List of Tuamotu birds

List of Tuamotu birds

The Tuamotus have 57 species of birds. 10 are endemic, 13 are globally threatened and one is extinct.

pecies list

* Royal Albatross, "Diomedea epomophora" - Rare/Accidental
* Black-browed Albatross, "Thalassarche melanophris" - Rare/Accidental

* Antarctic Giant Petrel, "Macronectes giganteus" - Rare/Accidental Vulnerable
* Phoenix Petrel, "Pterodroma alba" - Vulnerable
* Murphy's Petrel, "Pterodroma ultima" - Near-threatened
* Kermadec Petrel, "Pterodroma neglecta"
* Herald Petrel, "Pterodroma arminjoniana"
* Blue Petrel, "Halobaena caerulea"
* Grey Petrel, "Procellaria cinerea" - Near-threatened
* Wedge-tailed Shearwater, "Puffinus pacificus"
* Short-tailed Shearwater, "Puffinus tenuirostris" - Rare/Accidental
* Christmas Shearwater, "Puffinus nativitatis"
* Audubon's Shearwater, "Puffinus lherminieri"

* White-faced Storm-petrel, "Pelagodroma marina"
* Polynesian Storm-petrel, "Nesofregetta fuliginosa" - Vulnerable

* Red-tailed Tropicbird, "Phaethon rubricauda"
* White-tailed Tropicbird, "Phaethon lepturus"

* Masked Booby, "Sula dactylatra"
* Red-footed Booby, "Sula sula"
* Brown Booby, "Sula leucogaster"

* Great Frigatebird, "Fregata minor"
* Lesser Frigatebird, "Fregata ariel"

* Pacific Reef-Heron, "Egretta sacra"

* Northern Shoveler, "Anas clypeata" - Rare/Accidental

* Red Junglefowl, "Gallus gallus"

* Spotless Crake, "Porzana tabuensis"

* Pacific Golden-Plover, "Pluvialis fulva"

* Bristle-thighed Curlew, "Numenius tahitiensis" - Vulnerable
* Wandering Tattler, "Heterosceles incanus"
* Tuamotu Sandpiper, "Prosobonia cancellata" - Endemic, Endangered
* Ruddy Turnstone, "Arenaria interpres" - Rare/Accidental
* Sanderling, "Calidris alba" - Rare/Accidental
* Pectoral Sandpiper, "Calidris melanotos" - Rare/Accidental

* Great Crested Tern, "Sterna bergii"
* Grey-backed Tern, "Onychoprion lunata"
* Sooty Tern, "Onychoprion fuscata"
* Black Noddy, "Anous minutus"
* Brown Noddy, "Anous stolidus"
* Blue Noddy, "Procelsterna cerulea"
* White Tern, "Gygis alba"

* Rock Pigeon, "Columba livia"
* Polynesian Ground-dove, "Gallicolumba erythroptera" - Endemic, Critically Endangered
* Makatea Fruit-dove, "Ptilinopus chalcurus" - Endemic, Vulnerable
* Atoll Fruit-dove, "Ptilinopus coralensis" - Endemic, Near-threatened
* Red-moustached Fruit-dove, "Ptilinopus mercierii" - Extinct
* Pacific Imperial-pigeon, "Ducula pacifica"
* Polynesian Imperial-pigeon, "Ducula aurorae" - Endangered

* Blue Lorikeet, "Vini peruviana" - Endemic, Vulnerable

* Long-tailed Koel, "Eudynamys taitensis"

* Tuamotu Kingfisher, "Todirhamphus gambieri" - Endemic, Vulnerable

* Tuamotu Reed-Warbler, "Acrocephalus atyphus" - Endemic

* Iphis Monarch, "Pomarea iphis" - Endemic, Vulnerable
* Marquesas Monarch, "Pomarea mendozae" - Endemic, Endangered
* Fatuhiva Monarch, "Pomarea whitneyi" - Endemic, Critically Endangered

* Silver-eye, "Zosterops lateralis" - Introduced species

* Common Myna, "Acridotheres tristis" - Introduced species

* Red-browed Firetail, "Neochmia temporalis" - Introduced species


*"Splitting headaches? Recent taxonomic changes affecting the British and Western Palaearctic lists" - Martin Collinson, British Birds vol 99 (June 2006), 306-323

*cite web
last = Lepage
first = Denis
authorlink =
coauthors =
year =
url =
title = Checklist of birds of Tuamotu Islands
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work = Bird Checklists of the World
publisher = Avibase
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*Blanvillain, C; Florent, C & V. Thenot (2002) "Land birds of Tuamotu Archipelago, Polynesia: relative abundance and changes during the 20th century with particular reference to the critically endangered Polynesian ground-dove ("Gallicolumba erythroptera")". "Biological Conservation" 103 (2): 139-149 doi|10.1016/S0006-3207(01)00112-4

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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