Partition regular

Partition regular

In mathematics, the notion of partition regularity in combinatorics is one approach to explaining when a set system is "quite" large.

Given a set X, a collection of subsets mathbb{S} subset mathcal{P}(X) is called "partition regular" if for any A in mathbb{S}, and any finite partition A = C_1 cup C_2 cup ... cup C_n, then for some i ≤ n, C_i contains an element of mathbb{S}. Ramsey theory is sometimes characterized as the study of which collections mathbb{S} are partition regular.


* the collection of all infinite subsets of an infinite set "X" is a prototypical example. In this case partition regularity asserts that every finite partition of an infinite set has an infinite cell (i.e. the infinite pigeonhole principle.)

* sets with positive upper density in mathbb{N}: the "upper density" overline{d}(A) of A subset mathbb{N} is defined as overline{d}(A) = limsup_{n ightarrow infty} frac{n} .

* For any ultrafilter mathbb{U} on a set X, mathbb{U} is partition regular. If mathbb{U} i A =igcup_1^n C_i, then for exactly one i is C_i in mathbb{U}.

* sets of recurrence: a set R of integers is called a "set of recurrence" if for any measure preserving transformation T of the probability space (Ω, β, μ) and A in eta of positive measure there is a nonzero n in R so that mu(A cap T^{n}A) > 0.

* Call a subset of natural numbers "a.p.-rich" if it contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. Then the collection of a.p.-rich subsets is partition regular (Van der Waerden, 1927).

* Let [A] ^n be the set of all n-subsets of A subset mathbb{N}. Let mathbb{S}^n = igcup^{ }_{A subset mathbb{N [A] ^n. For each n, mathbb{S}^n is partition regular. (Ramsey, 1930).

* For each infinite cardinal kappa, the collection of stationary sets of kappa is partition regular. More is true: if S is stationary and S=igcup_{alpha < lambda} S_{alpha} for some lambda < kappa , then some S_{alpha} is stationary.

* the collection of Delta-sets: A subset mathbb{N} is a Delta-set if A contains the set of differences {s_m - s_n : m,n in mathbb{N}, n for some sequence langle s_n angle^omega_{n=1}.

* the set of barriers on mathbb{N}: call a collection mathbb{B} of finite subsets of mathbb{N} a "barrier" if:
** forall X,Y in mathbb{B}, X otsubset Y and
** for all infinite I subset cup mathbb{B}, there is some X in mathbb{B} such that the elements of X are the smallest elements of I; "i.e." X subset I and forall i in I setminus X, forall x in X, x.: This generalizes Ramsey's theorem, as each [A] ^n is a barrier. (Nash-Williams, 1965)

* finite products of infinite trees (Halpern-Läuchli, 1966)

* piecewise syndetic sets (Brown, 1968)

* Call a subset of natural numbers "i.p.-rich" if it contains arbitrarily large finite sets together with all their finite sums. Then the collection of i.p.-rich subsets is partition regular (Folkman-Rado-Sanders, 1968).

* (m,p,c)-sets (Deuber, 1973)

* IP sets (Hindman, 1974, see also Hindman, Strauss, 1998)

* MTk sets for each k, "i.e." k-tuples of finite sums (Milliken-Taylor, 1975)

* central sets; "i.e." the members of any minimal idempotent in etamathbb{N}, the Stone-Čech compactification of the integers. (Furstenberg, 1981, see also Hindman, Strauss, 1998)


# V. Bergelson, N. Hindman [ Partition regular structures contained in large sets are abundant] "J. Comb. Theory (Series A)" 93 (2001), 18-36.
# T. Brown, [ An interesting combinatorial method in the theory of locally finite semigroups] , "Pacific J. Math." 36, no. 2 (1971), 285–289.
# W. Deuber, Mathematische Zeitschrift 133, (1973) 109-123
# N. Hindman, Finite sums from sequences within cells of a partition of N, "J. Combinatorial Theory" (Series A) 17 (1974) 1-11.
# C.St.J.A. Nash-Williams, On well-quasi-ordering transfinite sequences, "Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc." 61 (1965), 33-39.
# N. Hindman, D. Strauss, Algebra in the Stone-Čech compactification, De Gruyter, 1998
# J.Sanders, A Generalization of Schur's Theorem, Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University, 1968.

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