Wekweeti, Northwest Territories

Wekweeti, Northwest Territories

Wekweètì (from the Dogrib language meaning "rock lakes"), officially the Tlicho Community Government of Behchoko [ [http://www.maca.gov.nt.ca/resources/Differences_in_Comm_Govt_Structure.pdf Differences in Community Government Structures] ] is a community in the North Slave Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada.

Prior to 4 August 2005 the community name was spelt "Wekweti" and formerly known as "Snare Lakes" until 1 November 1998. It is a Tli Cho (Dogrib Dene) aboriginal community and is located 195 km north of Yellowknife. It has no road access, but it is the closest community to the Ekati Diamond Mine on the border with Nunavut.

Population is 137 according to the 2006 Census, the majority of which are First Nations. [ [http://www12.statcan.ca/english/profil01/CP01/Details/Page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=6106052&Geo2=PR&Code2=61&Data=Count&SearchText=Colville%20Lake&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All 2001 Census] ]

Gameti is part of the Tlicho Government. [ [http://www.gov.nt.ca/MAA/newsreleases/tlicho_land_claim.htm Government of the NWT news release on land claims signing] ]


Alexis Arrowmaker School is Wekweeti's Elementary/Junior School and was rebuilt in 1995. AAS's student population ranges on a yearly basis of 20-30 students. In 2007/2008 it has been anticipated that the student body will increase 20-30%.

Principal Timeline

*Robbie Craig 2006/07 - present
*Ty Hamilton 2003 - 2006
*Phil Pittman 2002/03

ee also

*Wekweètì Airport


Further reading

* Northwest Territories, and BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc. "Communities and Diamonds Socio-Economic Impacts in the Communities of: Behchoko, Gameti, Whati, Wekweeti, Detah, Ndilo, Lutsel K'e, and Yellowknife : 2005 Annual Report of the Government of the Northwest Territories Under the BHP Billiton, Diavik and De Beers Socio-Economic Agreements". [Yellowknife] : Govt. of the Northwest Territories, 2006.

External links

* [http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/visitorinfo/nwtmap/wekweti.html Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, Wekweeti profile]
* [http://www.pwnhc.ca/programs/downloads/OfficialCommunityNames.pdf Prince of Wales Northen Heritage Centre - official names]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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