

Czarniecki (plural: Czarnieccy) is the surname of a Polish szlachta (nobility) family. Because Polish adjectives have different forms for the genders, Czarniecka is the same form for a female family member.


The Czarniecki family was most prominent in the 17th century and can be traced back to the 14th century. The Łodzia coat of arms was given to the family by king Władysław II Jagiełło. The family name originates from the town of Czarnca in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Włoszczowa County.

Field Crown Hetman Stefan Czarniecki.


Among most known members are:

  • Stefan Czarniecki (1599-1665), field crown hetman in 1665, Kiev voivode from 1664, Ruthenian voivode from 1657, regimentarz from 1656, Kiev castellan od 1652, Tykocin starost from 1659
  • Jan Czarniecki, Krakow miecznik from 1662 r., podstarosta & Krakow sędzia grodzki from 1682 r.
  • Paweł Czarniecki, rotmistrz & pułkownik królewski from 1633 r. Knight of Malta from 1662 r.
  • Jan Czarn(i)ecki, bishop of Kamieniec Podolski in 1677 r, Czerwinsk prior

Coat of Arms and Motto

The Czarniecki family used the Łodzia Coat of Arms and their motto was:


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