DIN 62056

DIN 62056

DIN 62056 Electric DIN Standard for electric metering released 2002. Most of the description are used to certificate a common electronic readout from electrical readers, such as private households, industries and power generators over telephone lines or the Internet.

The DIN 62056 has some sub-parts, which describes several protocols.

  • DIN 62056-3 EDIS Energy data identification code
  • DIN 62056-21 Direct local data exchange.
  • DIN 62058-42 Physical layer services and asynchronos data exchange
  • DIN 62056-46 Data link Layer with HDLC Protocol
  • DIN 62056-53 Data exchange for meter reading COSEM Application layer
  • DIN 62056-61 OBIS Object identification Code or IEC 61107
  • DIN 62056-62 Interface obejcts

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