- Rosette (design)
A rosette is a round, stylized flower design, used extensively in sculptural objects from antiquity. Appearing in
Mesopotamia and used to decorate the funeralstele in Ancient Greece. Adopted later in Romaneseque and Renaissance, and also common in the art ofCentral Asia , spreading as far as India where it is used as a decorative motif inGreco-Buddhist art .The rosette derives from the natural shape of a rosette in botany, formed by leaves radiating out from the stem of a plant and visible even after the flowers have withered. The formalised flower motif is often in carved in stone or wood to create decorative ornaments for architecture and furniture. A common motif in
metalworking , jewelry design and theapplied arts at the intersection of two materials, or to form a decorative border.Rosette decorations have been used for formal military awards.
Ancient origins
One of the earliest appearances of the rosette in ancient art is in early fourth millennium
BC Egypt . [Alfred Cort Haddon, "Evolution in Art: As Illustrated by the Life-histories of Designs", 1914, Scribner's, 364 pages] Another earlyMediterranean occurrence of the rosette design derives fromMinoan Crete ; for example, the rosette design has been found on the famedPhaistos Disc , recovered from thePhaistos archaeological site in southern Crete. [ [http://letmespeaktothedriver.com/site/10857/phaistos.html#fieldnotes C.Michael Hogan, "Phaistos Fieldnotes", the Modern Antiquarian (2007)] ]Buddha, Greco-Buddhist art of Gandhara, circa 1st century CE.
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