List of birds on stamps of Japan

List of birds on stamps of Japan

This page identifies and classifies the birds found in Japan and featured on Japanese stamps and by some other countries showing Japanese sceneries on their postage stamps.

Each species' name is followed by the chronological list of postage stamps featuring it, with the date of issue, value, and catalogue numbers (M = Michel, Sc = Scott, SG = Stanley and Gibbon, YT = Yvert et Tellier)

Family classification follows Sibley, Monroe and Ahlquist.

Phasianidae (pheasants)

**Jungle fowl ("Gallus gallus")
**:1950, 5 y. (long-tailed)
**:1973, 50 y. (by J. Ito)
**:1988, 60 y. (International Congress)
**Japanese pheasant ("Phasianus versicolor") - Japanese "kiji"
**:1978, 100 y. (detail of door painting)
**Copper pheasant ("Syrmaticus soemmerringii") - Japanese "yamadori"
**:1961, 80 y. (with Nippon)
**:?, 80 y. (without Nippon)
**Blue peacock ("Pavo cristatus")
**:1975, 50 y. (after K. Ogata)
**Rock ptarmigan ("Lagopus mutus japonicus") - Japanese "raichô"
**:1963, 10 y.
**:9/10/1990, ?

Anatidae (swans, geese and ducks)

**Whistling swan ("Cygnus columbianus jankowskii") - Japanese "ko-hakuchô"
**:1/10/1990, ? (Miyagi prefecture)
**Mute swan ("Cygnus olor") - Japanese "kobu-hakuchô"
**:1971, 5 y.
**White-fronted goose ("Anser albifrons frontalis") - Japanese "ma-gan"
**:15/9/1946, 1,30 y.
**:1/9/1947, 4 y.
**:1993, ? (Ansner" instead of "Anser")
**Graylag goose ("Anser anser rubrirostris") - Japanese "haiiro-gan"
**:?, 8
**Snow goose ("Anser caerulescens hyperboreus") - Japanese "haku-gan"
**:15/9/1946, 1,30 y.
**:1/9/1947, 4 y.
**Bean goose ("Anser fabalis") - Japanese "hishikui"
**:1875, 12 s.
**Brant ("Branta bernicla orientalis") - Japanese "koku-gan"
**:1949, 8 y.
**Hutchins goose ("Branta hutchinsii leucopareia") - Japanese "shijûkara-gan"
**:25/11/1983, 60 y.
**Baikal teal ("Anas formosa") - Japanese "tomoe gamo"
**:1993, ?
**:25/5/2001, ?
**Wigeon ("Anas penelope") - Japanese "hidori-gamo"
**:1/2/2001, 50 y.
**Spot-billed duck ("Anas poecilorhyncha zonorhyncha") - Japanese "karu-gamo"
**:1992, 90 y.
**:1994, 90 y. (SG 2223)
**Mandarin duck ("Aix galericulata") - Japanese "oshidori"
**:1952, 5 y.
**:1985, 60 y. (traditional handicraft)
**:1992, 41 y.
**:1993, 62 y.
**:1998, 110 y. (YT 2473)

Picidae (woodpeckers)

**White-backed woodpecker ("Davecopos leucotos owstonii") - Japanese "ô-aka-gera"
**:1984, 60 y. (SG 1742)
**Black woodpecker ("Dryocopus martius") - Japanese "kumagera"
**:Liberia, 1971, 3 c. (Hokkaidō scenery)
**:1995, 80 y. (SG 2401)
**Pryer's woodpecker ("Sapheopipo noguchii") - Japanese "noguchi-gera"
**:Ryukyu, 15/2/1966, 3 c.
**:Madagascar, 16/9/1975, 25 f. (YT 567)
**:25/11/1983, 60 y.
**:Mongolia, 25/3/1987, 4 t.

Alcedinidae (kingfishers)

**Common kingfisher ("Alcedo atthis bengalensis") - Japanese "kawasemi"
**:1993, ?
**Greater pied kingfisher ("Megaceryle lugubris") - Japanese "yamasemi"
**:13/1/1994, ?
**:24/1/1994, ?
**:1/8/2001, ?
**:25/3/2002, ?
**Ruddy kingfisher ("Halcyon coromanda") - Japanese "aka-shôbin"
**:1992, 62 y.

Cuculidae (cuckoos)

**Common cuckoo ("Cuculus canorus telephonus") - Japanese "kakkô"
**:1986, 60 y.
**Little cuckoo ("Cuculus poliocephalus poliocephalus") - Japanese "hototogisu"
**:1952, 3 y.
**:1988, 60 y. (SG 1944)

trigidae (owls)

**Blakiston's fish-owl ("Ketupa blakistoni blakistoni") - Japanese "shima-fukurô"
**:1984, 60 y.
**:23/7/1999, 50 y. (Hokkaidō prefecture)
**Ural owl ("Strix uralensis") - Japanese "fukurô"
**:8/10/1979, 100 y. (SG 1546)
**Oriental scops owl ("Otus sunia japonicus") - Japanese "konoha-zuku"
**:18/9/1973, 20 y. (forest lane) (SG 1330)
**:?, 62 y. (Aichi prefecture)

Columbidae (pigeons)

**Japanese wood pigeon ("Columba janthina nitens") - Japanese "karasu-bato"
**:1984, 60 y. (SG 1735)
**Ryukyu wood pigeon ("Columba jouyi") - Japanese "ryukyu-karasu-bato"
**:2000, 80 y. (YT 2766)
**Collared turtle dove ("Streptopelia decaocto decaocto") - Japanese "shirako-bato"
**:1/5/2000, ?
**Rufous turtle dove ("Streptopelia orientalis") - Japanese "kiji-bato"
**:1963, 10 y.
**:6/10/1981, 130 y.
**:1992, 62 y.

Gruidae (cranes)

**Japanese crane ("Grus japonensis") - Japanese "tanchô"
**:1953, 10 y.
**:1959, 10 y. (flying)
**:1961, 100 y. (without Nippon)
**:1966, 15 y.
**:1966, 100 y. (with Nippon)
**:1974, 20 y.
**:1974, 20 y. (flying)
**:1975, 20 y.
**:1990, 62 y. (Hokkaidō prefecture)
**:1993, 62 y. (with chicks)
**:1993, 62 y. (flock)
**:2000, ? (Okayama prefecture) (YT 2769)
**:2000, ? (Okayama prefecture) (YT 2772)
**:2001, 80 y. (YT 2978)
**:2001, 80 y. (YT 2979)
**Hooded crane ("Grus monacha") - Japanese "nabe-zuru"
**:1991, 62 y.
**White-naped crane ("Grus vipio") - Japanese "mana-zuru"
**:1993, 62 y.

Rallidae (rails)

**Moorhen ("Gallinula chloropus indica") - Japanese "ban"
**:2003, 80 y.
**Okinawa rail ("Gallirallus okinawae") - Japanese "yanbaru-kuina"
**:1983, 60 y.


**Spotted greenshank ("Tringa guttifer") - Japanese "karafuto-aoashi-shigi"
**:1984, 60 y.
**Latham's snipe ("Gallinago hardwickii") - Japanese "ôji-shigi"
**:1991, 62 y.

Rostratulidae (painted snipe)

**Painted snipe ("Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis") - Japanese "tama-shigi"
**:1992, 62 y.

Charadriidae (plovers)

**Snowy plover ("Charadrius alexandrinus nihonensis") - Japanese "shiro-chidori"
**:1994, 80 y. (préfecture ; Futamiura sea)
**Little ringed plover ("Charadrius dubius") - Japanese "ko-chidori"
**:?, 110 y. (SG 2223a)

Laridae (gulls, terns and puffins)

**Black-tailed gull ("Larus crassirostris") - Japanese "umineko"
**:1965, 10 y.
**:1991, 62 y. (SG 2162)
**Tufted puffin ("Fratercula cirrhata") - Japanese "etopirika"
**:1992, 62 y.
**:23/7/1999, 50 y. (Hokkaidō prefecture)
**Common guillemot ("Uria aalge inornata") - Japanese "umigarasu"
**:Liberia, 1971, 10 c. (Hokkaidō scenery)

Accipitridae (hawks)

**White-tailed eagle ("Haliaeetus albicilla") - Japanese "ojiro-washi"
**Steller's sea-eagle ("Haliaeetus pelagicus pelagicus") - Japanese ""'ô-washi
**:23/7/1999, 50 y. (Hokkaidō prefecture)
**Golden eagle ("Aquila chrysaetos japonica") - Japanese "inu-washi"
**:1971, 90 y. (SG 1237)
**:2002, 80 y. (SG 3005)
**Crested serpent eagle ("Spilornis cheela perplexus") - Japanese "kanmuri-washi"
**:1983, 60 y. (SG 1730)
**Black kite ("Milvus migrans" - Japanese "tobi"
**:1997, 50 y. (SG 2497)
**Goshawk ("Accipiter gentilis") - Japanese "ô-taka"
**:?, ?
**Sparrow hawk ("Accipiter nisus") - Japanese "hai-taka"
**:2002, 80 y. (SG 3006)

Falconidae (falcons)

**Peregrine falcon ("Falco peregrinus fruitii") - Japanese "hayabusa"
**:1984, 60 y.

Podicipedidae (grebes)

**Little grebe ("Tachybaptus ruficollis poggei") - Japanese "kaitsuburi"
**:1991, 62 y.

ulidae (boobies)

**Brown booby ("Sula leucogaster plotus") - Japanese "katsuodori"
**:1991, 62 y.

Phalacrocoracidae (cormorants)

**Cormorant ("Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis") - Japanese "kawa-u"
**:1959, ? (SG 808)
**Japanese cormorant ("Phalacrocorax capillatus") - Japanese "umi-u"
**:1952, 100 y.
**:1959, 10 y.

Ardeidae (herons)

**Cattle egret ("Bubulcus ibis coromandus") - Japanese "ama-sagi"
**:1993, 62 y.

Threskiornithidae (ibises)

**Crested ibis ("Nipponia nippon") - Japanese "toki"
**:1960, 10 y.
**:1981, 60 y.
**:16/7/1999, 80 y. - This stamp features two "toki" (Youyou and Yangyang) given by China (YT 2597).
**:16/7/1999, 80 y. - Kin, the last Japanese "toki" (YT 2598).

Ciconiidae (storks)

**Oriental stork ("Ciconia boyciana") - Japanese "kônotori"
**:1963, 10 y.
**:1994, 50 y. (Hyogo prefecture)
**:1999, 80 y. (YT 2660)

Procellariidae (shearwaters and albatrosses)

**Streaked shearwater ("Calonectris leucomelas") - Japanese "ô-mizunagidori"
**:1992, 62 y.
**Short-tailed albatross ("Phoebastria albatrus") - Japanese "ahôdori"
**:?, 20 y.
**:Ryukyu, 1972, 5 c.
**:1975, 20 y.


**Bull-headed shrike ("Lanius bucephalus") - Japanese "mozu"
**:1986, 60 y. (YT 1840)
**:1998, 120 y. (SG 2223b ; YT 2417)
**Crow ("Corvus corone") - Japanese "hashiboso-garasu"
**:Dominica, 15/5/2001, 1,65 $ (painting of Tsuji Kakô)
**Rook ("Corvus frugilegus pastinator") - Japanese "miyama-garasu"
**:6/10/1976, 100 y.
**Lidth's jay "Garrulus lidthi" - Japanese "ruri-kakesu"
**:1963, 10 y. (SG 929)
**:Madagascar, 1975, 300 f. (YT BF 8)
**Magpie "Pica pica sericea" - Japanese "kasasagi"
**:1987, 60 y.
**Blue-and-white flycatcher ("Cyanoptila cyanomelana cyanomelana") - Japanese "ô-ruri"
**:1982, 60 y. (afforestation campaign)
**Narcissus flycatcher ("Ficedula narcissina") - Japanese "ki-bitaki"
**:1996, ? (SG 2413)
**:1996, ? (SG 2414)
**Black paradise flycatcher ("Terpsiphone atrocaudata") - Japanese "sankôchô"
**:1993, 41 y. (Shizuoka prefecture)
**Ryukyu robin ("Erithacus komadori") - Japanese "akahige"
**:1976, 50 y.
**Dusky thrush ("Turdus naumanni") - Japanese "tsugumi"
**:22/12/2000, ?
**Great tit ("Parus major") - Japanese "shijû-kara"
**:1971, 15 y.
**:1997, 70 y. (SG 2220a)
**Varied tit ("Sittiparus varius") - Japanese "yama-gara"
**:1948, 5 + 2,5 y. (au nid, nourrissant ses petits)
**:1992, 72 y.
**Barn swallow ("Hirundo rustica") - Japanese "tsubame"
**:12/12/1946, 1 y.
**:Centrafrique, 20/5/1997, 430 f. (work of Hiroshige)
**:Palau, 2/6/1997, 32 c.
**:Guyana, 22/6/1999, 80 $ (work of Hokusai)
**:Micronesia, 25/3/2002, 60 c.
**:1/4/2003, 80 y.
**Pacific swallow ("Hirundo tahitica") - Japanese "ryukyu-tsubame"
**:Ryukyu, 10/5/1966, 3 c.
**Bonin islands white-eye ("Apalopteron familiare hahashima") - Japanese "meguro" - Endemic to Ogasawara (Bonin) islands. Formerly classified with honeyeaters.
**:1975, 20 y.
**Japanese white-eye ("Zosterops japonica") - Japanese "mejiro"
**:1992, 50 y.
**:13/1/1994, 50 y.
**:24/1/1994, 50 y.
**:24/1/1994, 50 y.
**:Gambia, 20/5/1997, 5 d. (work of Hiroshige)
**:Gambia, 20/5/1997, 25 d. (work of Hiroshige)
**:21/4/2000, 50 y. (afforestation)
**:Gambia, 17/4/2001, 5 d.
**:1/8/2001, ?
**:25/3/2002, ?
**Bush warbler ("Cettia diphone") - Japanese "uguisu"
**:196?, 10 y.
**:1992, 41 y. (Fukuoka prefecture)
**Japanese marsh warbler ("Megalurus pryeri pryeri") - Japanese "ô-sekka"
**:1984, 60 y.
**Tree sparrow ("Passer montanus saturatus") - Japanese "suzume"
**:10/2/2003, ?
**Russet sparrow ("Passer rutilans rutilans") - Japanese "nyûnai-suzume"
**:6/10/1999, 90 y. (SG 2639 ; YT 2665)
**White wagtail ("Motacilla alba") - Japanese "haku-sekirei"
**:1/1/1875, ?
**:19/5/2000 (features the stamp of 1875)
**Japanese wagtail ("Motacilla grandis") - Japanese "seguro-sekirei"
**:Dominica, 31/8/1989, ? (art japonais)
**Japanese grosbeak ("Eophona personata personata") - Japanese "ikaru"
**:16/2/1998, 140 y. (YT 2418)
**Red crosbill ("Loxia curvirostra") - Japanese "isuka"
**:Gambia, 7/7/1989, 5 d.
**Bullfinch ("Pyrrhula pyrrhula") - Japanese "uso"
**:Antigua and Barbuda, ?, 5 d. (work of Hiroshige)
**:25/4/1994, 130 y.
**Siberian meadow bunting ("Emberiza cioides ciopsis") - Japanese "hôjiro"
**:1/5/1964, 10 y.
**:Bhutan, 10/3/2003, 90 n.


*Wild Bird Society of Japan, "A Field Guide to the Birds of Japan", Tokyo, 1982 (for names in japanese)

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