Alexander Rüstow

Alexander Rüstow

Alexander Rüstow (April 8 1885 – June 30, 1963) was a German sociologist and economist. He is one of the founders of German neoliberalism (Ordoliberalism), and the father of the "Social Market Economy" that shaped the economy of West-Germany after World War II. He is the grand-nephew of Friedrich Wilhelm Rüstow, the grandson of Cäsar Rüstow and the father of Dankwart Rustow.


Rüstow was born in Wiesbaden in the Prussian Province of Hesse-Nassau. From 1903 till 1908, he studied mathematics, physics, philosophy, philology, law and economics, at the universities of Göttingen, Munich and Berlin. In 1908, he obtained his doctorate under Paul Hensel, at the University of Erlangen, on a mathematical topic, Russell's paradox. He then worked at the Teubner publishing house in Berlin, until 1911, when he started working on his habilitation, on the knowledge theory of Parmenides. He had to interrupt his work though at the outbreak of the First World War, when he volunteered for the German Army.

After the war, Rüstow, then still a socialist, participated in the November Revolution, and obtained a post at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, working on the nationalization process of the coal industry in the Ruhr Area. Disillusioned with socialist planning, he started working for the VdMA, the German Engineering Federation in 1924. The engineering companies in Germany suffered much by the protected and subsidized coal and mine industry.

In the 1930s, the climate in Germany became too unfriendly for Rüstow, and he obtained a chair in economic geography and history at the University of Istanbul, Turkey, in 1933. In the relatively serene environment of Turkey [cite book|author=Arnold Reisman|title=Turkey's Modernization; Refugees from Nazism and Ataturk's Vision|year=2006|publisher=New Academia Publishing|id=ISBN 0977790886] , he could work at his magnus opus, "Ortsbestimmung der Gegenwart" (in English published as "Freedom and Domination"), a critique of civilization.

In 1949, Rüstow would return to Germany, where he would obtain a chair at the University of Heidelberg, where he would stay until his retirement in 1956. In 1963, he would die, at age 78, in Heidelberg.


Together with Walter Eucken and Franz Böhm, Rüstow provided the necessary foundational work of Ordoliberalism (German neoliberalism).


* "Der Lügner. Theorie, Geschichte und Auflösung des Russellschen Paradoxons", 1910 (thesis)
* "Schutzzoll oder Freihandel?", 1925
* "Das Für und Wider der Schutzzollpolitik", 1925
* "Das Versagen des Wirtschaftsliberalismus", 1945, Republished in 2001, ISBN 3895183490
* "Zwischen Kapitalismus und Kommunismus", 1949
* "Das Versagen des Wirtschaftsliberalismus", 2nd edition, 1950
* "Ortsbestimmung der Gegenwart. Eine universalgeschichtliche Kulturkritik", ("Determination of the Present's Location"), 3 Volumes, 1950 - 1957
**Volume 1: Ursprung der Herrschaft ("Origin of Rule")
**Volume 2: Weg der Freiheit ("March of Freedom")
**Volume 3: Herrschaft oder Freiheit? ("Rule or Freedom")
* "Wirtschaft und Kultursystem", 1955
* "Die Kehrseite des Wirtschaftswunders", 1961


*cite book|author=Nicholls, A. J.|year=2000|title=Freedom With Responsibility: The Social Market Economy in Germany, 1918-1963|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=Oxford

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