Rock Eagle-owl

Rock Eagle-owl

name = Rock Eagle Owl
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1

image_width = 220px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Strigiformes
familia = Strigidae
genus = " Bubo"
species = "B. bengalensis"
binomial = "Bubo bengalensis"
binomial_authority = (Franklin, 1831)

range_map_caption = Range of Rock Eagle Owl

The Rock Eagle Owl also called the Indian Eagle Owl or Bengal Eagle Owl, "Bubo bengalensis" is a species of large horned owl found in South Asia. They are found in hilly and rocky scrub forests, and are usually seen in pairs. They have a deep resonant booming call that may be heard at dawn and dusk. They are typically large owls, and have "tufts" on their heads. They are splashed with brown, and gray and have a white throat patch with black small stripes.

They are seen in shrub deserts, evergreen forests, but are more prone to rocky places. Humid evergreen forest and pure deserts are avoided. So are heavy forests. Bush covered rocky hillocks and ravines, and steep outscoured banks of rivers and streams are favourite haunts. It spends the day under the shelter of a bush or rocky projection, or in an ancient mango or similar thickly foilaged tree near villages. Their diet consists of mice and any small rodents and mammals, and sometimes birds.

The nesting season is November to April. The eggs number three to four and are creamy white, broad roundish ovals with a smooth texture. They are laid on bare soil in a natural recess in an earth bank, on the ledge of a cliff, or under the shelter of a bush on level ground.


* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern
* The Book of Indian Birds --- by Dr. Salim Ali (thirteenth edition)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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