Bud Spencer

Bud Spencer

Infobox actor
bgcolour = red
name = Bud Spencer

imagesize =
caption =
birthname = Carlo Pedersoli
birthdate = birth date and age|df=yes|1929|10|31
location = Naples, Campania, Italy
deathdate =
deathplace =
height =
othername = Carl Spencer
yearsactive =

Bud Spencer (born Carlo Pedersoli 31 October 1929 in Naples) is an Italian actor, known for his height at 6'4 1/2" (194 cm) and his past roles in spaghetti westerns. Growing from a successful swimmer in his youth, he later achieved a degree in law, and has registered several patents. [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0817881/bio Bud Spencer on imdb.com] ]


Spencer was born in Santa Lucia, a historical rione of the city of Naples. He married Maria Amato in 1960, with whom he had three children: Giuseppe (1961), Christine (1962) and Diamante (1972). He changed his screen name in 1967 reportedly chosen to pay homage to Spencer Tracy as well as his favorite American beer, Budweiser. Other sources report that he found it funny to call himself "bud" despite his weight and his height at 6' 4" (1.93 m).

Spencer established Mistral Air in 1984, but left it to buy a textile mill that produced clothes for children.

wimming and water polo career

A successful swimmer in his youth, Spencer was the first Italian to swim the 100 m freestyle in less than one minute. He achieved this on 19 September 1950, when he swam the 100 m in 59.5 s. [http://www.agendadiana.com/visualizza_gara.php?id_gara=5789 Italian swimming records] ] In the 1951 Mediterranean Games, he won a silver medal in the same 100m freestyle event. [ [http://www.agendadiana.com/visualizza_gara.php?id_gara=8211 Mediterranean Games, 1951] ]

Spencer participated in the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland, reaching the semi-finals in the 100 m freestyle (58.8 s heats, 58.9 s semi final). [http://www.aafla.org/6oic/OfficialReports/1952/OR1952.pdf Helsinki 1952 official report] ] Four years later, in Melbourne, he also entered the semi-finals in the same category (58.5 s heat, 59.0 s semi final). [http://www.aafla.org/6oic/OfficialReports/1956/OR1956.pdf Melbourne 1956 official report] ] As a water polo player, he won the Italian Championship in 1954, with S.S. Lazio. His swimming career ended abruptly in 1957.

On 17 January 2005 he was awarded with the "Caimano d'oro" (Gold Caiman) by the Italian Swimming Federation. [http://www.federnuoto.it/federazione.asp?p=articolo&id=5758 Pedersoli receives the Gold Caiman it icon] ] On 24 January 2007, he received from the Italian Swimming Federation's president Paolo Barelli, swim and water polo coach diplomas. [http://www.federnuoto.it/federazione.asp?p=articolo&id=11340 Pedersoli receives two coach diplomas it icon] ]

Acting career

Spencer's first movie role was that of a member of the Praetorian guard in "Quo Vadis", a film shot in Italy, in 1951. During the 1950s and part of the 1960s, Spencer appeared in some Italian films but "his career was strictly minor league until the late 1960s."

Spencer then met Terence Hill, with whom he made a large number of Italian Westerns and other films together, including (named using their most common US titles):

#"God Forgives... I Don't!" (1967)
#"Ace High" (1968)
#"Boot Hill" (1969)
#"They Call Me Trinity" (1970)
#"Blackie the Pirate" (1971)
#"Trinity Is STILL My Name!" (1971)
#"All the Way, Boys" (1972)
#"Watch Out, We're Mad" (1974)
#"Two Missionaries" (1975)
#"Crime Busters" (1976)
#"Odds and Evens" (1978)
#"They Call Him Bulldozer" (1978)
#"I'm For the Hippopotamus" (1979)
#"Who Finds a Friend, Finds a Treasure" (1981)
#"Banana Joe" (1982)
#"Go For It!" (1983)
#"Double Trouble" (1984)
#"Miami Supercops" (1985)
#"Troublemakers" (1994)

Many of these have alternate titles, depending upon the country and distributor. Some have longer Italian versions that were edited for release abroad. These films gathered popularity for both actors, especially in Europe. A claim appears on IMDB that they made a total of 19 films together. Those extra two films (besides those listed above) might be two German versions of "God Forgives... I Don't!" and "Boot Hill" which were completely redubbed, recut and retitled to tie into the success of their later comedy westerns.

Spencer also wrote the complete or partial screenplay for some of his movies. His fan base is particularly large in Europe. His feature film career slowed down after 1983, shifting more toward television. In the 1990s he acted in the TV action-drama "Extralarge".

Career in politics

In 2005, Pedersoli entered politics, unsuccessfully standing as regional counselor in Lazio for the Forza Italia party. Spencer has stated: "In my life, I've done everything. There are only three things I haven't been - a ballet dancer, a jockey and a politician. Given that the first two jobs are out of the question, I'll throw myself into politics." The opposition criticised him for engaging in "politica spettacolo" ("showbiz politics").


*After appearing in "Più Forte, Ragazzi!", Spencer became a jet airplane and helicopter pilot.


*Quo Vadis (1951) (as Carlo Pedersoli) .... Imperial Guard
*Siluri umani (1954) (English title: Human Torpedoes) (as Carlo Pedersoli) .... Magrini
*Un Eroe dei nostri tempi (1955) (English title: A hero of our times) (as Carlo Pedersoli) .... Fernando
*Cocco di mamma, Il (1957) (English title: Mamma's boy) (as Carlo Pedersoli) .... Oscar
*A Farewell to Arms (1957) (as Carlo Pedersoli) .... Carabiniere
*Annibale (1960) (English title: Hannibal) (as Carlo Pedersoli)
*Dio perdona... Io no! (1967) (English title: Blood River).... Hutch Bessy
*Oggi a me... domani a te! (1968) (English title: Today it's me).... O'Bannion
*Al di là della legge (1968) (English title: Beyond the law).... James Cooper
*Ace High(1968) (Italian title: I Quattro dell'Ave Maria).... Hutch Bessy
*Dio è con noi (1969) (English title: Crime of Defeat).... Cpl. Jelinek
*Un Esercito di cinque uomini (1969) (English title: The Five Man Army).... Mesito
*La Collina degli stivali (1969) (English title: Boot Hill).... Hutch Bessy
*Lo chiamavano Trinità (1970) (English title: They Call Me Trinity).... Bambino
*Il Corsaro nero (1971) (English title: Blackie the Pirate) .... Skull
*...continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità (1971) (English title: Trinity Is STILL My Name!).... Godfrey 'God'
*Torino nera (1972) (English title: Black Turin) .... Rosario Rao
*Più forte, ragazzi! (1972) (English title: All the way boys) .... Salud
*Si può fare... amigo (1972) (English title: Bulldozer Is Back Amigo) .... Hiram Coburn
*Una Ragione per vivere e una per morire (1972) (English title: A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die).... Eli Sampson
*Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli (1973) (English title: Even Angels Eat Beans).... Charlie Smith
*Piedone lo sbirro (1973) (English title: A Fistful of Hell) .... Inspector 'Flatfoot' Rizzo
*Porgi l'altra guancia (1974) (English title: Turn the Other Cheek) .... Father/Padre Pedro
*Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo (1974) (English title: Watch Out, We're Mad).... Ben
*Piedone a Hong Kong (1975) (English title: Flatfoot in Hong Kong).... Inspector 'Flatfoot' Rizzo
*I Due superpiedi quasi piatti (1976) (English title: Crime Busters).... Wilbur Walsh
*Il Soldato di ventura (1976) (English title: Soldier of Fortune).... Hector Fieramosca
*Charleston (1977) .... Charleston
*Piedone l'africano (1978) (English title: Knock-Out Cop).... Rizzo
*Lo chiamavano Bulldozer (1978) (English title: Uppercut) .... Bulldozer
*Pari e dispari (1978) (English title: Trinity: Gambling for High Stakes) .... Charlie Firpo
*Sceriffo extraterrestre - poco extra e molto terrestre, Uno (1979) (English title: E.T. and the Sheriff or The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid).... Sceriffo Scott (Sheriff Hall)
*Piedone d'Egitto (1979) (English title: Flagfoot in Egypt).... Inspector Rizzo
*Io sto con gli ippopotami (1979) (English title: I'm for the Hippopotamus).... Tom
*Chissà perché... capitano tutte a me (1980) (English title: Everything Happens to Me).... Sheriff Hall
*Occhio alla penna (1981) (English title: Buddy goes West).... Buddy
*Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro (1981) (English title: A friend is a treasure) .... Charlie O'Brien
*Cane e gatto (1982) (English title: Cat and Dog).... Sergeant Parker
*Banana Joe (film) (1982) .... Banana Joe
*Bomber (1982) .... Bud Graziano
*Nati con la camicia (1983) (English title: Go for it) .... Doug O'Riordan alias Mason
*Double Trouble (1984) (Italian title: Non c'è due senza quattro) .... Greg Wonder/Antonio Coimbra de la Coronilla y Azevedo
*Miami Supercops (1985) .... Steve Forest
*Superfantagenio (1986) (USA title: Aladdin) .... Genie
*Big man (1988 - 1989) (TV Series) .... Jack Clementi
*Extralarge (1990 - 1993) (TV Series) .... Jack 'Extralarge' Costello
*Botte di Natale (1994)(English title: The Night Before Christmas; also called "The Troublemaker") .... Moses
*Noi siamo angeli (1997) (English title: We are Angels) (mini) TV Series .... Orso
*Fuochi d'artificio (1997) (English title: Fireworks) .... The blind singer
*Al limite (1997) (English title: To the Limit).... Elorza
*Hijos del viento (2000) (English Title: Sons of the wind).... Quintero
*Tre per sempre (2002) (English title: 3 - 4 Ever).... Bops
*Cantando dietro i paraventi (2003) (English title: Singing Behind Screens) .... Il vecchio capitano
*Padre Speranza (2005) (English title: Father Hope) (TV) .... Padre Speranza
*Mord ist mein Geschäft, Liebling (2007/08) (English title: Murder is my Business, Honey) .... Pepe


*Banana Joe (1982)
*Big Man
** La Fanciulla che ride (1988) (TV)
** Diva (1989) (TV)
** Boomerang (1989) (TV)
**Ninja Shadow (1993) (TV)
**Diamonds (1993) (TV)

(in the 1980s, he was credited as Carlo Pedersoli)

Image gallery


External links

*imdb name|id=0817881|name=Bud Spencer
* [http://www.budterence.it Budterence.it - Bud Spencer & Terence Hill Italian Website] it icon
* [http://www.auslandsjahr.eu/2007/08/16/bud-spencer-and-terence-hill-slaps/ Spencer & Hill videos]
* [http://www.terencebud.com/forum/ Hill & Spencer forums] fr icon
* [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/02/16/witaly16.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/02/16/ixworld.html "Berlusconi picks film cowboy as his sidekick"] , [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ telegraph.co.uk] , 16 February 2005, Bruce Johnston
* [http://spencerhill.free.fr/ Hill & Spencer website] fr icon
* [http://www.spencerhill.de Hill & Spencer fan website] de icon

NAME= Spencer, Bud
DATE OF BIRTH= 1929-10-31
PLACE OF BIRTH= Naples, Campania, Italy

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