Factorial moment generating function

Factorial moment generating function

In probability theory and statistics, the factorial moment generating function of the probability distribution of a real-valued random variable "X" is defined as:M_X(t)=operatorname{E}igl [t^{X}igr] for all complex numbers "t" for which this expected value exists. This is the case at least for all "t" on the unit circle |t|=1, see characteristic function. If "X" is a discrete random variable taking values only in the set {0,1, ...} of non-negative integers, then M_X is also called probability-generating function of "X" and M_X(t) is well-defined at least for all "t" on the closed unit disk |t|le1.

The factorial moment generating function generates the factorial moments of the probability distribution.Provided M_X exists in a neighbourhood of "t" = 1, the "n"th factorial moment is given by:operatorname{E} [(X)_n] =M_X^{(n)}(1)=left.frac{mathrm{d}^n}{mathrm{d}t^n} ight|_{t=1} M_X(t),where the Pochhammer symbol ("x")"n" is the falling factorial:(x)_n = x(x-1)(x-2)cdots(x-n+1)., (Confusingly, some mathematicians, especially in the field of special functions, use the same notation to represent the rising factorial.)


Suppose "X" has a Poisson distribution with expected value λ, then its factorial moment generating function is:M_X(t)=sum_{k=0}^infty t^kunderbrace{operatorname{P}(X=k)}_{=,lambda^ke^{-lambda}/k!}=e^{-lambda}sum_{k=0}^infty frac{(tlambda)^k}{k!} = e^{lambda(t-1)},qquad tinmathbb{C},(use the definition of the exponential function) and thus we have:operatorname{E} [(X)_n] =lambda^n.

ee also

* Moment (mathematics)
* Moment-generating function
* Cumulant-generating function

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