Paul Koebe

Paul Koebe

Paul Koebe (February 15, 1882 – August 6, 1945) was a 20th-century German mathematician from Luckenwalde. His work dealt exclusively with the complex numbers, his most important results being on the uniformization of Riemann surfaces. He did his thesis at Berlin, where he worked under Herman Schwarz. He was an extraordinary professor at Leipzig from 1910 to 1914, then an ordinary professor at the University of Jena before returning to Leipzig in 1926 as an ordinary professor. He died in Leipzig.


* 1922, AckermannTeubner Memorial Award [cite journal |journal=Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society |volume=29 |number=5 |pages=p. 235 |title=Notes |date=May 1923 |publisher=American Mathematical Society |location=Providence, Rhode Island |isbn= |url=]

ee also

* Koebe function
*Koebe 1/4 theorem
*Circle packing theorem

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