- Flag days in Finland
By law, the Finnish flag must be flown from public buildings on the following days [ [http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/1978/19780383 "Asetus liputuksesta Suomen lipulla" (383/1978)] . (Decree on flying the Finnish flag), 2§ as changed with decree 187/1996. Retrieved 2-6-2008. fi] :
February 28 , day ofKalevala ; the occasion is also celebrated as the Day of Finnish culture
*May 1 ,Vappu , the Day of Finnish Labour
*Second Sunday in May,Mother's Day
*June 4 , birthday ofCarl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim , Marshal of Finland; the occasion is also celebrated as the Flag Day of theFinnish Defence Forces
*Saturday betweenJune 20 and26 June , Midsummer Day; the occasion is also celebrated as the Day of the Finnish Flag. The flag is hoisted on Midsummer eve and flown all night.
*December 6 , Independence Day
*Days when Finland holds parliamentary and localelections , elections to theEuropean Parliament , or areferendum
*The day thePresident of Finland is inauguratedThe days on which flying the Finnish flag is an established customIt has become customary to fly the Finnish flag on the following occasions. The dates are also listed in the Finnish State Calendar compiled by the University of Helsinki, and it is recommended that the flag is flown on these occasions in the same way as on those prescribed by law. [ [http://www.intermin.fi/intermin/home.nsf/pages/B51B50A211ADB353C2256B1B00515948 "Vakiintuneet liputuspäivät"] (Customary flag days). Finnish ministry of interior affairs. Retrieved 2-6-2008. fi]
February 5 , birthday of the National poetJohan Ludvig Runeberg
*March 19 , birthday ofMinna Canth , Day of Equality, beginning in2007
*April 9 , the dayMikael Agricola , the founder of the writtenFinnish language died andElias Lönnrot , a collector offolklore was born; the occasion is also celebrated as the Day of theFinnish language
*April 27 , National War Veterans' Day
*May 12 , birthday of the statesmanJohan Vilhelm Snellman
*Third Sunday in May, memorial day for the war dead of theFinnish Civil War andWorld War II
*July 6 , birthday of the poetEino Leino ; the occasion is also a celebration of poetry and summer
*October 10 , birthday of the National writerAleksis Kivi ; the occasion is also celebrated as the Day of Finnish literature
*October 24 , Day of theUnited Nations
*November 6 , Day of the Swedish Identity
*Second Sunday in November,Father's Day See also
Holidays in Finland
*National anthem of Finland
*Flag Day (a list of Flag Days in various countries)References
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