- AMD K6-2
The K6-2 was an
x86 microprocessor introduced by AMD on May 28, 1998, and available in speeds ranging from 266 to 550 MHz. It had a 64 KiB Level 1 cache (32 KiB instruction and 32 KiB data), ran at 2.2volt s, was manufactured using a 0.25micrometre process, had 9.3 milliontransistor s, and fit in aSocket 7 orSuper Socket 7 motherboard .History
The K6-2 was designed as a competitor to the slightly older and significantly more expensive
Intel Pentium II . Performance of the two chips was broadly similar: the previous K6 tending to be faster for general-purpose computing, the Intel part clearly superior at floating-point tasks. The K6-2 was a very successful chip and provided AMD with the marketing base and the financial stability it would need to introduce theAthlon .The K6-2 was the first CPU to introduce a floating point
SIMD instruction set (dubbed3DNow! by AMD), which could significantly boost the performance of 3D-enabled applications. It beat to the market the similar but more complicated SSE instruction set from Intel by several months.Nearly all K6-2s were designed to use 100 MHz
Super Socket 7 mainboards, and this provided a major boost to system performance. Early in the K6-2's career, the K6-2 300 was by far the best-selling variant. It rapidly established an excellent reputation in the marketplace and competed fiercely with Intel'sCeleron 300A for the non-exotic performance market. The Celeron offered a smaller but faster cache and an excellent floating-point unit; the K6-2 offered much faster RAM access (courtesy of the Super 7 mainboard) and 3DNow graphics extensions. Both parts sold well, and both attracted their share of loyalists. (At this time, the fastest available Pentium IIs were slightly more powerful than either of the cheaper chips, but vastly more expensive.)As the market moved on, AMD released a long series of faster K6-2 parts, the best-selling ones being the 350, 400, 450, and 500. By the time the 450 and the 500 were mainstream parts, newer and faster chips had taken the high-performance market and K6-2s still competed with Celerons, but in the budget CPU category. The 100 MHz mainboard of the K6-2 allowed it to withstand the effects of ever-increasing CPU multipliers fairly gracefully and in later life it remained surprisingly competitive.
The little-known K6-2+ was an enhanced K6-2 with 128 KiB of integrated
L2 cache and built on a 0.18micrometre process (essentially aK6-III + with half the L2 cache). The K6-2+ was specifically designed as a low-power mobile CPU, and released at a time when mainstream desktop machines were fast moving on to newer platforms like the Athlon. It sold in modest numbers to its target market, and although AMD made no attempt to publicise this, it was also made available as an orthodox desktop CPU. The desktop-packaged K6-2+ was overshadowed in the market by the Athlon (a significantly faster part), the K6-III, and the original K6-2 which, although slower and only marginally cheaper, was better-known and easier to obtain. The K6-2+ topped out at 570MHz.Models
K6-3D (Chomper, 250 nm)
CPUID : Family 5, Model 8, Stepping 0
* L1-Cache: 32 + 32 KiB (Data + Instructions)
* MMX,3DNow!
* 9.3 million transistors
*Super Socket 7
*Front side bus : 66, 100 MHz
* VCore: 2.2V
* First release:May 28 ,1998
* Clockrate: 233, 266, 300, 333 & 350 MHzK6-3D (Chomper Extended (CXT), 250 nm)
* CPUID: Family 5, Model 8, Stepping 12
* L1-Cache: 32 + 32 KiB (Data + Instructions)
* MMX,3DNow!
*Super Socket 7
*Front side bus : 66, 95, 97, 100 MHz
* VCore: 2.0(mobile)/2.2/2.3/2.4V
* First release:November 16 ,1998
* Clockrate: 266, 300, 333, 350, 366, 380, 400, 427.5, 450, 475, 500, 533 & 550 MHzK6-2+ (180 nm, mobile)
* CPU ID: AuthenticAMD Family 5 Model 13
* L1-Cache: 32 + 32 KiB (Data + Instructions)
* L2-Cache: 128 KiB, fullspeed
* MMX, Extended3DNow! ,PowerNow!
* Super7
*Front side bus : 95, 97, 100 MHz
* VCore: 2.0 V
* First release:April 18 ,2000
* Manufacturing process: 0.18 µm
* Clockrate: 450, 475, 500, 533, 550 MHz. (570 MHz, undocumented)External links
* [http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_1260_1217,00.html AMD-K6-2 Processor] AMD
* [http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_1260_1300%5E1307,00.html AMD K6-2+ Mobile Product Brief] AMD
* [http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=1406 Anandtech: Super7 Upgrade Guide]
* [http://www.geek.com/procspec/amd/k63dmmx.htm Geek.com: AMD-K6-2 (K6 3D MMX)]
* [http://www.geek.com/procspec/amd/k63dmmx.htm AMD - K6-2 (K6 3D MMX)] at Geek.com
* [http://www.pcguide.com/ref/cpu/fam/g6.htm Technical overview of the AMD-K6 series]
* [http://www.cpushack.net/gallery/index.php?folder=/chippics/AMD/K6-2/ Pictures of AMD-K6-2 chips at CPUShack.com]
* [http://balusc.xs4all.nl/srv/har-cpu-amd-k6.php AMD K6-2 technical specifications]
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