduce the effect of waves and swell.

It is able to accommodate 742 people.


Remarkable projects

* Installing the pylon of the Erasmus Bridge in 1995.
* Decommissioning of the Brent Spar in 1998.
* In 2000 it set a world record of 11,883 t by lifting Shell's Shearwater topsides, beaten by Saipem 7000 in 2004 with the Sabratha deck lifting of 12,150 t. [cite web | url =| title = Lloyd register | title = Lloyd's Register EMEA assists world record lift for Sabratha topsides installation]
* In 2004 it installed the topsides on BP's Holstein, the world's largest spar. The lift was a record for the Gulf of Mexico: 7,810 t. The actual record for Gulf of Mexico is now retained by the Saipem 7000 with the 9,521 t of PEMEX PB-KU-A2 deck installed in march 2007. [cite web | url =| title = Saipem Sets New Record in Mexico | title = Saipem Sets New Record in Mexico]
* In 2005 it installed the heaviest single piece foundation piles: 2.74 meters diameter x 190 meters long, weighing 818 t each for ChevronTexaco's Benguela Belize compliant tower.

ee also

* Offshore construction
* Oil platform


External links

* [ Heerema's Thialf page]
* []

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