List of Danish government ministries, past and present

List of Danish government ministries, past and present

List of Danish government ministries, past and present. There are currently 18 ministries in the Danish government. 4 additional ministerial offices, that do have ministries associated with them, also exist, however they share or exist inside one of the other 18.

Current Danish ministries

* Ministry of the State ("Statsministeriet")
* Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs ("Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet")
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs ("Udenrigsministeriet")
* Ministry of Welfare ("Velfærdsministeriet")
* Ministry of Health and Prevention ("Ministeriet for Sundhed og Forebyggelse")
* Ministry of Employment ("Beskæftigelsesministeriet")
* Ministry of Finance ("Finansministeriet")
* Ministry of Culture ("Kulturministeriet")
* Ministry of Education ("Undervisningsministeriet")
* Ministry of Transport and Energy ("Transport- og Energiministeriet")
* Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation ("Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling")
* Ministry of Defence ("Forsvarsministeriet")
* Ministry of Justice ("Justitsministeriet")
* Ministry of the Environment ("Miljøministeriet")
* Ministry of Refugees, Immigration and Integration Affairs ("Ministeriet for Flygtninge, Indvandrere og Integration")
* Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries ("Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri")
* Ministry of Taxation ("Skatteministeriet")


* Ministry for Nordic Cooperation ("Ministeriet for Nordisk samarbejde"), is with the Ministry of the Environment
* Ministry of Gender equality ("Ministeriet for ligestilling") is with the Ministry of Social Affairs
* Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs ("Kirkeministeriet") is with the Ministry of Education
* Ministry of Development Cooperation ("Udviklingsministeriet") is with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Discontinued or former, formal or informal names of ministries


* [ Rigsarkivets Samlinger] Danish National Archives ("Rigsarkivet")

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