Rubidium fluoride

Rubidium fluoride

Chembox new
ImageFile = Rubidium-fluoride-3D-ionic.png ImageName = Rubidium fluoride
IUPACName = Rubidium fluoride
OtherNames = Rubidium(I) Fluoride
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
CASNo = 13446-74-7

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = RbF
MolarMass = 104.466 g/mol
Appearance = white crystalline solid
Density = 3200 kg m-3 when solid
MeltingPt = 795°C / 1068K
BoilingPt = 1408°C / 1681K

Section8 = Chembox Related
OtherAnions = rubidiumcompounds
OtherCations = Lithium fluoride
Sodium fluoride
Potassium fluoride
Caesium fluoride
Francium fluoride
and all other fluorides

Rubidium fluoride (RbF) is the fluoride salt of rubidium. It is an octahedral crystal.

There are several methods for synthesising rubidium fluoride. One involves reacting rubidium hydroxide with hydrofluoric acid::RbOH + HF → RbF + H2OAnother method is to neutralize rubidium carbonate with hydrofluoric acid::Rb2(CO3) + 2HF → 2RbF + H2O + CO2The least used method due to expense of rubidium metal is to react it directly with fluorine gas, as rubidium reacts violently with halogens::2Rb + F2 → 2RbF



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