- Inferior orbital fissure
The lateral wall and the floor of the orbit are separated posteriorly by the inferior orbital fissure which transmits the
maxillary nerve and itszygomatic branch , theinfraorbital vessels , and the ascending branches from thesphenopalatine ganglion .It is formed by the
sphenoid bone andmaxilla .Corrected info: between greater wing of sphenoid and maxilla; transmits infraorbital nerve and artery, zygomatic nerve, and venous communication between the pterygoid plexus and inferior ophthalmic vein
=Infobox Anatomy
Latin = f. orbitalis inferior
GraySubject = 46
GrayPage = 189
Caption = The skull from the front. (Label for inferior orbital fissure is at center right.)
Caption2 = 1 Foramen ethmoidale, 2 Canalis opticus, 3Fissura orbitalis superior , 4Fossa sacci lacrimalis , 5 Sulcus infraorbitalis, 6 Fissura orbitalis inferior, 7 Foramen infraorbitale
System =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = f_08
DorlandsSuf = 12365602ee also
Foramina of skull External links
* (NormanAnatomyFig|orbitforamina) (#3)
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