SAA is a three-letter abbreviation that can stand for a number of things:

* SAA (Algeria), Algerian insurance company
* Shannon Airport Authority, Ireland
* South African Airways

* the former Saarland protectorate IOC country code (used 1952 until 1956 when the Saarland rejoined Germany)
* South African Army
* Savannah Arts Academy, a Georgia high school
* St. Ambrose Academy, a Catholic school located in Madison, Wisconsin

* Sub-Aqua Association
* Society of American Archivists
* Science and Arts Academy
* Society for American Archaeology
* Stock Artists Alliance
* Sex Addicts Anonymous, a 12-step program
* Student Activist Alliance
* Systems Application Architecture
* The Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics
* Standards Association of Australia

;Other uses:
* South Atlantic Anomaly
* Serum amyloid A
* European Union Stabilization and Association Agreement
* The Colt Single Action Army revolver
* Service Assurance Agent, used for Network Management
* Anbar Salvation Council
* Sleep Addicts Anonymous
* An aluminum can used to load packages in FedEx Express's aircraft operations
* SWIFT Alliance Access
* Sound Absorption Average

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