- HP series 80
The Hewlett-Packard series 80 of small scientific desktop computers was introduced in 1979, beginning with the popular model 85 targeted at engineering and control applications. They provided the capability of the
HP 9800 series desktop computers into a smaller and less expensive form factor. Ultimately, the market for desktop computing would go to industry standard personal computers, such as the IBM PC which would be shortly after the 80 series.Features
The HP-85's typewriter-style desktop case contained a 5" CRT screen, a tape drive (DC-100 cartridges, 210 kB capacity, 650 B/s transfer) and a thermal printer. It could be expanded through four module slots in the back that could hold memory modules, ROM extensions, or interfaces such as
RS-232 and GPIB.The machines were built around an HP-proprietary
CPU running at 625 kHz (0.6 MHz, sic) and had a BASIC interpreter in ROM. Programs could be stored on DC-100 cartridge tapes or on disk/tape units connected through GPIB.Despite the comparatively slow processor, the machines were quite advanced compared to other desktop computers of the time [e.g.
Apple II (1977), TandyTRS-80 (1977), CBM 4032 (1979),Zenith Z89 (1980)] . The standard number format was a 12-digit (decimal) mantissa with exponents up to ±499, and the interpreter supported a full set of scientific functions at this accuracy.They also included graphics functions (on screen and hard copy) in the standard model and could easily be expanded in hardware and software - for example, matrix operations could be added to the BASIC interpreter through option ROMs. For the larger HP-86 and HP-87 series, HP also offered a plug-in
CP/M processor card.Models
External links
* [http://www.series80.org/ series80.org]
* [http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/abouthp/histnfacts/museum/personalsystems/0029/0029sixviews.html HP-85 pictures from all sides]
* [http://www.voidware.com/calcs/hp85rep.htm Repairing the HP-85 tape drive]
* [ Series 80 Listings and Files hosted at AKSO]
* [http://www.computercollector.com/archive/ HP Series 80 Configuration Guide hosted at www.computercollector.com]Notes
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