- List of Sabini
This is a list of people who hold the name Sabinus, subcategorized by profession or common association. While some Sabini may fit more than one category, they are not multiple listed. Within sections, Sabini are alphabetized by first name. Sabini without other names are at the top of the list.
*Calavius Sabinus, commander of the Legio XII under Caesennius Paetus during his abortive
62 AD campaign inArmenia .Tacitus "Annales." xv. 7.]
*Gaius Calvisisus Sabinus – (presumed I) – one of the legates ofJulius Caesar in the civil war, was sent by him intoAetolia in48 BC , and obtained possession of the whole of the country. [Julius Caesar . "Commentarii de Bello Civili" (B.C.) iii. 34, 35.]Appian (B. C. ii. 60) relates that Sabinus was defeated byMetellus Scipio inMacedon ia, but this statement is inconsistent with Caesar's account. In45 BC Sabinus received the province of Africa from Caesar, a province he was granted again (after apraetor ship in43 BC ) byMark Antony . However, after the departure of Antony forMutina , the senate conferred it instead uponQuintus Cornificius . [Cicero . "Philippicae" iii. 10.; "ad Fain." xii. 25.] Sabinus wasconsul in39 BC withLucius Marcius Censorinus and in the following year commanded the fleet of Octavian in the war withSextus Pompeius . In conjunction withMenas , who had desertedPompey , he fought against Pompey's admiralMenecrates and sustained a defeat offCumae . When Menas went over to Pompey again, just before the outbreak of hostilities in36 BC , Sabinus was deprived of the command of the fleet. Appian assigns as cause that Sabinus had not kept a sufficient watch over the renegade, but Octavian had for other reasons determined to entrust the conduct of the war toAgrippa . It is evident moreover that Sabinus was not looked upon with suspicion by Octavian, for at the close of the war the latter gave him the task of clearingItaly of robbers. He is mentioned, too, at a later time, shortly before the battle ofActium , as one of the friends of Octavian. [Cassius Dio . "Roman History" xlviii. 34, 46;Appian . "Bellum Civile" v. 81, 96, 132.Plutarch . "Antony" 58.]
*Marcus Minatius Sabinus, a legate of Cn. Pompeius the younger, whose name appears on coins. (See Vol. III p. 489.)Politicians
*Sabinus, a
consularis underHeliogabalus . According toAelius Lampridius (Anton. HeliogaB. C. 16),Ulpian commented on his writings. In Lampridius' "Life ofAlexander Severus ", he mentions among the consiliarii of Alexander a "Fabius Sabinus, a son of Sabinus, an illustrious man, theCato of his time", although that Sabinus in question may have been ajurist and is probably a different man. [Grotius . "Vitae Jurisconsultorum" p, 189.]
*Sabinus,urban prefect and consularis underMaximinus Thrax . He was killed while trying to put down the riot which broke out after the news arrived ofGordian I and II's accession inAfrica . [Julius Capitolinus . "Maximini Duo" 14, "Gordian" 13, "Herodian" vii. 15.]
*Catius Sabinus, first consulship before216 , second consulship underCaracalla in 216 withCornelius Anulinus . ["Codex Justinianus" 2. tit. 19. s. 7; 9. tit. 32. s. 3, et alibi.]
*Gaius Calvisisus Sabinus — (presumed II) probably son of Gaius Calvisisus Sabinus (presumed I) — was consul in4 BC withLucius Passienus Rufus . [Augustus "Res Gestae Divi Augusti ": "Monumentum Ancyranum"]
*Gaius Calvisisus Sabinus — (presumed III) probably son of Gaius Calvisisus Sabinus (presumed II) — was consul underTiberius in26 with Cii. Cornelius Lentulus Gaetulicus. In32 he was accused of maiestas, but was saved byCelsus , tribune of a city cohort, who was one of the informers. He was governor ofPannonia underCaligula and was accused with his wife Cornelia but, knowing they would only receive a show-trial, committed suicide along with her before they could be brought to trial. [*Tacitus. "Annales" iv. 46, vi. 9; "Histories" i. 48 ; Cassius Dio. "Roman History" lix. 18.]
*Marcus Caelius Sabinus, a Romanjurist who succeededCassius Longinus (He was not the Sabinus from whom the Sabiniani took their name). He was named consul byOtho in AD69 , an appointment whichVitellius did not rescind on his accession. He wrote a work, "Ad Edictum Aedilium Curulium". [Aulus Gellius . "Noctes Atticae" iv. 2, vii. 4] In the first of these two passagesGellius mentions the work of Caelius, [in Justinianus, "Digest", "libro quern de Edicto Aedilium Curulium composuit".] and Caelius here quotesLabeo . Nearly the same words are given byUlpian , [Justinianus, "Digest", "De Aedilicio Edicto", 21. tit.l. s. 1. § 7.] but he quotes only Sabinus and omits Labeo's name. In the second passage Gellius quotes the words of Caelius as to the practice of slaves being sold with thepileus on the head when the vendor would not warrant them. Though the work on the Edict is not quoted there, it seems certain that this extract must be from this book of Caelius. It appears that Caelius must also have written other works. ["Digest" 35. tit. 1. s. 72. § 7.] There are no extracts from Caelius in the Digest, but he is often cited, sometimes as Caelius Sabinus, sometimes by the name of Sabinus alone.
*Gaius Poppaeus Sabinus, consul in9 , withQuintus Sulpicius Camerinus . He was appointed governor ofMoesia before14 , an appointment confirmed byTiberius in15 , with the addition of the provinces ofAchaia andMacedon ia. He continued to hold these provinces until his death in35 . In26 , he obtained triumphal ornaments on account of a victory which he had gained over someThracian tribes. He did not belong to a distinguished family and was indebted for his long continuance in his government to his possessing respectable, but not striking abilities. He was the maternal grandfather ofPoppaea Sabina . [Cassius Dio. "Roman History" Index, lib. ivi., iviii. 25;Suetonius . "De Vita Caesarum" Chapter: "Vespesanius" 2; Tacitus "Annales". i. 80, iv. 46, v. 10, vi. 39, xiii. 45.]
*Vectius Sabinus, of the Ulpian family, was the senator upon whose motion (according to Capitolinus)Balbinus andMaximus were nominated joint emperors. Upon their elevation he was appointed Praefectus Urbi. [Julius Capitolinus. "Maximus and Balbinus" 2, 4.]Jurists
*Massurius Sabinus, a hearer of Ateius Capito, a distinguished
jurist in the time ofTiberius . He lived underNero also, for the passage inGaius (ii. 218) must certainly refer to this Sabinus, and not to Caelius. This is the Sabinus from whom the school of the Sabiniani took its name. Massurius was nearly fifty years of age before he was admitted into the Equestris Ordo, and he is said to have been poor enough to require pecuniary assistance from his hearers. He obtained under Tiberius the Jus Respondendi, which is a proof of his reputation as a jurist and is further evidence that the Sabiniani took their name not from Capito, but from his more distinguished pupil. There is no direct excerpt from Sabinus in the "Digest", but he is often cited by other jurists, who commented upon his "Libri ires Juris Oivilis". Pomponius wrote at least thirty-six "Libri ad Sabinum", Ulpianus at least fifty-one, and Paulus at least forty-seven books. This fact in itself shows that the work of Massurius must have been considered to be a great authority. It is conjectured, but it is pure conjecture, that the arrangement was the same as that of the Libri XVIII. Juris Civilis of Q. Mucius Scaevola. Numerous works of Massurius are cited by name in the Digest. [Grotius , "Vitae Jurisconsultorum"; von Zimmern, Wilhelm. "Geschichte des Romischen Privatrechts" i. § 84 ; Puchta, "Cursus der Institutionen", 1875. i. § 99, and § 116, on the Jus Respondendi.]Authors and orators
*Sabinus (Greek - Sabinos), a literary figure,
sophist andrhetorician who flourished underHadrian . His work includes a four-volume piece entitled "Eisagoge kai hupotheseis meletetikes hules" and commentaries onThucydides ,Acusilaus , various other authors, and variousexegetical works. [Suda , under either Sabinus or Zeugma; the citation was unclear.] A native ofZeugma according to theSuda , he may have been the author of a singleepigram in the "Greek Anthology ", in imitation ofLeonidas of Tarentum , though it is not known with certainty whether he was the same person as the sophist. [Brunck, Article in "Analectic Magazine" Vol. 2, p. 304. ca. 1813; Jacobs, "Greek Anthology " Vol. 3, p. 18; vol. 13 p. 948; Fabricius "Bibl. Graec." vol. iv. p. 494.]
* Sabinus, abishop of Heracleia inThrace and a follower of the teachings of Macedonius, he was one of the earliest writers on ecclesiastical councils. His work "synagoge tov synodon" is frequently quoted bySocrates of Constantinople and other ecclesiastical historians. [Socrates Scholasticus, "Church History", book 1, chapter 8, book 2, chapter 20, and book 3 chapters 10 & 25.;Sozomen , "Historia Ecclesiastica" Preface; Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopulos. "Historia Ecclesiastica" ix.;Epiphanius of Salamis , "Adversus Haereses" ii. 8, 9, 17.] He appears to have lived around the end of the reign ofTheodosius II . [Vossius, Gerhard Johann. "De Historicis Graecis Libri III" (1624) Dp. 307, 314,494; Fabricius "Bibl. Graec." vol. xii.pp/182,183.]
*Sabinus, a physician, and one of the most eminent of the ancient commentators onHippocrates , lived beforeJulianus and was tutor toMetrodorus andStratonicus . [Galen . "Adversus Iulianum" (Fragment 111). c. 3. vol. xviii. pt. i. p. 255.; see also Comment, inHippocrates "MEpid. III" i. 4. vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 507, 8; Galen, "de Atra Bile", c. 4. vol. v. p. 119.] He must therefore have lived about the end of the1st century AD.Galen frequently quotes him and controverts some of his opinions, but at the same time allows that he andRufus Ephesius (who is commonly mentioned in conjunction with him) comprehended the meaning of Hippocrates better than most of the other commentators. [Galen, "de Ord. Libror. suor." vol. xix. p. 58: comp. Comment, in Hippocrates "Epidemiology" VI. ii. 10. vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 849.] It is not known whether Sabinus commented on the whole of the Hippocratic Collection (iii. 16). [See Littré E. "Oeuvres Complétes dÕHippocrate", Des Airs, des Eaux et des. Lieux, Vol. 1. p.101.]
*Asellius Sabinus, who received a reward fromTiberius for adialogue in which he introduced a contest between a mushroom, a fidecula, an oyster and a thrush. [Suetonius . "De Vita Caesarum" Chapter: "Tiberius", 42.]
*Asidius Sabinus, arhetorician mentioned bySeneca the elder . ["Suasoriae" 2.]
*(Julius) Pomponius Sabinus is sometimes quoted as an ancientgrammarian , but is the same as Pomponius Laetus.
*Sabinus Tyro is the author of a treatise onhorticulture , which he dedicated toMaecenas , a keen gardener himself. All that we know with regard to this writer and his work is to be found in the notice of Pliny in his "Naturalis Historia", "Ferroque non expedire tangi rutam, cunilam, mentam, ocimum, auctor est Sabinus (al. Sabinius) Tyro in libro Cepuricon quern Maecenati dicavit." [xix. 10.]Artists
*Lucius Plotius Sabinus, a Roman artist, who is only known by an inscription in which he is described as a carver in
ivory or eborarius. [Raoul-Rochette, Désiré. "Lettre a M. Schorn". 2nd ed. Paris : Didot, 1832, p. 400; ReineSi cl. xi. No. cxxii.]Gentry and wealthy citizens
*Albius Sabinus, a co-heir (coheres) with
Cicero . It is in reference to him that Cicero speaks of theAlbia numnegotium . [Cicero . "Ad Atticum". xiii. 14, xiv. 18, 20.]
*Calvisius Sabinus, a wealthy contemporary ofSeneca the Younger . He was born a slave and, according to Seneca, was ignorant but affected to be a man of learning. [Seneca the Younger . "Epistulae Morales" 27.]
*Ostorius Sabinus, a Romaneques , accusedBarea Soranus and his daughter Servilia in A. D.66 , and was rewarded byNero with a large sum of money and the insignia of the quaestorship. [Tacitus, "Annales". xvi. 23, 30, 33.]
*Titius Sabinus, a distinguished Roman eques, was a friend ofGermanicus and was consequently hated bySejanus . To please this powerful favorite,Latinius Latiaris , who was a friend of Sabinus, induced the latter to speak in unguarded terms both of Sejanus andTiberius and then betrayed his confidence. Sabinus was executed in prison. His body was thrown out upon the Gemonian steps and cast into theRiver Tiber . The ancient writers mention the fidelity of the dog of Sabinus, which would not desert his master and which tried to bear up his corpse when thrown into the Tiber. [Tacitus, "Annales". iv. 18, 19, 68, 70, vi. 4 ; Cassius Dio, "Roman History", iviii. 1;Pliny the Elder , "Naturalis Historia" viii. 40. s. 61.]References
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