List of temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

List of temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


This is a list of temples operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in chronological order. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also called the Mormon Church, a temple is a building dedicated to be a House of the Lord, and they are considered by Church members to be the most sacred structures on earth. Upon completion, temples are usually open to the public for a short period of time (an "Open House"). During the Open House, the church conducts tours of the temple with missionaries and members from the local area serving as tour guides, and all rooms of the temple are open to the public. The temple is then dedicated as a "House of the Lord," after which only members in good standing are permitted entrance, thus they are not churches but rather places of worship. LDS Temple status

Within temples, members of the Church make covenants, receive instructions, and perform sacred ordinances, such as: baptism for the dead, washing and anointing (or "initiatory" ordinances), the "endowment," and eternal marriage sealings. Ordinances are a vital part of the theology of the church, which teaches that they were practiced by the Lord's covenant people in all dispensations. Additionally, members consider the temple a place to commune with God, seek God’s aid, understand the will of God, and receive personal revelation.


In 1832, shortly after the formation of the Church, Joseph Smith, Jr. said that the Lord desired the saints build a temple; [Recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants, Smith wrote that the Lord commanded the Saints to "establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;" (see lds|D&C|dc|88|119|120)] and they completed the Kirtland Temple in 1836. Initially, the Church constructed temples in areas where there were large concentrations of members: Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Hawai'i (all in the USA), and Alberta (Canada). In the mid 20th century, because of the importance of temples in the theology, the Church tried to balance density with the travel requirements that attending the temple imposed upon members. Thus, temples were built in Europe (Switzerland-1955 and England-1958); the Pacific Islands (New Zealand-1958); and Washington, D.C. (1974 - first American temple East of Utah since Nauvoo in 1846) when membership alone might not have justified the effort.

In the 1980s, Spencer W. Kimball directed the Church to build smaller temples with similar designs [Before this time, all but the Switzerland temple were at least 45,000 sq ft (4,100 m2), and the average size of the first 20 temples was 103,000 sq ft (9,600 m2). The new temples varied in size but were generally less than 25,000 sq ft (2,300 m2). By comparison, the Nauvoo temple, built in the 1840s, was 54,000 sq ft (5,000 m2). Some of these temples have been remodeled since the original construction to provide additional rooms.] allowing temples to be built where there were fewer members. As a result the first temples in South America (Brazil-1978); Asia (Japan-1980); and Central America (Mexico City-1983) were built and the number of temples doubled from 15 to 36.

Church president and prophet Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-2008) also accelerated the construction of temples through the use of an even smaller standardized base design. [Hinckley announced the use of smaller standardized temples in 1997 (cite web |url=,5232,49-1-32-20,00.html |title=Some Thoughts on Temples, Retention of Converts, and Missionary Service |accessdate=2006-10-30 |author=Gordon B. Hinckley |authorlink=Gordon B. Hinckley |work=167th Semiannual General Conference, October 1997 ). The base design is about 10,700 sq ft (1,000 m2), and temples built from the design are generally between 10,000 and 18,000 sq ft (900 and 1,700 m2). These temples generally do not include a large laundry facility, do not provide members with the ability to rent temple clothing, nor provide a cafeteria for members (Almanac, 2000).] In 1998 when there were only 51 temples, Hinckley set a goal to have 100 temples before 2001. [cite web |url=,5232,49-1-26-35,00.html |title=New Temples to Provide "Crowning Blessings" of the Gospel |accessdate=2006-10-30 |author=Gordon B. Hinckley |authorlink=Gordon B. Hinckley |work=168th Annual General Conference, April 1998 ] Between the brief building period from 1998 to 2001, 38 of these standardized temples were constructed and dedicated, meeting Hinckley's goal by having 102 dedicated temples before 2001. During Hinckley's service as president, the number of temples more than doubled from 47 to 124. [Because the two prior Presidents of the Church before Hinckley (Kimball and Ezra Taft Benson) had incapacitating illnesses during the latter part of their service as prophet, Hinckley dedicated a total of 84 temples, even though, during his presidency, 14 temples were dedicated by others: James E. Faust (7), Thomas S. Monson (6), and Boyd K. Packer (1).]


List of temples

Destroyed or operated by others

LDS Temple/Kirtland Temple |format = LDS Temple list LDS Temple/Nauvoo Temple |format = LDS Temple list LDS Temple list

name = Apia Samoa Temple
display_name = Apia Samoa
location = Apia, Samoa
dedication = 5 August 1983
dedication_by = Gordon B. Hinckley
dedication_link = yes
status = Destroyed
floor_area_ft = 14560
design = Classic Modern, single spire
notes = Destroyed by fire on 9 July 2003. Rebuilt temple was dedicated 4 September 2005 (see 22)
reference =


Dedicated: 19th century

LDSTemple top LDS Temple/St. George Utah Temple | format=LDS Temple list LDS Temple/Manti Utah Temple | format=LDS Temple list | reference= [Satterfield, Rick. [ Manti Utah Temple] . Retrieved on 23 December 2006.] LDS Temple/Salt Lake Temple | format=LDS Temple list

Dedicated: early 20th century

LDS Temple/Cardston Alberta Temple | format=LDS Temple list LDS Temple/Mesa Arizona Temple | format=LDS Temple list

Dedicated: 1950s & '60s

Dedicated: 1970s

Dedicated: 1980s

LDS Temple/Atlanta Georgia Temple | format=LDS Temple list LDS Temple/Apia Samoa Temple | format=LDS Temple list
reference=Images of the different designs may be found [ here (new)] and [ here (old)] ]

LDS Temple/Nuku alofa Tonga Temple | format=LDS Temple list | reference= [cite press release |title=Public to Tour Renovated Temple in Nuku’alofa, Tonga |publisher=The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |date=2007-07-10 |accessdate=2007-08-14
] [Weaver, Sara Jane 2007-11-05. " [,5143,695224826,00.html LDS Tonga Temple rededicated] ". Deseret Morning News.]

LDS Temple/Mexico City Mexico Temple | format=LDS Temple list
reference= [cite web |title=México City México Temple |url= |accessdate=2007-08-14] [cite web |title=Mexico City Mexico Temple |url=,11204,1929-1-62-2,00.html |publisher=The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |accessdate=2008-06-15]

; First smaller temples dedicated LDS Temple/Freiberg Germany Temple | format=LDS Temple list | reference= [cite press release |title=Freiberg Germany Temple to Be Rededicated |url=,15367,3899-1---3-633,00.html |publisher=The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |date=2002-08-16 |accessdate=2006-09-29 ]

Dedicated: 1990s

; Standardized temple building period begins LDS Temple/Guayaquil Ecuador Temple | format=LDS Temple list LDS Temple/Spokane Washington Temple | format=LDS Temple list

Dedicated: 2000s

; Hinckley's goal to reach 100 temples by end of 2000 reached LDS Temple/Asunción Paraguay Temple | format=LDS Temple list LDS Temple/Nauvoo Illinois Temple | format=LDS Temple list LDS Temple/Curitiba Brazil Temple | format = LDS Temple list | reference = [ [,11204,1919-1-29-1,00.html Curtiba Brazil Temple] , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Last accessed on 2008-02-14.] LDS Temple/Panamá City Panamá Temple | format = LDS Temple list | reference = [ [ Panama City Panama Temple] , Last accessed on 2008-02-15.] cite news|url=,5143,700249856,00.html |title=LDS Church's 127th temple is dedicated in Panama |first=Jason |last=Swensen |publisher=Deseret News |date=2008-08-11 |accessdate=2008-08-12] LDS Temple/Twin Falls Idaho Temple | format = LDS Temple list | reference = [cite press release |publisher= The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |date= 2006-04-07 |url=,15503,4044-1-23197,00.html |title= Twin Falls Temple Construction to Begin |accessdate= 2006-06-09 ] [ [ Twin Falls Idaho Temple] , Last accessed on 2008-02-15.]

Under construction or announced

Note: Numbering of temples announced or under construction is tentative (which is indicated by placing the numbers in italics) pending the dedication of the temple.

Efforts suspended

number =

name = Independence
location = Independence, Missouri
dedication_date = Site dedicated on 1 August 1831
dedication_by = Joseph Smith, Jr
status = Site Dedicated and Cornerstones Laid; Further efforts halted.
size_ft =
size_m =
style =
notes = "Site Dedicated 1 August 1831. The plat for the City of Zion (Independence, Missouri) originally called for 24 temples at the center of the city."See DHC 1:357-362 or James R. Clark, Messages of the First Presidency, Vol.1, p.6-10 where full architectural descriptions are given. "The names of the temples to be built on the painted squares as represented on the plot of the city of Zion, which is now about to be forwarded thither: -- numbers 10, 11, and 1 2, are to be called, House of the Lord, for the Presidency of the High and most Holy Priesthood, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of the Son of God, upon Mount Zion, City of the New Jerusalem. Numbers 7, 8, and 9, the Sacred Apostolic Repository, for the use of the Bishop. Numbers 4, 5, and 6, the Holy Evangelical House, for the High Priesthood of the Holy Order of God. Numbers 1, 2, and 3, the House of the Lord for the Elders of Zion, an Ensign to the Nations. Numbers 22, 23, and 24, House of the Lord for the Presidency of the High Priesthood, after the Order of Aaron, a Standard for the People. Numbers 19, 20, and 21, House of the Lord, the Law of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Messenger of the People; for the Highest Priesthood after the Order of Aaron. Numbers 16, 17, 18, House of the Lord for the Teachers in Zion, Messenger to the Church. Numbers 13, 14, and 15, House of the Lord for the Deacons in Zion, Helps in Government.] A temple has never been built at this location because the temple's site, as designated by Joseph Smith, Jr, is occupied by an LDS denomination known as the Church of Christ (Temple Lot).
number =

name = Adam-ondi-Ahman
location = Adam-ondi-Ahman, Missouri
dedication_date = Site dedicated on 26 April 1838
dedication_by = Joseph Smith, Jr.
status = "Site Dedicated; Further efforts halted".
size_ft =
size_m =
style =
notes = Announced 26 April 1838
number =

name = Far West
location = Far West, Missouri
dedication_date = Cornerstones dedicated on 26 April 1839
dedication_by = The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
status = Site Dedicated and Cornerstones Laid; Further efforts halted.
size_ft =
size_m =
style =
notes = Cornerstones dedicated 26 April 1839.
number =

name = Hartford Connecticut
location = Hartford, Connecticut, USA
dedication_date = 3 October 1992
dedication_by =
status = announced
size_ft =
size_m =
notes = Announced at 162nd Semiannual General Conference. [cite web|url=|title=Report of the 162nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints|date=November 1992|accessdate=2007-02-15] Efforts to be redirected to Boston, Massachusetts and White Plains, New York.cite web|url=|title=Of Missions, Temples, and Stewardship|date=November 1995|accessdate=2007-02-15]
number =

name = White Plains New York
location = Harrison, New York, USA
dedication_date = 30 September 1995
dedication_by =
status = announced
size_ft = 28,400
size_m = 2,640
notes = Along with the Boston Massachusetts Temple, it was to be built instead of the Hartford Connecticut Temple. Reportedly, efforts were still underway in 2004, though delayed by lawsuits and objections by local officials. [According to a Deseret News Article about the Manhattan Temple.cite web|url=,1249,595069292,00.html|title=N.Y. Temple to Get Spire|date=10 June 2004|accessdate=2007-10-19] However, this temple was removed from the list on the Church's official temple website soon after the dedication of the Manhattan New York Temple


ee also

* Temple architecture (Latter-day Saints)
* List of buildings


* (Almanac)
* (Almanac)
* (Official List)

External links

* [,11273,1896-1,00.html Official Church Temples Site]
* [ List of leaders that dedicated each temple]
* [ Temple Geography Links]

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