- Weibull distribution
Probability distribution
name =Weibull (2-Parameter)
type =density
parameters =lambda>0, scale (real) k>0, shape (real)
support =x in [0; +infty),
pdf =f(x)=egin{cases}frac{k}{lambda}left(frac{x}{lambda} ight)^{k-1}e^{-(x/lambda)^{k & xgeq0\0 & x<0end{cases}
cdf =1- e^{-(x/lambda)^k}
mean =lambda Gammaleft(1+frac{1}{k} ight),
median =lambdaln(2)^{1/k},
mode =lambda left(frac{k-1}{k} ight)^{frac{1}{k, if k>1
arg mode =lambdafrac{k-1}{k}^{frac{1}{k, if k>1
variance =lambda^2Gammaleft(1+frac{2}{k} ight) - mu^2,
skewness =frac{Gamma(1+frac{3}{k})lambda^3-3musigma^2-mu^3}{sigma^3}
kurtosis =(see text)
entropy =gammaleft(1!-!frac{1}{k} ight)+lnleft(frac{lambda}{k} ight)+1
mgf = seeWeibull fading
char = see [Coastal Engineering,(2007),54(8),pp630- 638;doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2007.05.001]In
probability theory andstatistics , the Weibull distribution [Weibull, W. (1951) "A statistical distribution function of wide applicability" "J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME" 18(3), 293-297] (named afterWaloddi Weibull ) is a continuousprobability distribution . It is often called the Rosin–Rammler distribution when used to describe the size distribution of particles. The distribution was introduced by P. Rosin and E. Rammler in 1933. [http://www.zarm.uni-bremen.de/gamm98/num_abs/a912.html] Theprobability density function of a Weibull random variable x is [Papoulis, Pillai, "Probability, Random Varibles, and Stochastic Processes, 4th Edition] ::f(x;k,lambda) = egin{cases}frac{k}{lambda}left(frac{x}{lambda} ight)^{k-1}e^{-(x/lambda)^{k & xgeq0\0 & x<0end{cases}
where k >0 is the "shape parameter" and lambda >0 is the
scale parameter of the distribution. Its complementary cumulative distribution function is astretched exponential .The Weibull distribution is often used in the field of life data analysis due to its flexibility—it can mimic the behavior of other statistical distributions such as the normal and the exponential. If the
failure rate decreases over time, then "k" < 1. If thefailure rate is constant over time, then "k" = 1. If thefailure rate increases over time, then "k" > 1.An understanding of the failure rate may provide insight as to what is causing the failures:
* A decreasing failure rate would suggest "infant mortality". That is, defective items fail early and the failure rate decreases over time as they fall out of the population.
* A constant failure rate suggests that items are failing from random events.
* An increasing failure rate suggests "wear out" - parts are more likely to fail as time goes on.
When "k" = 1, the Weibull distribution reduces to the
exponential distribution .When "k" = 3.4, the Weibull distribution appears similar to thenormal distribution .Properties
There is an abrupt change in the value of the density function at 0 when k takes on values around 1. It is because, [http://www.weibull.com/LifeDataWeb/characteristics_of_the_weibull_distribution.htm]
* for any k < 1, f(x) ightarrow infty as x ightarrow 0
* for k=1, f(0)=frac{1}{lambda}, and
* for any k > 1, f(x) ightarrow 0 as x ightarrow 0The "n"th
raw moment is given by::m_n = lambda^n Gamma(1+frac{n}{k}),
where Gamma is the
Gamma function . Themean andvariance of a Weibullrandom variable can be expressed as::mathrm{E}(X) = lambda Gamma(1+frac{1}{k}),
:extrm{var}(X) = lambda^2 [Gamma(1+frac{2}{k}) - Gamma^2(1+frac{1}{k})] ,.
The skewness is given by:
:gamma_1=frac{Gammaleft(1+frac{3}{k} ight)lambda^3-3musigma^2-mu^3}{sigma^3}.
The excess
kurtosis is given by::gamma_2=frac{-6Gamma_1^4+12Gamma_1^2Gamma_2-3Gamma_2^2-4Gamma_1Gamma_3+Gamma_4}{ [Gamma_2-Gamma_1^2] ^2}
where Gamma_i=Gamma(1+i/k). The kurtosis excess may also be written as :
A generalized, 3-parameter Weibull distribution is also often found in the literature. It has the
probability density function :f(x;k,lambda, heta)={k over lambda} left({x - heta over lambda} ight)^{k-1} e^{-({x- heta over lambda})^k},
for x geq heta and "f"("x"; "k", λ, θ) = 0 for "x" < θ, where k >0 is the
shape parameter , lambda >0 is thescale parameter and heta is thelocation parameter of the distribution. When θ=0, this reduces to the 2-parameter distribution.The
cumulative distribution function for the 2-parameter Weibull is:F(x;k,lambda) = 1- e^{-(x/lambda)^k},
for "x" ≥ 0, and "F"("x"; "k"; λ) = 0 for "x" < 0.
cumulative distribution function for the 3-parameter Weibull is:F(x;k,lambda, heta) = 1- e^{-({x- heta over lambda})^k}
for "x" ≥ θ, and "F"("x"; "k", λ, θ) = 0 for "x" < θ.
failure rate "h" (or hazard rate) is given by:h(x;k,lambda) = {k over lambda} left({x over lambda} ight)^{k-1}.
Information entropy
information entropy is given by:H=gammaleft(1!-!frac{1}{k} ight)+lnleft(frac{lambda}{k} ight)+1
where gamma is the
Euler–Mascheroni constant .Generating Weibull-distributed random variates
Given a random variate "U" drawn from the
uniform distribution in the interval(0, 1) , then the variate:X=lambda (-ln(U))^{1/k},
has a Weibull distribution with parameters "k" and λ. This follows from the form of the cumulative distribution function. Note that if you are generating random numbers belonging to (0,1), exclude zero values to avoid the natural log of zero.
Related distributions
*X sim mathrm{Exponential}(lambda) is an
exponential distribution if X sim mathrm{Weibull}(k = 1, lambda^{-1}).
*X sim mathrm{Rayleigh}(eta) is aRayleigh distribution if X sim mathrm{Weibull}(k = 2, sqrt{2} eta).
*lambda(-ln(X))^{1/k}, is a Weibull distribution if X sim mathrm{Uniform}(0,1).
* Inverse Weibull distribution with p.d.f. f(x;k,lambda)=(k/lambda) (lambda/x)^{(k+1)} e^{-(lambda/x)^k}
* See also thegeneralized extreme value distribution .Uses
The Weibull distribution is used
* Insurvival analysis
* To representmanufacturing anddelivery times inindustrial engineering
* Inextreme value theory
* Inweather forecasting
* Inreliability engineering andfailure analysis (the most common usageFact|date=April 2008)
* Inradar systems to model the dispersion of the received signals level produced by some types of clutters
* To modelfading channel s inwireless communications, as theWeibull fading model seems to exhibit good fit to experimental fading channel measurements
* InGeneral insurance to model the size ofReinsurance claims, and the cumulative development ofAsbestosis losses
* In forecasting technological change (also known as the Sharif-Islam model)
* To describe wind speed distributions, as the natural distribution often matches the Weibull shapeThe Weibull distribution may be used in place of the
normal distribution because a Weibull variate can be generated through inversion. Normal variates are typically generated using the more complicatedBox-Muller method , which requires two uniform random variates.The 2-Parameter Weibull distribution is used to describe the particle size distribution of particles generated by
grinding ,milling andcrushing operations. The Rosin-Rammler distribution predicts fewer fine particles than theLog-normal distribution . It is generally most accurate for narrow PSDs.Using the cumulative distribution function:
* "F(x; k; λ)" is themass fraction of particles with diameter < "x"
* "λ" is the mean particle size
* "k" is a measure of particle size spreadReferences
*cite web |url=http://www.erpt.org/014Q/nelsa-06.htm |title=Dispersing Powders in Liquids, Part 1, Chap 6: Particle Volume Distribution |accessdate=2008-02-05 |last=Nelson, Jr |first=Ralph |date=2008-02-05
External links
* [http://www.barringer1.com/wa_files/Weibull-ASME-Paper-1951.pdf A Statistical Distribution Function of Wide Applicability (the original 1951 article).]
* [http://www.xycoon.com/Weibull.htm The Weibull distribution (with examples, properties, and calculators).]
* [http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/weibplot.htm The Weibull plot.]
* [http://www.weibull.com/GPaper/index.htm Weibull plotting paper.]
* [http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath122/kmath122.htm Mathpages - Weibull Analysis]
* [http://www.qualitydigest.com/jan99/html/weibull.html Using Excel for Weibull Analysis]
This article from the Quality Digest describes how to use MS Excel to analyse lifetest data with the Weibull statistical distribution. Although Excel doesn't have an inverse Weibull function, this article shows how to use Excel to solve for critical values.
* [http://www.bobabernethy.com/bios_weibull.htm Biography of Waloddi Weibull. ]
* TheSOCR Resource provides [http://socr.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Distributions.html interactive interface to Weibull distribution] .
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