- Zouches Farm
Zouches Farm is a microwave radio link site located on the top of Blows Downs at Zouches Farm,
Caddington ,Bedfordshire ,England (gbmapping|TL045210). It was part of the London to Birmingham chain designed in the 1940s, and is now owned and maintained byBT Group .In September 1970, short segments of the
BBC Television seriesDoctor Who were filmed at the relay station, for a serial entitledTerror of the Autons .The radio tower is also used for digital and analogue radio broadcasts; these are maintained by
Arqiva .Channels listed by Frequency
* Analogue Radio (FM
** 97.6MHz - Chiltern FM
** 103.8MHz - BBC 3CR* Digital Radio (DAB)
** Block 11B: 218.640MHz -DRG London
** Block 11D: 222.064MHz -Digital One
** Block 12A: 223.936MHz -Switch London
** Block 12B: 225.648MHz - BBC
** Block 12C: 227.360MHz -CE London References
* mb21.co.uk, [http://tx.mb21.co.uk/gallery/zouches-farm.php Zouches Farm]
* doctorwholocations.net, [http://www.doctorwholocations.net/locations/zouchesfarmrelaystation Zouches Farm Relay Station]
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