- List of jurists
The following lists are of prominent
jurist s, includingjudge s, listed in alphabetical order byjurisdiction . See alsolist of lawyers ."Main article
Jurist s"Antiquity
*Solomon *
Ancient India
** Manu
**Chanakya *
Ancient Greece :
**Solon *
Ancient Rome :
**Marcus Tullius Cicero
**Herennius Modestinus
**Aemilius Papinianus
**Paulus Catena
**Domitius UlpianusModern jurists by country
Luis Moreno Ocampo Australia
Edmund Barton (judge)
*Garfield Barwick (judge)
*Gerard Brennan (judge)
*Julian Burnside (Queen's Counsel)
*William Deane (judge)
*Owen Dixon (judge)
* Dr H.V. Evatt (judge)
*Mary Gaudron (judge)
*Harry Gibbs (judge)
*Samuel Griffith (judge)
*H.B. Higgins (judge)
*Isaac Isaacs (judge)
*Michael Kirby (judge)
*Adrian Knox (judge)
* Anthony Mason (judge)
*Lionel Murphy (judge)
* Richard O'Connor (judge)
*Geoffrey Robertson (Queen's Counsel)
*Ninian Stephen (judge)
* SirRonald Wilson (judge):"See also:
List of Judges of the High Court of Australia "Austria
Ludwig Adamovich Sr. , former president of theAustrian Constitutional Court
*Ludwig Adamovich Jr. , former president of theAustrian Constitutional Court
*Walter Antoniolli , former president of theAustrian Constitutional Court
*Franz Bydlinski , leading late 20th-century theorist on the methods ofprivate law
*Eugen Ehrlich , legal sociologist
*Walther Kastner , 20th century lawyer and law professor who shaped many reforms of Austriancorporate law
*Hans Kelsen , Constitutional theorist, draftsman of theAustrian constitution and creator of thePure Theory of Law
*Karl Korinek , president of theAustrian Constitutional Court
*Karl Anton Freiherr von Martini , late 18th century jurist and proponent ofnatural law , writer of earlier drafts, including theWest Galician Book of Laws leading up to theAustrian Civil Code of 1811
*Franz von Zeiller , draftsman of the final version of theAustrian Civil Code of1811 Austria-Hungary
František Ladislav Rieger Brazil
Marquess of Sapucaí
*Viscount of Jequitinhonha
*Marquess of Paraná
*Pimenta Bueno
*Eusébio de Queirós
*Baron of Uruguaiana
*José Tomás Nabuco de Araújo
*Zacarias de Góis e Vasconcelos
*Baron of Penedo
*Cândido Mendes de Almeida
*Viscount of Rio Branco
*Ernesto Carneiro Ribeiro
*Rui Barbosa
*Clóvis Beviláqua
*Baron of Rio Branco
*Joaquim Nabuco
*João Mendes de Almeida Júnior
*Pedro Lessa
*Edmundo Muniz Barreto
*Antônio Evaristo de Morais
*Antônio Evaristo de Morais Filho
*Carlos Maximiliano
*José de Alcântara Machado
*Eduardo Spínola
*Levi Carneiro
*Francisco Luís da Silva Campos
*Nelson Hungria
*Orozimbo Nonato
*Sobral Pinto
*Hahnemann Guimarães
*Hermes Lima
*José de Aguiar Dias
*Orlando Gomes
*Washington de Barros Monteiro
*San Tiago Dantas
*Evandro Lins e Silva
*Caio Mário da Silva Pereira
*Maria Helena Diniz
*Victor Nunes Leal
*Alfredo Buzaid
*Goffredo da Silva Telles Júnior
*Hely Lopes Meirelles
*Rubens Gomes de Sousa
*Sílvio Rodrigues
*Arnaldo Süssekind
*Paulo Brossard
*Raymundo Faoro
*Roberto Lyra Filho
*Sydney Sanches
*Sepúlveda Pertence
*Joaquim Barbosa
*José Cretella Júnior
*Paulo Nader
*Cândido Rangel Dinamarco
*Ada Pellegrini
*Tourinho Filho
*Walter Moraes
*Antônio Carlos de Araújo Cintra
*Marco Aurélio Mello
*Celso Lafer
*Francisco Cavalcanti Pontes de Miranda
*Miguel Reale
*Augusto Teixeira de Freitas Brunei
Geoffrey Briggs
*Mohamed Saied Canada
Rosalie Abella
*Louise Arbour
*Matthew Baillie Begbie
*Denise Bellamy
*Louise Charron
*Henry Pering Pellew Crease
*Brian Dickson
*John Gomery
*Peter Hogg
*Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine
*Antonio Lamer
*Bora Laskin
*John McClung
*Beverley McLachlin , current (2000 -)Chief Justice of Canada
*Roy McMurtry
*Louis-Philippe Pigeon
*F. R. Scott , also a poet (Francis Reginald Scott, or Frank Scott)
*Robert Taschereau
*Stephen Waddams Colombia
*Arturo Valencia Zea
*Luis Carlos Sáchica Aponte
*José Roberto Herrera Vergara
*Vladimiro Naranjo
*Hernando Morales Molina
*Carlos Medellín
*Alfonso Reyes Echandía
*Carlos Lemos Simmonds
*Jorge Eliecer Gaitán
*Francisco de Paula Santander
*Alejandro Bonivento
*Fernando HinestrozaCyprus
Michalakis A. Triantafyllides
*Andreas N. Loizou
*Georghios M. Pikis
*Solon Nikitas
*Alecos Markides
*Criton G. Tornaritis Czechoslovakia
Emil Hácha Czech Republic
Petra Buzková
*Otakar Motejl
*Petr Pithart
*Cyril Svoboda Denmark
Alf Ross
*Anders Sandøe Ørsted England & Wales
Lord Colum M Connolly, Earl of Gower, QC CBE
*Sir Francis Bacon
*Sir Redmond Barry , QC
* Sir William Blackstone
* Lord Browne-Wilkinson
*Sir Edward Coke
*Lord Denning, KVQ OVQ KBE
*Albert Venn Dicey
* Sir Matthew Hale
*Lord Hutton
*Lord Goff of Chieveley
*Thomas More
*Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest
*William Pitt KBE
*Lord Scarman OBE
*Hartley Shawcross
* Lord Templeman
*Lord Woolf
*Lord Mansfield
* SirRonald Waterhouse , QC:"See also:
Law Lords "France
Jean-Louis Bruguière , investigative magistrate specialized onterrorism cases
*Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès , main author of theNapoleonic Code
*Guy Canivet , first president of the Court of Cassation
*Renaud Denoix de Saint Marc , vice-president of the "Conseil d'État "
*Georges Gurvitch
*Claude Jorda
*Roger Le Loire
*Pierre Mazeaud , president of theConstitutional Council of France
*Jean-Étienne-Marie Portalis Germany
Siegfried Bross
*Friedrich Heck , representative ofsociological jurisprudence ("Interessenjurisprudenz")
*Roman Herzog , President of theGerman Constitutional Court and laterPresident of Germany
*Rudolf von Jhering , founder ofsociological jurisprudence ("Interessenjurisprudenz")
*Hermann Kantorowicz , proponent of theFree Law School ("Freirechtslehre")
*Karl Larenz , leading 20th century theorist of the theory ofprivate law ("Wertungsjurisprudenz " or Jurisprudence of Values)
*Carl Friedrich von Savigny , 19th century legal scholar of the historical school
*Carl Schmitt , legal theorist
*Bernhard Windscheid , leading drafter of theBGB
*Robert Alexy Hong Kong
Kemal Bokhary (judge)
*Charles Ching (judge)
*Andrew Li (judge)
*Henry Litton (judge)
*Charles Ching
*Denys Roberts
*Robert Ribeiro
*George Phillippo
*Yang Ti-liang
*Patrick Yu India
Shekhar Bhargava
*Flavia Agnes
*Upendra Baxi
* JusticeP. B. Gajendragadkar
* Justice V.R Krishna Iyer
*Ram Jethmalani
*N. R. Madhava Menon
*Nani Palkivalah
*S.P Sathe
*Justice P.N Bhagwati
*K.N.Chandrasekharan Pillai
*Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud
*Justice Y. V. Chandrachud
*Radhabinod Pal
*Hari Singh Gour
*B. R. Ambedkar
*B. N. Srikrishna
*Mandagadde Rama Jois Iran
Mohammad Ali-Saffari
*Sadeq Khalkhali
*Shirin Ebadi Ireland
William Binchy (Regius Professor of Laws in Trinity College, Dublin)
*James Casey (Professor)
*Declan Costello (former President of the High Court and Attorney-General)
*Susan Denham (Judge of the Supreme Court)
*Thomas Finlay (former Chief Justice)
*Dermot Gleeson (Senior Counsel and former Attorney-General)
*Adrian Hardiman (Judge of the Supreme Court)
*Séamus Henchy (former Judge of the Supreme Court)
*Gerard Hogan (Senior Counsel, Lecturer in Trinity College, Dublin, co-editor of the later editions of "J.M. Kelly: The Irish Constitution")
*Ronan Keane (former Chief Justice)
*John M. Kelly (late Attorney-General and author of the commentary "The Irish Constitution")
*Hugh Kennedy (late Chief Justice and Attorney-General)
*John L. Murray (Chief Justice and former Attorney-General)
*Finbarr McAuley (Professor)
*Patrick McEntee (Senior Counsel)
*Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh (late Chief Justice, Attorney-General and President of Ireland)
*Thomas O'Higgins (late Chief Justice)
*Mary Robinson (former Barrister, Professor and later President of Ireland)
* Brian Walsh (late Judge of the Supreme Court)
*Gerard Whyte (Professor in Trinity College, co-editor of the later editions of "J.M. Kelly: The Irish Constitution")Lebanon
Mohammad Mughrabi Macau
Sam Hou Fai - Presidente
* Chu Kin - Juizes
* Virato Manuel Pinheiro de Lima - Juizes
*Lai Kin Hong - Presidente
* Choi Mou Pan - Juizes
* Jose Maria Dias Azedo - Juizes
* Chan Kuong Seng - Juizes
* Joao Augusto Goncalves Gil de Oliveira - Juizes
*Tam Hio Wa - Presidente dos Tribunais de Primeira Instancia
*Alice Leonor das Neves Costa - Presidente de tribunal colectivo
* Fong Man Chong - Juizes de tribunal colectivo
* Chao Im Peng - Juizes de tribunal colectivo
* Mario Augosto Silvestre - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Ip Son Sang - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Tong Hio Fong - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Lam Peng Fai - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Cheong Un Mei - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Sam Keng Tan - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Teresa Leong - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Alvaro Antonio Mangas Abreu Dantas - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Fernando Miguel Furtado Andre Alves - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Ip Sio Fan - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Kan Cheng Ha - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Lou Ieng Ha - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Jeronimo Alberto Goncalves Santos - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Margarida Alexanda de Meira Pinto Gomes - Juízes de tribunal singular
* Paulo Chan - Juizes
* Leong Fong Meng - Juizes
* Ho Wai Neng - Juiz
* Lai Kin Hong - Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
* Mario Augosto Silvestre - Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
* Philip Xaiver - Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
* Anabela Sales Ritchie - Membro de Conselho dos Magistrados Judiciais
*Lau Cheok Va - Presidente
* Hoi Sai Iun - Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
* Vitor Ng - Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
* Ieong Wan Chong - Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
* Philip Xavier - Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de Juizes
* Ho Ten Iat - Membro de Commissao Independente para a Indigitacao de JuizesThe Netherlands
Hugo Grotius , laid the foundations for international law, based on natural law.
*Tobias Asser , played major role in the formation of thePermanent Court of Arbitration , cowinner of the 1911Nobel Prize for Peace
*Johannes Bob van Benthem , first president of the European Patent Office
*Rudolph Cleveringa , Professor atLeyden University who made public protest against the removal of Jewish personal from the university by the German occupier
*Pieter Hendrik Kooijmans , Judge on theInternational Court of Justice
*Bernard Victor Aloysius Röling , Judge on theInternational Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyocotland
Lord Cullen of Whitekirk ,Lord President of the Court of Session ofScotland
* Lord Brian Gill,Lord Justice Clerk ofScotland
* Lord Donald MacArthur Ross
* Lord Rodger of Earlsferry
*Colin Boyd ,Lord Advocate oviet Union & Russian Federation
* Major-General
Iola Nikitchenko
*Gabriel Shershenevich pain
Baltasar Garzón ri Lanka
Radhika Coomarawsamy
*Rohan Edrisinghe
*Mark Fernando
*Savitri Goonasekere
*Neelan Tiruchelvam
*Deepika Udagama witzerland
Eugen Huber ,University of Berne , drafter of theZivilgesetzbuch , the Swiss Civil Code.
*Jörg Paul Müller , prominenthuman rights theorist
*Walter Kälin [http://www.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrc/membersCVs/kalin.htm]Ukraine
*O.A. Shalimov jurist
*O.A. Dzubenko juristUnited States
* William Brennan (1906 – 1997), Associate Justice,
Supreme Court of the United States
*Louis Brandeis (1856 – 1941), Associate Justice,Supreme Court of the United States
*Warren E. Burger (1907 – 1995),Chief Justice of the United States
*Mike Cicconetti (1951), judge,Lake County, Ohio
*Felix Frankfurter (1882 – 1965), Associate Justice,Supreme Court of the United States
*Henry Friendly (1903 – 1986), judge,United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
*Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933), Associate Justice,Supreme Court of the United States
*Learned Hand (1872 – 1961), judge,United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
*Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (1841 – 1935), Associate Justice,Supreme Court of the United States
*John Marshall Harlan (1833 – 1911), Associate Justice,Supreme Court of the United States
*Peggy Fulton Hora , Superior Court ofCalifornia ,Alameda County
*Lance Ito (1950), judge, Superior Court ofCalifornia ,Los Angeles County
*John Jay (1745 – 1829),Chief Justice of the United States
*Alex Kozinski (1950), judge,United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
*Mills Lane (1936), judge, Marine, Boxing Referee
*Hans A. Linde (1924), justice,Oregon Supreme Court
*John Marshall (1755 – 1835),Chief Justice of the United States
*Thurgood Marshall (1908 – 1993), Associate Justice,Supreme Court of the United States
*Richard Posner (1939), judge,United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
*Joseph Story (1779 – 1845),Chief Justice of the United States
*Roger J. Traynor (1900 – 1983), Chief Justice,Supreme Court of California
*Earl Warren (1891 – 1974),Chief Justice of the United States
*John Minor Wisdom (1905 – 1999), judge,United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit :"See also:
Past Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States "International Courts at the Hague
Bruno Simma
*Claude Jorda
*Rosalyn Higgins
*Luis Moreno Ocampo
*Carla Del Ponte :"See also:
International Criminal Court "
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