Michael Nyman Band — The Michael Nyman Band Also known as Campiello Band Origin London, England Genres contemporary classical music minimalist music film scores Years active 1976 present … Wikipedia
Nephilim — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Nephilim (homonymie) et Géant. Le mot nephilim apparaît deux fois dans la Bible (Genèse 6:4 et Nombres 13:33). Il est souvent traduit par géants mais parfois rendu tel quel. C est la forme plurielle du mot hébreu … Wikipédia en Français
ÉDOM — Peuple du désert situé entre la mer Morte et le golfe d’Aqaba. Les traditions bibliques le rattachent à la descendance d’Abraham; l’ancêtre des Édomites, Ésaü, surnommé Édom («le Rouge»), est présenté comme le frère jumeau de Jacob (Gen., XXV, 19 … Encyclopédie Universelle
Naqshbandi — This article is part of the series … Wikipedia
List of political families — This is a partial listing of prominent political families.Royal families are not included, unless certain later descendants have played political roles in a republican structure (e.g. Cakobau Family of Fiji). See also Family… … Wikipedia
Mesa — • A King of Moab in the ninth century B. C., whose history is given in IV Kings, iii Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Mesa Mesa † … Catholic encyclopedia
Jacob Judah Leon — J. J. Leon (Stich von Salom Italia, 1641) Jacob Judah Leon (* 1602 in der Nähe von Coimbra, Portugal; † 17. Juli 1675 in Amsterdam) war ein sephardischer Rabbiner und Schullehrer, der vor allem durch ein Modell des Salomonischen … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of Companions of the Order of Canada — Companions of the Order of Canada, the highest level of the Order of Canada, have demonstrated the highest degree of merit to Canada and humanity, on the national or international scene. Up to 15 Companions are appointed each year, with a limit… … Wikipedia
List of University of London people — The following people spent time at the University of London as either teaching staff or students.Nobel LaureatesThere are a total of 56 Nobel Laureates who were either students or staff members at the University of London. Their respective… … Wikipedia
Liste der Companions des Order of Canada — Die Auszeichnung Companion of the Order of Canada ist die höchste Stufe des Order of Canada, Kanadas höchster Auszeichnung für Zivilpersonen. Seine Träger (Companions) haben größte Verdienste um Kanada und die Menschheit auf nationaler oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia