Beira Alta

Beira Alta

Beira Alta (pron. IPA2|'bɐiɾɐ aɫtɐ) was a Portuguese province in the central part of the country. Vast planalts, river valleys, mountains, and castles abound in traditional Beira Alta.In the past, the area was connected with two more creating the Beiras region. The two main cities were Guarda and Viseu. Other historic cities: Pinhel, Sabugal, Trancoso.Other cities: Tondela, Mangualde, Santa Comba Dao, Seia, Gouveia, Meda.The city of Viseu, once the capital of traditional Baira Alta Province, is now in the new Dão-Lafões subregion, which is part of the Centro region.
Guarda is now the chief city in the new Beira Interior Norte subregion within the Centro region.

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