Osterøy Bridge

Osterøy Bridge
Osterøy bridge over Sørfjord.

Osterøy Bridge (Norwegian: Osterøybrua) connects Kvisti on the island of Osterøy in Hordaland County with the mainland at Herland east from Bergen, Norway.[1]

Osterøy Bridge is a suspension bridge and has a main span of 595 meter. The towers are 121.5 meters high. The bridge was completed October 3, 1997 and cost about 308 million Norwegian kroner. The bridge is the third largest suspension bridge in Norway. It is part of the highway 566 (Fylkesvei 566) runs between Herland in Bergen and Løno in Osterøy. The bridge was designed by the structural engineering firm Aas-Jakobsen.[2]

It was put into service 28 years after the first plans for a connection between Osterøy and Bergen were prepared. It was opened for traffic by Sissel Rønbeck, Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications. The bridge was built to withstand quite strong winds. Experts have indicated that the bridge should be capable of surviving an extreme storm. The bridge is tuned so that its greatest oscillation occurs when the wind is about 10 m/s (i.e., a light breeze).


Coordinates: 60°25′33″N 5°32′10″E / 60.42583°N 5.53611°E / 60.42583; 5.53611

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