- Bernstein polynomial
In the mathematical field of
numerical analysis , a Bernstein polynomial, named afterSergei Natanovich Bernstein , is apolynomial in the Bernstein form, that is alinear combination of Bernstein basis polynomials.A numerically stable way to evaluate polynomials in Bernstein form is
de Casteljau's algorithm .Polynomials in Bernstein form were first used by Bernstein in a constructive proof for the Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem. With the advent of computer graphics, Bernstein polynomials, restricted to the interval "x" ∈ [0, 1] , became important in the form of
Bézier curve s.Definition
The "n" + 1 Bernstein basis polynomials of degree "n" are defined as
:b_{ u,n}(x) = {n choose u} x^{ u} (1-x)^{n- u}, qquad u=0,ldots,n.
where n choose u} is a
binomial coefficient .The Bernstein basis polynomials of degree "n" form a basis for the
vector space Pi_n of polynomials of degree "n".A linear combination of Bernstein basis polynomials
:B(x) = sum_{ u=0}^{n} eta_{ u} b_{ u,n}(x)
is called a Bernstein polynomial or polynomial in Bernstein form of degree "n". The coefficients βν are called Bernstein coefficients or Bézier coefficients.
The first few Bernstein basis polynomials are:b_{0,0}(x) = 1 ,
:b_{0,1}(x) = 1-x ,:b_{1,1}(x) = x ,
:b_{0,2}(x) = (1-x)^2 ,:b_{1,2}(x) = 2x(1-x) ,:b_{2,2}(x) = x^2 .
The Bernstein basis polynomials have the following properties:
*b_{ u,n}(x) = 0, if ν < 0 or ν > "n"
*b_{ u,n}(0) = delta_{ u,0} and b_{ u,n}(1) = delta_{ u,n} where delta is theKronecker delta function.
*b_{ u,n}(x) has a root with multiplicity ν at point "x" = 0 (note if ν is 0 there is no root at 0)
*b_{ u,n}(x) has a root with multiplicity "n" − ν at point "x" = 1 (note if ν = "n" there is no root at 1)
*b_{ u,n}(x) ≥ 0 for "x" in [0,1]
*b_{ u,n}(1 - x) = b_{n- u,n}(x)
*Thederivative can be written as a combination of two polynomials of lower degree:::b'_{ u,n}(x) = nleft(b_{ u-1,n-1}(x) - b_{ u,n-1}(x) ight)*If ν ≠ 0, then b_{ u,n}(x) has a unique local maximum on the interval [0,1] at "x" = ν/"n". This maximum takes the value::u^{ u}n^{-n}(n- u)^{n- u}{nchoose u}.
*The Bernstein basis polynomials of degree "n" form a
partition of unity :::sum_{ u=0}^n b_{ u,n}(x) = sum_{ u=0}^n {n choose u} x^{ u}(1-x)^{n- u} = (x+(1-x))^n = 1.
*A Bernstein polynomial can always be written as a linear combination of polynomials of higher degree.
::b_{ u,n-1}(x)=frac{n- u}{n}b_{ u,n}(x)+frac{ u+1}{n}b_{ u+1,n}(x).
Approximating continuous functions
Let "f"("x") be a
continuous function on the interval [0, 1] . Consider the Bernstein polynomial:B_n(f)(x) = sum_{ u=0}^{n} fleft(frac{ u}{n} ight) b_{ u,n}(x).
It can be shown that :lim_{n ightarrowinfty} B_n(f)(x)=f(x)
uniformly on the interval [0, 1] . This is a stronger statement than the proposition that the limit holds for each value of "x" separately; that would be
pointwise convergence rather thanuniform convergence . Specifically, the word "uniformly" signifies that:lim_{n ightarrowinfty} sup{,left|f(x)-B_n(f)(x) ight|:0leq xleq 1,}=0.
Bernstein polynomials thus afford one way to prove the Stone-Weierstrass approximation theorem that every real-valued continuous function on a real interval ["a","b"] can be uniformly approximated by polynomial functions over R.
A more general statement for a function with continuous k-th derivative is
:B_n(f)^{(k)} |_infty le {(n)_k over n^k} | f^{(k)} |_infty and f^{(k)}- B_n(f)^{(k)} |_infty ightarrow 0,
where additionally n)_k over n^k}= left(1-{0 over n} ight)left(1-{1 over n} ight) cdots left(1-{k-1 over n} ight) is an
eigenvalue of B_n; the corresponding eigenfunction is a polynomial of degree k.Proof
Suppose "K" is a
random variable distributed as the number of successes in "n" independentBernoulli trial s with probability "x" of success on each trial; in other words, "K" has abinomial distribution with parameters "n" and "x". Then we have theexpected value E("K/n") = "x".Then the weak law of large numbers of
probability theory tells us that:lim_{n oinfty}Pleft(left|frac{K}{n}-x ight|>delta ight)=0
for every delta > 0.
Because "f", being continuous on a closed bounded interval, must be uniformly continuous on that interval, we can infer a statement of the form
:lim_{n ightarrowinfty} Pleft(left|f(K/n)-f(x) ight|>varepsilon ight)=0.
:lim_{n ightarrowinfty}Pleft(left|f(K/n)-E(f(K/n)) ight|+left|E(f(K/n))-f(x) ight|>varepsilon ight)=0.
:lim_{n ightarrowinfty}Pleft(left|fleft(frac{K}{n} ight)-Eleft(fleft(frac{K}{n} ight) ight) ight|>varepsilon/2 ight)+Pleft(left|Eleft(fleft(frac{K}{n} ight) ight)-f(x) ight|>varepsilon/2 ight)=0.
And so the second probability above approaches 0 as "n" grows. But the second probability is either 0 or 1, since the only thing that is random is "K", and that appears "within the scope of the expectation operator E". Finally, observe that E("f"("K/n")) is just the Bernstein polynomial "B""n"("f","x").
ee also
Bézier curve
*Polynomial interpolation
*Newton form
*Lagrange formReferences
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