Cäsar Rüstow

Cäsar Rüstow
Cäsar Rüstow
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Cäsar Rüstow (June 18, 1826, Brandenburg an der HavelJuly 4, 1866) was a Prussian soldier and military writer.

The brother of Friedrich Wilhelm Rüstow and Alexander Rüstow, Cäsar Rüstow was one of the foremost experts of his time in the design and construction of military rifles, and the writer of several treatises on that subject, notably Die Kriegshandfeuerwaffen (Berlin, 1857-64). Both Alexander and Cäsar fell on the field of battle in the war of 1866, Cäsar at the Battle of Dermbach. He was the grandfather of the sociologist Alexander Rüstow.

Cäsar Rüstow leading an attack on the horse 1866


  • Leitfaden der Waffenlehre, Erfurt, 1855, New Edition: Sommer, Anton; 2006 (ISBN 3902539402)
  • Das Miniegewehr, Erfurt, 1855
  • Die Kriegshandfeuerwaffen Berlin 1857-1864, 2 Vol.
  • Rückblicke auf Preußens Gewehränderung nach Minieschem System, Erfurt, 1857
  • Die neueren gezogenen Infanteriegewehre: Ihre wahre Leistungsfähigkeit und die Mittel, dieselbe zu sichern. 2nd edition, Verlag Zernin, Darmstadt, 1862

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