- Planar ternary ring
mathematics , a planar ternary ring (PTR) or ternary field is analgebraic structure R,T), where R is a non-empty set, and T colon R^3 o R is a mapping satisfying certain axioms. A planar ternary ring is not a ring in the traditional sense. Planar ternary rings are of importance in the study ofprojective plane s.Definition
A planar ternary ring is a structure R,T) where R is a nonempty set, containing distinct elements called 0 and 1, and Tcolon R^3 o R satisfies these five axioms:
# T(a,0,b)=T(0,a,b)=bquad forall a,b in R;
# T(1,a,0)=T(a,1,0)=aquad forall a in R;
# forall a,b,c,d in R, a eq c, there is a unique xin R such that : T(x,a,b)=T(x,c,d);
# forall a,b,c in R, there is a unique x in R, such that T(a,b,x)=c; and
# forall a,b,c,d in R, a eq c, the equations T(a,x,y)=b,T(c,x,y)=d have a unique solution x,y)in R^2.When R is finite, the third and fifth axioms are equivalent in the presence of the fourth.No other pair (0',1') in R^2 can be found such that T still satisfies the first two axioms.
Binary operations
Define aoplus b=T(1,a,b). The structure R,oplus) turns out be a loop with
identity element 0.Multiplication
Define aotimes b=T(a,b,0). The set R_{0} = Rackslash {0} turns out be closed under this multiplication. The structure R_{0},otimes) also turns out to be a loop with identity element 1.
Linear PTR
A planar ternary ring R,T) is said to be "linear" if T(a,b,c)=(aotimes b)oplus cquad forall a,b,c in R.For example, the planar ternary ring associated to a
quasifield is (by construction) linear.Connection with projective planes
Given a planar ternary ring R,T), one can construct a
projective plane in this way (infty is a random symbol not in R):
* P={(a,b)|a,bin R}cup {(a)|a in R }cup {(infty)}
* B={ [a,b] |a,b in R}cup{ [a] |a in R }cup { [infty] }
* We define theincidence relation I in this way (forall a,b,c,d in R): a,b), [c,d] )in I Longleftrightarrow T(c,a,b)=d a,b), [c] )in I Longleftrightarrow a=c a,b), [infty] ) otin I a), [c,d] )in I Longleftrightarrow a=c a), [c] ) otin I a), [infty] )in I infty), [c,d] ) otin I infty), [a] )in I infty), [infty] )in IOne can prove that every projective plane is constructed in this way starting with a certain planar ternary ring. However, two nonisomorphic planar ternary rings can lead to the construction of isomorphic projective planes.
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