

DIN or Din or din can have several meanings:

  • A din is a loud noise.
  • Dīn, an Arabic term meaning "religion" or "way of life".
  • Din (Kabbalah) is one of the ten aspects of the Ein Sof in Kabbalah (more commonly known as "Gevurah").
  • DIN is the abbreviated name of the Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization) and is used in the names of its standards, like:
    • DIN 1451, German Standard Committee chosen typeface from 1936.
    • DIN 4512, a definition of film speed
    • DIN 476, as for example DIN A4, is a scale for paper sizes.
    • DIN 31635, an Arabic transliteration scheme.
    • DIN 72552 is a standard for automobile electric terminal numbers.
    • DIN connector, one of a number of electrical (audio/video/keyboard) connectors following DIN standards.
    • DIN fitting, a type of high-pressure air or gas connection used in some modern very high-pressure scuba gear.
    • DIN ISO 7736, size standard for car audio head units.
    • DIN Panel cutout size, a standard for cutouts for industrial panel mount equipment.
    • DIN rail, a common system for mounting circuit breakers and industrial control equipment inside equipment racks.
    • DIN ski binding scale, scale to ensure ski bindings release under the same force at all skiing destinations worldwide.
    • FF DIN, 1995 digital font
  • Din, Guinea
  • Drug Identification Number - a unique number given to all drugs sold in Canada.
  • Din, a character in The Legend of Zelda series
  • Serbian dinar, a local abbreviation
  • In the Indian language Hindi it can also mean a "day" or "morning".
  • DIN is an abbreviation for Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen in ecological studies.

In music:

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  • din — din·der; din·er; din·er·gate; din·gaan s; din·gi·ly; din·gi·ness; din·gle·bird; din·go; din·gus; din·ich·thys; din·ka; din·ky di; din·le; din·mont; din·na; din·ner; din·or·nis; din·or·ni·thid; din·or·nith·i·dae; din·some; DIN; ela·i·din;… …   English syllables

  • din — prep. I. (Cu sens local) 1. (Introduce un atribut care arată locul unde se află cineva sau ceva, unde se întâmplă ceva) Oglinda din perete. 2. (Introduce un complement care arată punctul de plecare) A ieşit din casă. ♦ (În corelaţie cu prep. în …   Dicționar Român

  • DIN — (сокр.)  нем. Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.  Немецкий институт по стандартизации. Логотип DIN Главной задачей DIN является разработка нормативно техн …   Википедия

  • Din — steht als Abkürzung für ehemals „Deutsche Industrie Norm“ des Deutschen Normausschusses e. V., heute siehe DIN Norm Deutsches Institut für Normung Dinslaken, ehemaliges deutsches Autokennzeichen Din ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Ahmad… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Din — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • din — n Din, uproar, pandemonium, hullabaloo, babel, hubbub, clamor, racket mean a disturbing or confusing welter of sounds or a scene or situation marked by such a welter of sounds. Din emphasizes the distress suffered by the ears and the completely… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • din — diñ interj., dìn dzin, dan: Din din diñ varpelis suskambėjo Š. Diñ dan, diñ dan – danguj dūšia, kūns po žemės (apie varpų skambinimą) Krkl. Dìn dilìn, dìn dilìn skambina varpais Grž. Vieni žmogaus kaulai eina ir barškina į kits kitą –… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • DIN — DIN® <Abkürzung für Deutsche Industrie Norm> (Verbandszeichen des Deutschen Instituts für Normung e. V.); DIN lang (Bezeichnung für ein Papierformat); mit einer Nummer zur Bezeichnung einer Norm (z. B. DIN 16 511) und bei Kopplungen (z. B.… …   Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

  • DIN — [ din ] n. m. inv. • XXe; acronyme de l all. Deutsche I ndustrie Norm « normalisation industrielle allemande » ♦ Photogr. Échelle DIN : échelle de sensibilité des émulsions photographiques. ⇒ ASA. ⊗ HOM. Dyne. ● din Mot arabe signifiant jugement …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Din — (рекурсивный акроним Din is noise)  свободное программное обеспечение для создания музыкальных импровизаций, программно музыкальный инструмент для операционной системы GNU/Linux. Пользователь использует «мышь» для изменения высоты тона… …   Википедия

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