1951 in Canada

1951 in Canada

"See also:"
1950 in Canada,
other events of 1951,
1952 in Canada and the
list of 'years in Canada'.



*Monarch - King George VI
*Governor General - Earl Alexander of Tunis
*Prime Minister - Louis Saint Laurent
*Premier of Alberta - Ernest Manning
*Premier of British Columbia - Byron Johnson
*Premier of Manitoba - Douglas Campbell
*Premier of New Brunswick - John McNair
*Premier of Newfoundland - Joey Smallwood
*Premier of Nova Scotia - Angus Macdonald
*Premier of Ontario - Leslie Frost
*Premier of Prince Edward Island - J. Walter Jones
*Premier of Quebec - Maurice Duplessis
*Premier of Saskatchewan - Tommy Douglas


* April 22-25 - Korean War: In the Battle of Kapyong, the Canadians hold off the Chinese.
* June 1 - The Massey Report into Canadian culture is released
* July 10 - A formal peace agreement between Canada and Germany is signed
* October 20 - Philip Duke of Edinburgh and The Princess Elizabeth Duchess of Edinburgh attend an Edmonton Eskimos home game.
* October 27 - The cobalt bomb cancer therapy is first tested in London, Ontario
* November 12 - The National Ballet of Canada gives its first performance
* November 22 - Ontario general election, 1951: Leslie Frost's PCs win a third consecutive majority
* December 12 - The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority is established
* Canada's immigration rate rises. Population is 14 009 429.
* The Indian Act of Canada is revised to limit coverage of Aboriginal people, excluding Aboriginal women who married non-Aboriginal men.
* Louis St. Laurent moves into 24 Sussex Drive, the new official residence of the Prime Minister
* Labatt Blue is introduced

Arts and culture

:New books
*Morley Callaghan - "The Loved and the Lost"
*Harold Innis - "The Bias of Communication":Literary awards
* See 1951 Governor General's Awards for a complete list of winners and finalists for those awards.
*Stephen Leacock Award: Eric Nicol, "The Roving I"


*January 3 - Claude Bachand, politician
*January 17 - Carol Marguerite Anderson, choreographer
*January 21 - W. Yvon Dumont, Manitoba politician
*February 22 - Elaine Tanner, swimmer
*March 25 - Ethel Blondin-Andrew, Native politician
*March 28 - Karen Kain, dancer
*March 31 - Lawrence O'Brien, politician
*April 5 - Guy Vanderhaeghe, author
*April 18 - Pierre Pettigrew, politician
*May 2 - Andrew Barron, ice speed skater
*May 7 - Janina Fialkowska, pianist
*May 9 - Christopher Dewdney, author
*June 2 - Larry Robinson, ice hockey player
*June 19 - Bill Blaikie, politician
*July 4 - Beverly Boys, diver
*July 5 - Penny Werthner, track and field athlete
*July 27 - Shawn Murphy, politician
*August 3 - Marcel Dionne, ice hockey player
*August 10 - Judy Wasylycia-Leis, politician
*August 17 - Robert Joy, author
*September 14 - Elizabeth Carruthers, diver
*September 19 - Daniel Lanois, musician
*September 20 - Guy Lafleur, ice hockey player
*October 9 - Joseph Tascona, Ontario politician
*October 11 - Jim Carr, Manitoba politician
*October 27 - Roger Fortin, boxer
*October 29 - Camille Huard, boxer
*October 31 - Doug Bennett, politician
*November 10 - Marlene Jennings, politician
*December 6 - Tomson Highway, author
*December 22 - Charles de Lint, author
*Robert Hilles, poet
*Lesley Choyce, author
*Susan Musgrave, poet
*Robert Priest, poet


*January 3 - Richard Langton Baker, politician
*February 27 - Leland Payson Bancroft, politician
*April 4 - Al Christie, film director
*Edna Brower, wife of John Diefenbaker

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