- List of fire drill regulations in the United States
The following is a list of
fire drill regulations in the United States.Alabama
According to section 36-19-10 of the Code of Alabama, the Fire Marshal or his deputies are to require schools to conduct one fire drill per month. Additionally, the statute requires that doors open outward, and be unlocked during school hours.
Code of Alabama , [http://www.legislature.state.al.us/CodeOfAlabama/1975/36-19-10.htm § 36-19-10, Regulation of fire drills and doors and exits in schools, factories, hospitals, etc.] ]Alaska
In Arizona, the Arizona School Emergency Response Plan Minimum Requirements Checklist states that schools must conduct two each of evacuation, reverse evacuation, and lockdown drills each year, and that one fire drill per year may count towards this requirement.]
Nevada private schools follow most of the fire drill regulations of public schools. In 2007 this law was amended—private schools are now required to drill once a month rather than twice a month as previously required. Drill procedures and evacuation maps are not required to be posted in every classroom; however, a copy of NRS 394.170 (the law pertaining to private school drills) must be posted. cite web|url=http://www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/NRS-394.html#NRS394Sec170|title=Nevada Revised Statutes §394.170|accessdate=2007-08-05]
New Hampshire
NPPA 101 requires all
New Hampshire schools to conduct a fire drill for every month school is in session with one drill done within the first 30 days of school. The NH State Fire Code also allows for these drills to be suspended during the winter months provided that at least four (4) drills were previously conducted. All present occupants must participate in the drill. This includes: students, teachers, staff, administration, and kitchen personal as well as janitors and yard teachers. cite web|title=Fire Code Issues in Educational Occupancies|url=http://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/firesafety//bulletins/documents/05_01firecode.pdf]New Jersey
New Jersey , according to section 18A:41-1 in the New Jersey Permanent Statutes, fire drills are required two times per month in schools of two or more rooms, or one room when located above the first floor level.New Jersey Permanent Statutes, § 18A:41-1]New Mexico
Each public and private school must have twelve emergency drills per year, of which nine are to be fire drills, two shelter-in-place, and one evacuation drill. [Subsection M of of the New Mexico Administrative Code]
New York
Each school must have 12 fire drills per year. Eight fire drills in the fall must be conducted before December 1st. Four must be conducted in the spring before the end of the year. Residential schools must have 4 after dark, and schools that hold summer sessions must hold at least 2 drills, with one of the drills being held during the first week of the summer session.cite web
url = http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/facplan/FireSafety/FireDrills.html
accessdate = 2007-08-01
language = English]North Carolina
According to North Carolina General Statute 115C‑288 (d), the Principal of a school is responsible to conduct a fire drill during the first week after the opening of school and thereafter at least one fire drill each school month, in each building in his charge, where children are assembled. Fire drills shall include all pupils and school employees, and the use of various ways of egress to simulate evacuation of said buildings under various conditions, and such other regulations as shall be prescribed for fire safety by the Commissioner of Insurance, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education. A copy of such regulations shall be kept posted on the bulletin board in each building. [ [North Carolina General Assembly] ] [http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_115c/GS_115C-288.html]
North Dakota
Ohio schools are required to conduct at least nine fire drills per year, and at least once a month, two the first month, and not including partial months. School officials must notify the local fire department 72 hours in advance to schedule a fire drill. Tornado drills are to be held each month during the tornado season (April 1 - July 31). Lockdown drills must be performed at least five times per year. Failure to perform a drill will result in a $1,000 fine per incident. [ [http://www.com.state.oh.us/SFM/pub/SchoolFireDrillsLtr.pdf bills try at header ] ]Oklahoma
Oklahoma there should be 8 fire drills conducted every year. If weather is does not permit a fire drill on the day it may either be rescheduled, or there can be alockdown drill from September to February, or atornado drill from March to June.Oregon
Oregon schools are required to devote a minimum of 30 minutes each month during the school year to fire and earthquake preparedness. One fire drill should be scheduled for every month that school is in session, and these drills should be conducted at different times during the school day. [ [http://www.salkeiz.k12.or.us/district/risk/manual/saf/fl6.htm 24J Risk Management Operations Manual ] ]Pennsylvania
All public and private elementary, middle, and senior high schools in
Pennsylvania are required to conduct fire drills no less than once a month pursuant to the General Education laws of the state. [ [http://www.pde.state.pa.us/k12/cwp/view.asp?A=11&Q=54316 Pre K-12 Schools: Fire Drills and School Bus Evacuations ] ]Rhode Island
Drills in
Rhode Island schools must be conducted according to section 16-21-4 of the Rhode Island General Laws. Fifteen drills or rapid dismissals per year are required to be conducted in schools with more than twenty-five students. Eight drills must be conducted by the end of November, while the remaining seven are conducted at the principal's discretion, usually during the spring. Of those fifteen aforementioned drills, eleven are designated as fire drills, two as evacuation drills, and two more as lock-down drills. In addition, four of the required fire/evacuation drills must be conducted with a major egress point obstructed, requiring use of an alternate exit. Two obstructed drills out of the eight evacuation/fire drills required by the end of November must be conducted before the end of October.Rhode Island General Laws , Title 16, [http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/Statutes/TITLE16/16-21/16-21-4.HTM § 16-21-4] ] [ [http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/PublicLaws/law07/law07234.htm Chapter 07-234 ] ]South Carolina
South Dakota
Six fire drills should be done in schools with each one logged for examination by the fire marshal or fire chief to see, and 2-3 of these drills should be shadowed by the
fire department . Also there must be one lockdown during the first half, and one tornado drill during the second half of the school year.Utah
Fire drills in
Virginia schools must be conducted pursuant to § 22.1-137 in theCode of Virginia . Public schools must conduct at least one fire drill every week for the first twenty days of school, and at least one fire drill per month through the rest of the year. Assuming a typical school year, this means that Virginia schools conduct about twelve drills per year.Code of Virginia , [http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+cod+22.1-137 § 22.1-137] ]Washington
Washington , schools must conduct 1 fire drill per month in accordance with the Emergency Evacuations and Operations Plan (EEOP). [ [http://www.ehs.washington.edu/fsoemerprep/fireexitfrequencies.shtm UW EH&S - Fire Exit Drill Frequencies ] ]West Virginia
Fire drills must be held once a month for every month the school is in session, with a local fire department strongly encouraged to oversee one. Fire drills can be postponed due to bad weather. However, these drills then must take place at a later date. In addition, four more fire drills must take place before any such drills may be postponed. All exits must be in working condition and unobstructed. [http://www.commerce.state.wi.us/newsletter/2003/Nov/firedrills-schools.html Fire Drills in Wisconsin Schools: an Opportunity for Excellence] , John Andersen, "Wisconsin Department of Commerce Newsletter", November 2003]
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