- Weibull fading
The Weibull fading can be used as a simple
statistical model offading (named afterWaloddi Weibull ). Inwireless communications, the Weibullfading distribution seems to exhibit good fit to experimentalfading channel measurements for both indoor (Adawi 1988) and outdoor (Hashemi 1993) environments.Introduction
The fading model for the
Weibull distribution considers a signal composed of clusters of onemultipath wave, each propagating in a nonhomogeneous environment (Yacoub 2002).Within any one cluster, the phases of the scattered waves are random and have similar delay times with delaytime spreads of different clusters being relatively large.
The clusters of the multipath wave are assumed to have the scattered waves with identical powers. The resulting envelope is obtained as a nonlinear function of the modulus of the multipath component .
The nonlinearity is manifested in terms of a power parameter , such that the resulting signal intensity is obtained not simply as the
modulus of the multipath component, but as this modulus to a certain given power (Sagias 2004).Hence, for the Weibull fading channel model, the complex envelope can be written as a function of the
Gaussian in-phase and quadrature elements of the multipath components:where " j" = √ -1 is the imaginary operator.Let be the fading envelope of , i.e., . Then, can be expressed as a power transformation of a Rayleigh distributed
random variable (rv) : as:tatistical model
probability density function (pdf) of can be easily obtained as:with and denoting theexpected value . The above pdf follows the Weibull distribution with the fading parameter expressing the fading severity and being the average fading power. As increases, the fading severity decreases, while for the special case of , reduces to the well-knownRayleigh distribution . Moreover, for the special case of , reduces to the well-known negativeexponential distribution .The corresponding
cumulative distribution function and the "n"-th ordermoment of rv can be expressed as:and:respectively, where is theGamma function and "n" is a positive integer.The
moment generating function of fading envelope "Z" :is given by (Sagias 2005):where "G" [] is the [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MeijerG-Function.html Meijer's G-function] . Note that the Meijer's G-function is included as a built-in function in most popular mathematical software packages. Additionally, "G" [] can be expressed in terms of more familiar generalized hypergeometric functions. By assuming that belongs torationals , and are positive integers so that:holds. Depending upon the specific value of , a set of minimum values of and can be properly chosen (e.g. for , and ). Moreover, for the special case where is an integer, and .econd order statistics
The average level crossing rate (LCR) is defined as the average number of times per unit duration that the envelope of a fading channel crosses a given value in the negative direction and it can be evaluated as:where is the joint pdf of "Z" and its time derivative .
The AFD corresponds to the average length of time the envelope remains under a certain value once it crosses it in the negative direction and can be obtained as:
Average level crossing rate
The average LCR for the Weibull channel is given by:where is the maximum
Doppler shift , , with and .Average fade duration
The expression for the average fade duration is :
The maximum value of the average LCR can be derived solving the equation which is obtained by differentiating with respect to , setting the result equal to zero, i.e.,: and then replacing into . It can be easily shown that the average LCR is maximized at : as :. Note that is independent of and .
Average channel capacity
We consider a signal transmission of bandwidth and symbols energy . The instantaneous
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) per symbol is given by:with the double-sided noise power spectral density of theadditive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), while the corresponding average value can be written as:. The average channel capacity, in Shannon's sense, is defined as :By following the above definition, the average channel capacity is given by:where :with an arbitrary real value and "n" positive integer. Moreover, :where "k" and "l" are positive integers. Depending upon the value of , a set with minimum values of "k" and "l" can be properly chosen.
Amount of fading
The amount of fading (AoF), defined as :is a unified measure of the severity of fading (var() denoted
variance ). Typically, this performance criterion is independent of the average fading power. As the AoF increases, the severity of fading also increases.The AoF for the Weibull fading channel can be expressed as:
*Adawi, N.S. "et al". (1988). doi-inline|10.1109/25.42678|Coverage prediction for mobile radio systems operating in the 800/900 MHz frequency range, "IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology" 37, (1), 3–72
*Hashemi, H. (1993). doi-inline|10.1109/5.231342|The indoor radio propagation channel, "Proceedings IEEE" 81 (7) 943–968
*Yacoub, M.D.; (2002). [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/wrapper.jsp?arnumber=1047298 The - distribution: A general fading distribution] , "Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile Radio Communications" Lisbon, Portugal
*Sagias, N.C.; & Karagiannidis G.K; (2005). doi-inline|10.1109/TIT.2005.855598|Gaussian class multivariate Weibull distributions: Theory and applications in fading channels, "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory" 51 (10), 3608-3619
*Sagias, N.C.; Zogas, D.A.; Karagiannidis, G.K.; & Tombras, G.S; (2004). doi-inline|10.1109/LCOMM.2004.831319|Channel capacity and second order statistics in Weibull fading "IEEE Communications Letters", 8 (6) 377-379External links
* [http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MeijerG-Function.html The Meijer G-function (definitions, examples, and properties).]
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