Scottish Crossbill

Scottish Crossbill

name = Scottish Crossbill

image_width = 230px
image_caption = Image of visually almost identical "Loxia pityopsittacus"
status = DD | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Fringillidae
genus = "Loxia"
species = "L. scotica"
binomial = "Loxia scotica"
binomial_authority = Hartert, 1904

The Scottish Crossbill ("Loxia scotica") is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. It is endemic to the Caledonian Forests of Scotland. The Scottish Crossbill was claimed to be confirmed as a unique species in August 2006, on the basis of having a distinctive bird song. [ [ "Status of 'UK's only endemic bird species' confirmed"] , RSPB Scotland] [ [ "'Accent' confirms unique species"] BBC Scotland, 15 August, 2006]


The British Ornithologists Union first classed the Scottish crossbill as a separate and distinct species in 1980, and since then many ornithologists, including those in the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), have always reserved judgement on this notion, believing there was insufficient scientific research for its formal acceptance.

The Scottish crossbill is considered by many ornithologists to be a race of either the Common Crossbill or the Parrot Crossbill, both of which occur in the Caledonian Forest.

In trying to discover exactly what features the birds used to identify each other, experts from the RSPB investigated the calls of the three types of crossbill, and found that Scottish crossbills have quite distinct flight and excitement calls from other crossbills - some even stated they have "Scottish accents".

Current status

The Scottish crossbill is listed as the only bird species endemic to the British Isles, which provides a strong incentive to maintain its identity as a separate species. Its taxonomic status is however controversial, with it often being considered a race of either Parrot Crossbill or Common Crossbill, both of which breed within its range. The "population" is thought to be less than 2000 birds. It nests in pines or other conifers, laying 2-5 eggs.

The Scottish Crossbill breeds in the native Scots pine ("Pinus sylvestris"), Caledonian forests of central Scotland, but (perhaps surprisingly), often also in forestry plantations of exotic conifers, notably Larch ("Larix decidua" and "L. kaempferi") and Lodgepole pine ("Pinus contorta").

This race of crossbill is resident, and is not known to migrate. The race will form flocks outside the breeding season, often mixed with other crossbills.

The crossbills are characterised by the mandibles crossing at their tips, which gives the group its English name. They are specialist feeders on conifer cones, and the unusual bill shape is an adaptation to assist the extraction of the seeds from the cone. The Scottish Crossbill appears to be a specialist feeder on the cones of pines (Scots pine and Lodgepole pine) and larch.

Adult males tend to be red or orange in colour, and females green or yellow, but there is much variation.

The Scottish crossbill is extremely difficult to separate from Common and Parrot, and plumage distinctions are negligible. The head and bill size is intermediate between and overlapping extensively with the other two, and extreme care is needed to identify this species. The metallic "jip" call is probably the best indicator, but even this needs to be recorded and analysed on a sonogram to confirm the identity.

pecies confirmation?

Scotland's conifer woods are home to three types of crossbill -

* The Common Crossbill (with a small bill best suited to extracting seeds from the cones of spruces)
* The Parrot Crossbill (with a large bill suited to extracting seeds from pine cones)
* The Scottish Crossbill (with an intermediate bill size used to extract seeds from several different conifers).

All three are very similar in both size and plumage.

Bill structure

According to a lengthy scientific study by the RSPB, 'Celtic' crossbills differ in bill size from other crossbill species found in Great Britain, and just like native Scots, they have also been found to have a distinct Scottish accent or call, thought to be the method used by the birds to make sure they only attract and pair with potential mates of the same race.

In trying to discover exactly what features the birds used to identify each other, experts at RSPB investigated the calls of the three types of crossbill, and found that Scottish crossbills (as identified by bill size) have distinctive flight and excitement calls from other crossbills.

The most important evidence to come from RSPB's long term study in the Highlands focused on discovering if the birds mate with those with a similar bill size and call, and whether young Scottish crossbills inherit their bill sizes from their parents.

Results showed that of over 40 pairs of different types of crossbills caught, almost all matched closely for bill size and calls, so the different types of crossbills were behaving as distinct species.


The calls, however, can be distinguished by sonograms. This provides the basis for a method to survey crossbills and, for the first time, gain a clear picture of their numbers and distribution in Scotland and help in any conservation programmes for the race.


The next step in the Scottish crossbill study is establish what its population is and what habitat it requires.

The current estimate is of less than 2000 birds for its global population, and a detailed survey is important to learn what the right conservation and management measures are to protect and conserve the species.

The first survey of Scottish Crossbills is due in 2008.

In future years, Scottish Crossbills could suffer from the effects of global warming. [ [ "Climate risk 'to million species"] ]


External links

* Database entry includes justification for why this species is listed as data deficient
* [ RSPB Species confirmation]
* [] BAP report (RSPB site)
* [ Scottish crossbill identification]
* [ Scottish Crossbill - A to Z of UK Birds]
* [ Species profile: Scottish crossbill] Trees for Life
* [ BBC News Release]
* [ Loxia Fantastica] Blog dealing with crossbills in Scotland

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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