- Pronunciation
Pronunciation refers to:
* the way a word or alanguage is usually spoken
* the manner in which someone utters a wordA word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or groups, depending on many factors, such as:
#the area in which they grew up
#the area in which they now live
#if they have a speech or voice disorder
#theirethnic group
#theirsocial class
#theireducation Linguistic terminology
Syllables are counted as units of sound (
phone s) that they use in theirlanguage . The branch oflinguistics which studies these units of sound isphonetics . Phones which play the same role are grouped together into classes calledphoneme s; the study of these is phonemics or phonematics orphonology .See also
International Phonetic Alphabet -notation al standard for thephonetic representation of all languages
*English pronunciation
*List of words of disputed pronunciation
*Initial-stress-derived noun
*Back-chaining External links
* [http://www.bl.uk/learning/langlit/sounds/ Sounds Familiar?] — Listen to examples of regional accents and dialects from across the UK on the British Library's 'Sounds Familiar' website
* [http://www.howjsay.com Howjsay] — Enter a word to hear it spoken. About 100,000 words in British English with alternative pronunciations.
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