Pei Chun Public School

Pei Chun Public School

Infobox Singapore School
name = Pei Chun Public School (PCPS)

motto = 礼义廉耻
(Courtesy, Justice, Honesty, Honour)
established = 1933
type = Government-Aided, Primary, SAP
session = Single session
principal = Mr Chin Kim Woon
city/town = Toa Payoh
school code = 5602
colours = Green, Red, Yellow
enrollment =
homepage = [ Link]

Pei Chun Public School is a government-aided primary school, located in Toa Payoh, Singapore.


Pei Chun began as a Chinese medium school with only 90 students at Tanglin Road on 12 May 1933. In its history, the school has moved to different locations, before settling in Toa Payoh in 1970. The Toa Payoh premise was officially opened on 29 June 1973 and it underwent further expansion in the 1980s.

In 1990, Pei Chun became one of the 10 Special Assistance Plan (SAP) primary schools in Singapore. The school moved to a new building in 2001.

chool badge

The flag of Pei Chun is white with the school crest (a red circle, a yellow nib and a green triangle overlapping each other) in the centre.

The colour white signifies the innocence of the pupils who are receiving a healthy all-round education in our school.

The red circle signifies the co-operation among the staff, pupils and management committee members of the school.

The yellow nib represents our government's education policy which we implement.

The green triangle represents the scientific approach we use in our quest for truth and knowledge to prepare our future citizens for the task of nation building.

chool motto

*Courtesy 礼 — We must pay respect to other people especially to our parents, teachers, brothers sisters, friends and schoolmates. We must observe law and order in our society and show courtesy wherever we go.

*Justice 义 — We must be willing to perform good deeds to others, and even sacrifice our benefit for the good cause of mankind, e.g. give generously to the poor and destitute, help the handicapped and those who are really in need. Whatever we do, we must be guided by the principles of justice.

*Honesty 廉 — Honesty means upright conduct and free from corrupt practice. We should not take anything which we do not deserve. There is an old saying, "Honesty is cultivated in thrift". Since honesty is formed while we are young, we will be able to perform our duty honestly in our future.

*Honour 耻 — We should be constantly on the alert and refrain from doing things which we think are wrong. A person who esteems honour will have confidence in himself. He will correct his mistakes whenever he finds them.


In 1992, Pei Chun achieved 100% Passes in PSLE for the first time in its history.

Pei Chun achieved Sustained Achievement Awards (Arts) for commendable performance by the school’s choir and Chinese Dance in 2002, Sustained Achievement Awards (Sports) for continual excellent performance by the School’s Volleyball and Table-tennis teams in 2003, Gold Award for Physical Fitness in 2003, and 2 Sustained Achievement Awards for Sports and Physical Fitness in 2004.

In 2003, Pei Chun’s Chinese Orchestra held a sell-out inaugural public performance at the Singapore Conference Hall. Only 3 July 2004, Performing Arts groups of Pei Chun Public School held a public Concert. In 2008 Pei Chun had received the Excellence In Partnership Award by the MOE


我们是受培群学校栽培的一群, 誓愿立定志向, 努力学习, 争取最佳成绩; 我们要以优良传统为根基, 我们要向德智体群美五育俱全的好兄姐看齐, 服务社会,造福人群, 一如既往,为校争光


1933 12 May

5月12日 Began as a Chinese medium school at Tanglin Road with over 90 students.

公立培群学校在东陵路一店屋诞生,学生只有90 余名。 1935

Moved to a shophouse in Orchard Road with an enrolment of over 100 students.

培群迁至乌节路,学生100 多人。 1941

Mr Foo Tuck Sun was appointed as the 6th Principal. Enrolment increased to over 200 students.

符德新先生受委为第六任校长,培群招生人数增至200 多人。 Dec

12月 School stopped functioning because of the Japanese invasion of Singapore.

日军侵略新加坡,培群不得不宣布停课。 1946 1 Jan

1月1日 School resumed in an old bungalow at Anderson Road with more than 300 students.

培群复办,以安德申一座旧洋楼为校舍,学生300 多人。 1947

Moved to a bungalow at Balmoral Road.

培群迁至峇摩劳路一洋房上课。 1949

Bought the Balmoral Road premises after a bank loan of $40,000 was granted.

培群向银行贷款4万元,购入峇摩劳路的校舍。 1952

More than $30,000 was raised by the school, teachers and pupils to improve the basic facilities of the school.

培群董事及师生共筹得三万余元作为改善基本设施之用。 1956

Became a government-aided primary school.

培群成为政府辅助小学。 1960-1961

The school was faced with two problems – outstanding arrears in bank loan and constant flooding during rainy seasons.

培群面对银行贷款不能如期偿还以及水患问题。 1962-1965

A total of $71,000 was raised and hence for the first time, Pei Chun had its own premises. However, this was not an ideal site because of the constant flooding. The school management committee decided to look for an alternative site.

筹得七万一千元,培群终于有了一所属于自己的校舍。但因积水导致学生人数继续减少,董事部决定寻找新地点建新校舍。 1969 Jan

I月 MOE offered a piece of land to Pei Chun at Toa Payoh Lorong 6.

教育部把大巴窑六巷的一片空地分配给培群建新校舍。 1970 2 Jan

1月2日 Started its operations in Toa Payoh.

培群在新校舍开始上课。 1973 29 Jun

6月29日 Official Opening of the new school at Toa Payoh.

培群在大巴窑校址举行新校舍落成典礼。 1980 24 May

5月24日 Official Opening of the 1st expansion of school building. The 4 storey new building includes a Science Laboratory, dance studio, language laboratory, theatre and classrooms.

培群举行扩建新校舍落成典礼。四层楼高的建筑设施包括科学实验室,舞蹈室,语文室,视听室及课室。 1983 Produced National top PSLE student – Zhang Kwang Min of 6H. He scored an aggregate score of 420.

6H班张广铭在小六离校会考中获最高分,成为全国状元。 1989 14 Jan

1月14日 Celebration of completion of the Indoor Sports Hall, built at a cost of over $1,000,000.

一座耗资百万元的现代化室内体育馆宣布落成。 1989 Produced 1st President’s Scholar – Ms Lynette Shek Pei Qi (1982, 6C).

培群培育了第一位总统奖学金得主-石佩琪(毕业于1982年6C班) 1990 2 Jan

1月2日 Selected to be one of the 10 SAP primary schools in Singapore.

培群成为十所特选小学之一。 1992

Achieved 100% Passes in PSLE for the first time in the history of Pei Chun.

小六离校会考,培群取得有史以来第一次总成绩100巴仙及格率。 1993 28 May

5月28日 Celebrated 60th Founder’s Day with a grand dinner with 1730 guests.

培群庆祝60周年校庆,出席晚宴的嘉宾有1730位。 1994 11 Jan

1月11日 Ground-breaking ceremony for another expansion programme. The 3 storey high building included a new general office, computer laboratories and classroom.

培群举行扩建新教学楼动土仪式。三层楼高的新建筑的设施包括新的行政室,电脑室及课室。 24 Aug

8月24日 Pei Chun Old Students’ Association was formed.

培群校友会成立。 1995 27 May

5月27日 Triple Celebrations – Completion of new building, 62nd Founder’s Day and official establishment of Old Students’ Association. The new building was official opened by the Minister of Communications, Mr Mah Bow Tan.

培群举行三庆联欢宴会,庆祝扩建新校舍落成、62周年校庆及校友会成立。交通部长马宝山为新校舍主持揭幕。 1996 11 Nov

11月11日 Bronze Statue of 12th SMC Chairman, Mr Chao Yoke San, was erected in the school grounds.

培群举行赵玉山董事长铜像揭幕仪式。 1996 1996 SMC 12th Chairman, Mr Chao Yoke San stepped down as Chairman after serving for 40 years and became Honorary Chairman and Executive Advisor till he passed away in December 2001.

第12任董事长赵玉山先生荣休。赵先生于1956年进董事部服务,鞠躬尽瘁长达40年。荣休后,仍当董事部永久执行顾问,直至2001年底辞世。 1998 24 May

5月24日 Held a carnival featuring traditional food, games and handicraft to commemorate 65th Founder’s Day.

培群举行65周年校庆嘉年华会。 29 May

5月29日 Celebrated 65th Founder’s Day with a grand dinner for 1,500 guests.

培群庆祝65周年校庆,出席晚宴的嘉宾有1500位。 2001 31 Aug

8月31日 Completed PRIME and moved to its new building in Lorong 7 Toa Payoh.

培群从旧校舍迁至座落在大巴窑七巷的新校舍。 2002

Produced 2nd President’s Scholar – Ms Yeo Wenshan (1995, 6A).


Achieved the Sustained Achievement Awards (Arts) for continuous excellent performance by the school’s choir and Chinese Dance Troupe.

培群由于歌咏和华族舞蹈两方面的持续优异成绩,第一次获颁持恒成就奖(艺术)。 31 Dec

12月31日 7th Principal, Mr Chen Keng Juan retired after serving Pei Chun for 31½years. Mr Chin Kim Woon became the 8th Principal.

担任第七任校长长达31年半的陈经源先生荣休,由陈京文先生继任第八任校长。 2003 8 Mar

3月8日 Pei Chun’s Chinese Orchestra held a sell-out inaugural public performance at the Singapore Conference Hall.


Achieved Sustained Achievement Awards (Sports) for continuous excellent performance by the School’s Volleyball and Table-tennis teams. Also achieved Gold Award for Physical Fitness.

培群因排球队及乒乓球队在全国赛中的持续优异成绩,获颁体育与体能持恒成就奖。 12 Jul 2003

7月12日 Official Opening of Pei Chun’s new school building cum 70th Founder’s Day Celebration. The Guest of honour was the Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, Mr Teo Chee Hean.



11月 Official Opening of Pei Chun Heritage Loft. The Guest of Honour was Minister of State for MOE & MCYS, Mr Chan Soo Sen.


2004 3 Jul

7月3日 Held a concert “On Wings of Colour I” in the school air-conditioned hall to commemorate 71th Founder’s Day. The Guest of Honour was Mr Wee Heng Tin, former DGE, who is also an ex-pupil of Pei Chun.

“群彩飞扬 I”文艺晚会-庆祝71周年校庆。当晚的嘉宾是前教育部提学司黄庆新先生,他也是培群校友。

2005 Mar

三月 Awarded “Programme for School-based Excellence (PSE)” by MOE for Pei Chun’s Sports Talent Identification and Nurturing Programme.

培群获教育部颁发“卓越学校专长活动奖”(体育人才发掘及培训计划)。 29 May

5月29日 Celebrated 72nd Founders’ Day with a Learning Carnival & Family Day.


22 Jul

7月22日 Official Opening of South Zone Centre of Excellence for Chinese Language by DGE, Ms Seah Jiak Joo


2005 The only primary school to be awarded SAA in all 3 categories – Aesthetics, Sports & Physical Fitness.

培群是唯一获得艺术、体育和体能三项持恒成就奖的小学。 2006 Mar Awarded “Programme for School-based Excellence (PSE)” by MOE for the 2nd time for Pei Chun’s Sports Talent Identification and Nurturing Programme.

培群再次获颁“卓越学校专长活动奖”(体育人才发掘及培训计划)。 14 Jul

7月14日 Celebration of 73rd Founder’s Day, Official Opening of Pei Chun’s new Sports Hall and 12th Anniversary of Pei Chun Old Students’ Association. The official opening included the opening of the Alumni Room which is within the New Sports Hall. The Guest of Honour was Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Minister of Education and Second Minister for Finance. 


Pei Chun Old Students’ Association 12th Anniversary & Opening of Alumni Room Souvenir Magazine was published.


31 Oct

10月31日 Awarded Singapore Quality Class (SQC) by SRPING Singapore.


Achieved Sustained Achievement Award for Sports and Sustained Achievement Award for Physical Fitness。

培群获得体育及体能持恒成就奖。 2007 26 Feb

2月26日 Pei Chun Old Students’ Association was re-named as Pei Chun Alumni Association. At the same time, a logo for the Alumni Association was launched.


13 Mar

3月13日 Chinese Orchestra Public Performance 2007 jointly organized by Pei Chun Public School and The Singapore Chinese Schools’ Conference (SCSC) at Victoria Concert Hall. The Guest of Honour was Minister of State for MND, Ms Grace Fu.

培群华乐团在维多利亚音乐厅举行公开演出“群韵初啼 2007”。此演出是培群与新加坡华校联合会联办。大会嘉宾为当时的国家发展部政务部长傅海燕女士。


3月 Awarded “Programme for School-based Excellence (PSE)” by MOE for the 3rd time for Pei Chun’s Sports Talent Identification and Nurturing Programme.

培群第三次获颁“卓越学校专长活动奖”(体育人才发掘及培训计划)。 26 May

5月26日 Celebrated 74th Founders’ Day with a Learning Fair & Family Day.


11 Jul

7月11日 Official Opening of South Zone Centre of Excellence for Sports (SZ COE for Sports). The Guest of Honour was Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister of State for Education and Manpower.


2 Oct

MOE awarded Pei Chun for School Distinction Award (SDA), one of the top two awards given by MOE for her outstanding academic and non-academic achievements over the past years. The school also received the Best Practice Award (BPA) in teaching and learning.

培群获颁由教育部发出的优异学校奖及最佳治校奖(教与学)。这两个奖项肯定了校方与教育伙伴在为学生提供优质教育方面所作的努力。 要获得优异学校奖,学校必须拥有优良的教学方法,在学术、体能、美育、社会与道德教育及领导能力方面都取得佳绩. 换言之,培群获得优异学校奖这项殊荣,不仅是在促进学生的全面发展方面获得教育部的肯定,近年来卓越的小六会考成绩也获得教育部的认同。今年,培群也获颁三项持恒成就奖(美育、体育、体能)。

2008 12 May

Celebrated 75th Founder’s Day Celebration - Sealing of the Time Capsule by Dr Chau Sik Ting (BBM), Chairman of the School Management Committee.

七十五周年校庆活动之一 : 于教学楼置放时间囊,由培群董事部赵锡盛董事长(BBM)主持仪式。


5月 Awarded “Programme for School-based Excellence (PSE)” by MOE for the 4th time for Pei Chun’s Sports Talent Identification and Nurturing Programme.

培群第四次获颁“卓越学校专长活动奖”(体育人才发掘及培训计划)。 26 Jun Celebrated 75th Founder’s Day Celebration - Concert “On Wings of Colour II” at the University Cultural Centre. The Guest of Honour is Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen.

adapted from school website

Notable alumni

* Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Singaporean politician with the People's Action Party
* Chew Chor Meng, Mediacorp actor
* Kaira Gong, Singaporean singer

External links

* [ Pei Chun Public School] - official website
* [ Pei Chun's old buildings' photographs]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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