Cypripedium acaule

Cypripedium acaule
Pink Lady's Slipper
Conservation status

Secure (NatureServe)[1]
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Cypripedioideae
Genus: Cypripedium
Species: C. acaule
Binomial name
Cypripedium acaule
  • Cypripedium hirsutum Mill.
  • Cypripedium humile Salisb.
  • Fissipes acaulis (Aiton) Small
  • Calceolus hirsutus (Mill.) Nieuwl.

Cypripedium acaule is a member of the orchid genus Cypripedium. Members of this genus are commonly referred to as lady's slipper orchids. First described in 1700, C. acaule is commonly referred to as the Pink Lady's Slipper,[2][3] Stemless Lady's-slipper, or Moccasin Flower.[4] The Pink Lady's Slipper is the provincial flower of Prince Edward Island, Canada.[5]

If the plant's blossom does not cycle through, it will not regenerate; for this reason, it is recommended that the flower not be picked.

An alba variety exists which has a white lip instead of a pink one.



Unlike most other members of Cypripedium, the pouch of C. acaule opens in a slit that runs down the front of the labellum rather than a round opening. The plant consists of two plicate leaves near the ground. From between those leaves sprouts a long, pubescent stalk that bears a single pink flower. The sepals and petals tend to be yellowish-brown to maroon with a large pouch that is usually some shade of pink but can range from nearly magenta to pure white.


C. acaule can be found in the eastern third of the United States and north into Canada, coming very close to the Arctic circle. This widespread species can be found in a wide variety of environments, from coastal plains, to pine barrens, to mountaintops.


C. acaule requires acidic soil but tolerates a range of shade and moisture, though it prefers at least partial shade and well-drained slopes. It is usually found in pine forests, where it can be seen in large colonies, but it also grows in deciduous woods. Because of a fungus association needed for growth,[6] and the high acid this plant needs, C. acaule is difficult to grow in the average garden and is unlikely to survive attempts at transplantation.


This species is common in parts of the northern United States and adjoining provinces of Canada, but it is considered endangered in Illinois and Tennessee, Vulnerable in New York, and Unusual in Georgia.[7]

Common names

  • Pink Lady's Slipper
  • Moccasin Flower
  • Two-leaved Lady's Slipper
  • Stemless Lady's-slipper


  1. ^ "Cypripedium acaule". NatureServe Explorer. NatureServe. Retrieved 2008-04-27. 
  2. ^ Voitk, A & M. (2006) Orchids on the Rock: The Orchids of Newfoundland, Rocky Harbour, NL: Gros Morne Co-operating Association.
  3. ^ Cribb, Phillip, and Green, Peter. The Genus Cypripedium Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, Timber Press 1997. ISBN 0-88192-403-2
  4. ^ ROM Field Guide to Wildflowers of Ontario, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Ltd., 2004.
  5. ^ Provincial Flower, PEI
  6. ^ Cribb, P. & Bailes, C. Hardy Orchids. Orchids for the Garden and Frost-free Greenhouse. London:Christopher Helm, 1989. ISBN 0-7470-0416-1
  7. ^ Cypripedium acaule, moccasin flower

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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