- Stefan Czarniecki
Stefan Czarniecki or Stefan Łodzia de Czarnca Czarniecki (1599-February 16, 1665)
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth general and nobleman. Field Hetman of theCrown of the Polish Kingdom . He was a military commander, regarded as a Polish national hero. His status in Polish history is acknowledged by a mention of his name in the Polish national anthem.Biography
Stefan Czarniecki was born in 1599 in family estate of
Czarnca byWłoszczowa in southern Poland in an impoverishedszlachta family.He learnt the art of war serving with the
Lisowczycy mercenaries in 1610s. Already an officer at the age of eighteen, he took part in the battle of Chocim (Khotyn) in 1621, where the Commonwealth army stopped theOttomans and ended thePolish-Ottoman War (1620–1621) .Later he served under
hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski in the campaigns against theTatars in 1624 (battle of Martynów ), and later againstGustavus Adolphus (1626–1629) (part of thePolish-Swedish War ), and under Władysław IV in theSmolensk War againstMuscovy in 1632–1634. In 1637 he fought against the rebelliousCossacks underPavel Mikhnovych (battle of Kumejki ). In 1644 under Koniecpolski he took part in the battle of Ochmatów where Commonwealth forces dealt a crushing defeat toToğay bey 's (Tuhaj Bej) Tatars.On the May 16, 1648 he was one of the many noble Polish prisoners who fell into the hands of
Bohdan Khmelnytsky at thebattle of Zhovti Vody and was sent in chains to theCrimea , whence he was ransomed in 1649. He took an active part in the battles against the Cossacks in theKhmelnytsky Uprising . He fought at theBattle of Berestechko of 1651 as well as att theBattle of Batoh (1652). During the latter he narrowly escaped death, after Commonwealth forces were defeated. Reportedly hidden in a haystack, he witnessed the massacre of several thousand Poles at the hands of the Tartars; this experience made him believe that no compromise with enemies of the Commonwealth is possible.When
Charles X of Sweden invaded Poland in 1655, Czarniecki distinguished himself by his defence ofKraków . He ledguerrilla warfare against Swedish troops ofCharles X , and his guerilla-type warfare proved to be a very effective measure against the huge firepower and extreme mobility of the Swedish forces. Czarniecki inflicted serious defeats upon the Swedes, notably atJarosław and atKozienice in 1656, but he was also soundly defeated the same year against a much smaller Swedish force at Chojnice. Under his direction the popular rising against the Swedish troops ultimately proved successful. Czarniecki brought KingJohn II Casimir of Poland back from exile and enabled him to regain his lost kingdom. It was against his advice that the Battle of Warsaw was fought, and his subsequent strategy neutralized the ill effects of this defeat.On the retirement of the Swedes from
Kraków andWarsaw , and the conclusion of thetreaty of Copenhagen with theDanes , he commanded the army corps sent to drive the troops of Charles X out ofJutland and contributed to the ultimate success of theAllies . On the conclusion of the Peace of Oliwa, which adjusted the long outstanding differences between Poland and Sweden, Czarniecki was transferred to the eastern frontier where the war with Russia was still raging. In the campaign of 1660 he won the victories of Połonka and Lachowicza.In 1661, Polish Parliament (
Sejm ) publicly thanked him for his services; the King John II Casimir heaped honours and riches upon him, and in 1665 he was appointed FieldHetman of the Crown (of Poland), but died on 16 February 1665, six weeks after receiving this supreme distinction.Czarniecki is regarded as one of the most famous of Poland's captains, and to him belongs the chief merit of extricating her from the difficulties which threatened to overwhelm her during the reign of John Casimir.
He is interred in the tomb chapel of the church founded by him in
Czarnca .Legacy
Czarniecki is remembered as one of the most able Polish commanders of all times. His pursuit of the retreating Swedes to Pomerania and Denmark (1658-1659), particularly his crossing with his entire army to the Danish isle of
Alsen , was commemorated in the Polishnational anthem , the "Dąbrowski's Mazurka ", with the words:
Mazurek Dąbrowskiego (Dąbrowski's Mazurek)
3rdstrophe References
External links
* [http://www.poland.gov.pl/Stefan,Czarniecki,(1599,-,1665),1963.html Stefan Czarniecki (1599-1665)] - biography at Poland.gov.pl
* [http://cmakosa.com/czarniecki.htm THE MEMOIR OF STEFAN CZARNIECKI] byWitold Gombrowicz . Translated from the Polish by Christopher Makosa]Further reading
*Adam Kersten, "Stefan Czarniecki 1599-1665", I ed. Warszawa 1963, II ed. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2005, ISBN 8322725450
*Waldemar Kowalski, "Stefan Czarniecki: zonierz, Obywatel, Polityk", Kieleckie Towarzystwo Naukowe, 1999, ISBN 8386006285
*Leszek Podhorodecki , "Stefan Czarniecki", I ed. Warszawa, Książka i Wiedza, 1966, II ed. Warszawa, Wydawn. MADA, 1998, ISBN 8386170360
*Zdzisław Spieralski, Stefan Czarniecki, 1604-1665, Warszawa, Wydawn. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1974
*"Historya Stefana na Czarncy Czanieckiego Wojewody kijowskiego hetmana polnego koronnego" przez Ks. Michała Krajewskiego s.p.
* "Hetmani Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów", Warsaw, Bellona, 1994, ISBN 83-11-08275-8.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.