name = ESDES School of Business and Management
established = 1987
type = Private
city = Lyon
country = France
website= []

ESDES School of Business and Management was founded in 1987 as part of the Catholic University of Lyon which has stood for a hundred and thirty years since its foundation in 1875 in Lyon, France. ESDES is state-recognised and its diploma carries the 'visa' of approval and the Master degree of the French Ministry of Education. The school is part of the "Conférence des Grandes Écoles" organisation which gather top french business school that have proven academic excellence and selectivity in admissions.

Facts and Figures

*1,000 students in 2007
*120 teachers, 35 of whom are permanent
*3,122 applicants in 2007
*210 students in each year group
*90 links with other universities and business schools in 34 countries

The Five Year Course

In accordance with European and international teaching practices the ESDES course has two stages (a three year period followed by a two-year period) over which students may develop their career paths. The course is built around the key business skills that students will need in their future careers.

An international culture

Each student has to take at least two foreign languages and does a six months study abroad program in an english speaking country followed by a two-month work placement at the end of the 2nd year. In the 4th year, every student spends one semesters at one of the school's 100 partner universities or business schools.


The GEMO is the research centre at ESDES. The GEMO consists of ESDES faculty with considerable active involvement in research.

Research at the GEMO has several objectives. The first is to contribute to the development of knowledge of organisational science and business management by carrying out fundamental and applied research. The research work is also intended to serve a certain number of pedagogical needs. The research undertaken by the various members of the GEMO acts as the departure point for new course content taught at the school, both in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and vocational training courses.

ee also

*Education in France

External links

* [ ESDES School of Business & Management Website]
* [ Actuesdes, The students website]

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